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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. No.... it's not a prequel. They are all *continuing* story lines. Heh, heh....
  2. Not a good idea. There is a DEPP CON that will be going on in Oct I believe... and it is not sanctioned by Johnny Depp or his handlers so Disney is obliged to not participate. Nor is anyone involved with POTC allowed to participate. Sad but true, legal gets in the way.
  3. Aye. I DO know. You were sorely missed too. Many there was speakin' yer name and wonderin' where ya might be. I was rather sad myself as I was lookin' forward ta meetin' ya (havin' heard so much wonderful words about ya from Quill an' all) I'm still grabbing the pictures off my camera as I drove back up Hwy 1 and just got in late last night. But pictures there will be!! Whoo Hoo!! Oh... I mean, well met sir!! Looking forward to it.
  4. What???? No pictures???? 'SOME Of us didn;t get to GO this year you know! Pictures?????
  5. Ahoy you scurvy lot, The Make a Wish Foundation is having a Charity Pumpkin Patch in October, right smack in the middle of the Burbank Media Center Mall. Thay have asked me if on October 23rd or 30th we might be able to pressgang a Pirate crew to handle the crowds and sales from 10 am to 3pm. Shanty sing along, interaction with the crowds and FULL Pirate regalia. If you are interested in helping out please email me or PM me and I'll give you the details. And... a few folks from the POTC have said they will come out for a look. This is NOT about auditions people... this is for Charity. But it doesn't mean we can't have a good time. Let me know if you'd like to participate ASAP.
  6. Oh yeah??? ..................................................... You old salt!!
  7. Thanks lass.... just trust that I'm in the production offices almost every day and I can tell you I doubt ANYONE will be disappointed. So far it's stunning!
  8. They will be selling at video store outlets like SUNCOAST in Novemebr. Yo Ho.
  9. Did you mention it was for BOTH 2&3? If so, i apologise for not seeing it. Yep. Everyone is back on board.
  10. Charity.... I posted it weeks ago that he was coming back. EVERYONE is coming back. :)
  11. The production offices are now filled to the gunnels. The model makers and the Marine dept are hard at work. Everyone is watching the hurricanes since that means the areas they scouted will most likely no longer BE there. Things are moving along folks.... Yo ho ho!!
  12. Yes and no mate.... right now work is all consuming, I MISS this board!!! But the perks.... are nothing to sneeze at!! Miss you all!!!! Back to work.............. (or so says Barbossa!)
  13. No convincing Disney either. All the original cast memebers are signed for the sequals. We moved the production company into their offices this week (if anyone noticed I've been way to busy to be here) and the model makers are hard at work. Looks awesome mates.
  14. Capt'n John and I have shared a few tales on this scum and his information is now happily in the hands of the Disney Legal dept. And let me tell you... they were HAPPY!!!
  15. .....if I missed anything really good! Everyone alright? No traumas or dogfights or weddings or????? Looked at some beautiful houses. (sigh) Carmel, gotta love it! And yes, yes, I missed you all. So c'mon everyone, rat each other out! :)
  16. I'm on vacation at the moment. When I get back to the Studio I'll find you a name and address I agree... equal time!!
  17. By the way... Tigger was aquited and was reinstated at the park as another character. Oh, and at an employee Christams party one year out at the Park, I was heiny-pinched by Donald. Runs in the family and I guess it makes a huge difference if you know your dealing with other employees.
  18. As far as I know, they already have 4 or 5 people that they are already auditioning.... (shrug) I have no idea if they are looking for anyone else. As for Barbossa.... I'll have to check and see when I get back from vacation. Will they have someone out at Disneyworld... don;t know since I have enough trouble on THIS coast but knowing them I'd say it's a safe bet. What one does, the other follows suit if there is money to be made.
  19. Drink up me hearties Yo Ho... Disneyland is in the process of auditioning Jack Sparrows for the park. A swaggering Jack to chase and pose with the guests. Yes, yes it's trues mate, Disney has (in some, tiny measure) seen the error of it's ways and trying to catch up. Also. really ugly Jack hats are now on sale (velvet felt with bendable wire) and they can't keep them on the shelves. Some even have attached dreadlocks. I'm keep you updated ont he search and hiring of a Jack. Don't you love it when we are right??
  20. Whoo Hoo!!! 184 ships!! I always DID know how to shop!! Past Life Piracy by Forchan Your name Iron Bess Occupation Captain Ship Name Daimon Hunter # of ships you sacked 184 How you died Went overboard in a storm
  21. It's all a matter of personal taste I suppose but... (bowing from the waist) Thank you, thank you.
  22. The truth is, no matter how *unethical* it may seem.... if this clown ere a REAL pirate he'd have had his throat slit by now. Selling to Pirate of Kings man, he's a liar and a thief no matter how you dance the words around it. In a piratical democrecy the guy would have simply been taken care of. Now days it just takes a little longer. I heard from a fellow over at Bruckheimer who was laughing his head off. He said if nothing is proof that this guy is out to knowingly take people it might be reflected in his own email address: Piratesrus@myass.com
  23. Bess, why would you want to place a note to this guy with your Disney server on it... If you were in such a worry about your job over discussing the POTC2 movie, wouldn't this be even more risky, not to mention extremely unethical. Excuse me? I don't understand your concern? Yes, my job would be at risk discussing anything that is considered secret about a project. Items posted on eBay hardly qualify as secret information and.... how is stopping a person from selling bogas props and taking advantage of people who might not know any better... unethical? Explain that to me please? I really think that this is no big deal Pity. The Disney Corp would think sham sales a VERY big deal . and I'm quite sure that Disney know about various people trying to sell phony POTC merchandis. Disney has no problem with legal sales. None at all. Outright liars, yes, they have a problem. Especially Bruckheimer. It has happened in the past with other movies and no one losses any sleep over it. Indeed?? You've spoken to each and every one have you?? I agree that it is wrong and should be stopped, but, then there is a lot of wrong that should be stopped. Just a thought............... The Capt. Sorry, it's a thought that makes no sense to me and I highly doubt it would make sense to a fan that paid over $200 for a prop hat that never saw the top of Geoffrey Rush's head. Just a thought.
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