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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. Hmm... if'n he accepts me coin for a fill I call's him boy. If'n he fills me glass with a smile and waves away me coin I call's him lad. (It's all about respect don't ya know!)
  2. Terrific!! Now... let's steer him into the wind!!
  3. ROTDLMBAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nice touch.
  4. Welcome aboard o'ye sister of sin... I'll have the rum and leave you the gin!! Glad to have you lass.
  5. Happy Birthday Bloody Buckets. Truth is, you give US a gift every single day with this site. May it be happy and every thing you wish.
  6. What are ye saying? That only I, Black Hearted Pearl, could interpret a scarf hanging directly below the center crease to be something less appropriate? Well, let me add to my interpretation....he not be jewish either. Aye!! Only you, Black Hearted Pearl would be a look'n on the high seas for non-jewish Pirates. (It's all the swagger m'love, all in the swagger!!)
  7. Happy Birthday mates!! May the rum barrel never run dry!!! Here's to ye!
  8. Is there something sticking out between that pirate's legs or are my eyes playing tricks on me? Me thinks yer eyes be playin tricks! It be the back of the scarf! Ye be correct lass, it does look like somethin' else ROTDLMBAO!!!!! Eye of the beholder darl'n, eye of the beholder!! And if anyone around my area wants one of these they are sold not far from where I live. Save on some shipping.
  9. They may not be piratical... but on sale now at SUNCOAST stores are the 18 inch talking Lord of the Rings dolls. Same maker as will be the Jack dolls and let me tell you they rock!! So I have high hopes for what comes for Pirates. Go!! Do your plundering!
  10. ROTDLMBAO!!! What a magnificent find!!! Ahhhh.... memories.
  11. Nope, the price be right. The talking little bugg'rs are only $39.99
  12. O'maGods!!! Another Jack?? Jeeeze, they're breeding like rabbits!!
  13. Feel free to email me anytime you might have a need to. I am going through the same with my Da right now so.... if you need an ear lass, give us an electronic shout. :) I've already done this three times. It does not get easier but it helps if you have someone to share. And we all know how Pirates LOVE to share!!!
  14. (chuckle) Good thing he wasn't working a Lighthouse for the Wlat Disney Co.
  15. And they are a (ahem...) steal at only $39.95 Pirate.
  16. Pix!! Pix!!!! Somebody post some pix???
  17. Speaking from experience m'self right now... ...how is your mother lass? And how are YOU???
  18. Rest well mate. May the sea's take ye gently.
  19. ( I think I dated his father once... ) Whoo Hoooo!!!! You GO Boy!!!!!! (Death Jr's 3rd cousin once removed)
  20. Thankee one and all.... And most especially to those two *nasty Pirates* that dug into their coin and sent me a beautiful basket of flowers!' Now, I wants ye all to know that they were delivered in true Pirate Fashion. In the dead of night! Around 9pm cloaked in darkness some poor little delivery guy was scared wittless by my German Shepard, he left them on the stair and ran like hell so my neighbor tell it! Thank ye Mad Gracie! Thank ye Touring Gentleman! And thank ye to you all who were kind enough to send yer happy thoughts.
  21. Awww shucks! Ye make a Pirate blush!! Many, many thanks to you all, good friends and better pyrates! And the drinks are STILL on me!! Drink up me hearties Yo Ho!!!!
  22. Jeeze!! See what happenes when I get rummy'd up for a weeks end? I missed this altogether!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY PIRATE!!!!!!! (And may ye get yer EVERY wish!!) huggage,
  23. Good news mate. Selling a favored blade is like sell'n a part of yer Soul. I winced for ye when I first saw this! Have'n all me own weaponry custom forged I felt deeply for ye. Good news indeed!
  24. Happy Birthday! Are ye sober enough to know it ?????? May the day be faire and filled with plunder!
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