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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. Oooooooooo... I'll take a finger ring for better control ANY DAY!!!!
  2. (Shrug) Ahh well, everybody needs a hobby. Yo ho!! (Or should that be.... Yo OH!!!!!
  3. I do know he said he couldn't feel the warmth of a woman's flesh..but this, does this mean he'll eat her raw? Hmmm.... most likely not until she's raw.... but I have no doubt she'll be chafed a little.
  4. I'd not be bet'n the family oars on it. Not just now anyways.... That wharf rat is still being paid the million a year salary for the job they took away from him. Still getting paid. Hump. And thay calls US pirates!!!
  5. (heh, heh...) Then mind what it is ye choose to yank on mate. Anyone here abouts here tell ye I just as soon run a matey through as look him in the eye. Or (shrug) steal his rum. Both would hurt just as much.
  6. Nothing to check on lad.... there is NO casting going on, no prep going on, no nothing except scrip consults right now. Believe me, I will let you all know when things start moving. That will not be until the end of this year for pre production and next year for the start of shooting. Sorry, even Capt'n Jack couldn't change that. Savvy??
  7. A dashing Pirate can be had if the price of the plunder is steep enough says I.... Although... scheduling conflicts can reek havoc with sequals. If Pirates have sigend on to other films in the meantime... and shooting around them is not feesable... they may be relagated to smaller roles until the third film. Sorry.
  8. I can answer for that lad.... A few they had, of all sizes and price. (Most a very DEAR price) but well worth the look. Happy plundering!
  9. Oooooooooo. Sorry, I don't..... think I saw that on the story boards. Maybe next time lad.
  10. Heh heh.... and 'tis known that no matter who or what ye be, the most dangerous place in the world to to find yer self... ....is between a mother and her child. Even if yer a Pirate.
  11. No, not a chance. POTC 2 will not even be going into pre production until the end of this year. The shoot will be next year and most likely the films release will be 2006. If you want a worthy sequal you have to bide your time and let them do it right. If it's rushed.... it'll be trash. Believe me.... it'll be worth waiting for mates.
  12. so theres a sequel to the original movie? whats the name of it? coming out as a rental? Nope, sorry, It'll be a full blown feature film. Most likely out in '06 I hope they concentrate on whats known about piracy vs comical characters such as deps. there was a pirate that talked with depps character in the jail that seemed to fit the bill as its understood. Dont know if he had a name. For me thats a more interesting characterization and very well portrayed. True as that may be lad.... real piracy does not make money. Depp and Rush characters make money so you can bet your boots that is what you'll be seeing. Ahhh, show biz!
  13. Okay mates, here's a *Did you know!*..... How many of you knew that the lad's that wrote your very own, near and dear *Pirates of the Caribbean* film ALSO wrote *Shrek* ??? (chuckle) And ye wondered why there were so many stabs at Disney!! Here's another tid-bit.... *Shrek* was designed from a morphed photo of Michael Eisner. Take a really long and close look. You'll see him in there! Yo Ho!!
  14. Yeah, well.... I've never been one to dodge my age so I don't mind dating m'self! They were fun, were they not??
  15. Nonsense man!! Have you never heard of being shanghaied?? (chuckle) Come lad, I'll be after stealing you aboard me own vessel!!
  16. Huzzah!! POTC Has taken the best fight trophy at the annual Stunt Awards. Sword fighters Tony Angelotti and Mark Wagner, fight doubles for Depp and Rush took home the prizes. And well earned I might add! And they said we wouldn't last!
  17. May the day bring all yer wish's ashore mate! And many, many 'appy returns of the day!
  18. Happy Birthday lass!!! (And I hope yer Capt'n comes home to roost fer a spell!) I raise me tankard to ye!! Many 'appy returns of the day
  19. No Dueling involved missy.... This name comes straight from the writers of the film itself. And you're welcome.
  20. Ahhhhh.... I kinda LIKE this one.
  21. Wench's and scoundrel's.... the deed is done!!! It's now official. From hence fourth and from now on, when ever the island the Capt'n Jack was marooned on is mentioned or made reference to be it on film or paper.... It will be be known as..... (are you ready Lady Maupin???) BLACK SAM'S SPIT Goodnight Gracie!
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