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Capt Thighbiter

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Everything posted by Capt Thighbiter

  1. As ye might expect, Capt T likes his women on the large side. Large, sez I. There be naught as comfortin as ta lie 'tween big soft thighs and a thundering wide set o' hips to steady yerself upon. Makes going ta Faire all the more pleasurable, since its only the modern sterotype of beauty that glorifies the waife look. Back in the day. it was the well fed, billowing figure of a woman what would set a man's groin afire. Always been of that mind, since I was a whelp. Height, well I am Liberty Hall in that regard, I'm 6' even and dated tall uns ( 6'2") and shorties ( 4'11"). Me goodwife, now she's 5' even, with an ass as wide as an axe handle, and tops'les in the GG range, kinda like a fertility goddess on steroids and I loves her dearly! A soft soft place fer a pirate to lay 'is head in port. Eyes, blue. Dark eyes seem " Lifeless eyes, like a dolls eyes"...Quinn Hair, blonde or red, though a black haired lass with bright blue eyes is a SEXY look. Brains, must have, since after the slap and tickle is over , ye wants to have a conversation. And she must COOK! Me goodwife be a spectacular one - savory lobscouse, Jaeger-Snitzel or resbyterian Pork, she is the master o the galley. Here be me lass
  2. Howdydoo Gunner, it's in the neighborhood of 900 of them Yanque dollars I be be thinkin'. BTW the weight is more like 140 lbs. What woud I be doing with such a windfall? Hmmm, that brass 'buss be a good possibility! ( or paying fer the house insurance :-( )
  3. Aye the Pouges be a band among bands. We open for them at the Nyon Festival, Switzerland, a fair while ago, and they had me sit in with them for a few tunes. And then we proceeded to get drunk as hell with them in the green tent. LOL The lead singer was found the next mornin sleeping in his eggs. I'd say he has the fair makings for a good pirate!
  4. Well actully, the modern violin is quite different from those of the GAoP. The main difference is that the bridge height was much smaller , with a corresponding shallower angle for the neck and fingerboard. In fact, ANY Stradivarius or Amati that is found needs to have its neck raked to the modern angle and ALL Strads etc have had this done. THe taller bridge gives the modern violin its sonority and beautiful voice. Usualy the scroll of the master is saved and grafted onto a new neck. Iv'e heard a violin that was made in the style of 1735 or so and it is much quieter and sound 'tanky' by comparison. Patrick, damn 'em if'n theys grumbling about yer squeeze box, theys just too much fun to not have HANDy ( oh my did I just make that low of a vile clench??). I just started playing one in January and it was a big hit at Blackbeard.
  5. Me goodwife be lookin' fer a rum punch receipe to serve to our 'guests' at an upcoming yard blast. Whose got a good un?
  6. Snakes....... I hate snakes...... Maybe it is a good thing they didn't pick me to be on th' show..... All the snake lovers would be really upset when I started killing snakes..... Snake skins are good for all sorts o' craft projects tho........ Right! and theys fine eatin too, with a bit o' rum and pepper. Actually ate snake twice, once in a all game resauraunt and once on my OA Ordeal, only that was raw ( bleeech).
  7. We be thinking of selling of one o' our cannon. Greystar cast iron tube, with 1/4" steel liner, on wood carriage, with bronze trunion caps. Bore is 1-1/2" and the barrel is 32" long. Wheels are cast iron, with needle bearings. The whole thing weighs in the neighborhood of 100 lb or so. It is the one in the back in the photo below. I personally filed off all the casting parting lines from the barrel and drilled the touch hole. She speaks well and with the steel sleeve, can fire a ball, though we have not done so. Offers? I MAY be able to comp the buyer for shipping, in the USA. email me... wrench13@aol.com
  8. My Take on the show, which will prolly piss off a few folks, but hell thats nothing new: These shows are scripted to a certain extent, but the producers know that without some element of reality, without using professional actors, no one is going to believe jack. Hell, they asked me to be on it, and I am no actor! Lets us not forget that the object of the show, for the cast, is for the winner to get a million dollars, not wind up with a happy crew or rich crew. If'n I was JD, I'd be black spottin anyone who i thought might be competition in the later stages, while I could still do that. Louie, the bosun fella and that Asoroth feller would be black spotted til they was off the show. LOL i'd rather go up against a bunch of girls at the end. BTW the snakes used were all constrictors, anaconda, what looked like a Costa Rican boa and members of the rat snake family. Nasty bites, but nothin that would kill ya. I do like the idea of the crew givin the producers, director and cameramen Jonas lift over the side and stealing the ship! now that's entertainment! As far as having a smoke stack and gas motor, I know of very few ( none actually) tall ships that don't have that. After all, when your sailing a ship thats worth $1,000,000 or more, are you takin a chance on foul winds driving you onto a lee shore??? Despite the motor, this one is a sailer and right nice one too. Loved the shot when she had all canvas aloft, t'gallants, skys'les and royals and pocket hankerchiefs! But you can bet the cast is not climbing out on the yard, standing on horses, to let fall sails. That guy John (?) that got voted off first episode... didn like him from the first time he opened his mouth. The lasses liked him, i'm sure, but what a asshole. On a real pirate ship, he'd a gotten a capstan bar to the face, to sort of rough up his looks and smarten his mouth. good ridance sez I. Stealin compasses? Like the ship dont have but those two tinkertoy ones? The script writers should have been made ta kiss the gunners daughter for that dopey rouse.
  9. Aye and it was a right fine volley of cannon fire Saturday morning, just the thing ta clear oot the cobwebs from the party the night afore. The bronze ones speak so eloquently , don't they just! Duncan, never got a chance to show you me new linstock, made from $1.59 of copper tube and fitting! God I am such a cheap pirate, may me mother forgive me. but let me know if ye want the sketch, which I stole from another website ( naturally).
  10. Well it was a great Festival, despite loosing the one day ( Sunday) to foul weather. We met the new captain of the Nyckle and talked about Capt Dave, who we toasted thrice over the course of the weekend. The Friday night Pirate's Ball ( how often do I think the "the Policeman's Other Ball") was more fun then is legal. We, The Brigands, were so well received that the management approached us immediately after the first set about performing for next years Ball and Festival. Saturday daytime was shopping day and my tattered crew was able to replace some items in thier kit and add new ones. We had the honor of being the last performers before the fire works, which ultimately had to be cancelled due to the high winds ( proceeding the storm of Sunday). And then there was singing in the Pirate Encampment, after close of Festival on Sat night, with crews from several ships, both real and of the "faire" variety, gathering to sing their favorite sea shanties and songs. And drink RUM. It was great to see old friends of ours from the last 4 years and to make new ones ! Oh and if the Black Fox or other folks have pics of The Brigands we might use for promo material, that would be much appreciated. As usual, we bought our camera, but between sound checks and selling CDs , we forgot to ask for volunteers to grab some photos. See ye next year shipmates!
  11. The Brigands went en-masse to see 3 last nite, we loved it for the most part. Agreed, undead flaming cannonball monkey is great! We liked the Jack/Barbossa banter. Calypso has the worst case of crabs in history. What drives me nuts is small things.. casting loose cannon, when trying to pitch the ship over is suicide, they would crash right through the sides and sink yon bonney ship. Stuff lke that just makes it unbelievable to those who know ships. Good sword play for the most part, though in the last fight, yon Geofrey looks like he is just swingin his blade back and forth as he delivers lines. we liked seeing some familiar guns, like the grenadoe launcher that knocks the midget off his feet ( and later when he fires it , tied to the mast) As musicians we were disapointed, no rousing music for us to steal for our show Is it me or did the costuming get a bit cheaper looking? Not the main characters but the non speaking roles looked sort of... off the shelf shall we say. Nit pickin aside, we likes it
  12. A new restaurant/ deli has opened in Port Jefferson, NY, the Pirates Cove Deli. Located 2 blocks from the Pt Jeff/ Bridgeport Ct ferry, right on the waterfront. Sundays in June, they will be featuring The Brigands, from 4-6:30PM ( except for June 3, cuz we will be at the Blackbeard Festival in Virginia). Admission -Free! They have hearty ships fare, seafood and a vey large swag department, chock full o' pirate goodies. So if'n ye be of a mind to mess with the crew, sit back and watch the fleet haul their wind and listen to The Brigands, come on by, we be lookin' for ye. The Capt will stand ye a pot o' beer if'n ye identifies yer person as a Pyracy Pub member! http://piratescovedeli.com http://thebrigands.com
  13. Well the Blackbeard Festival is almost upon us mates, who knows if the Kalmar Nyckle will be with us this year again?
  14. Sorry it's been so long to reply - lost track of this thread! Lots on the plate with the shows and the Pirate Festival and all. My trick to the concertina is - leaving it in the case while I think about practicing with it . . . I've been a HORRIBLE student, but with so many other things going on I had to set something aside, sad to say. How is it coming for you? Hey Jake, me lad! Its coming along well for me, I have about 30 tunes down pat and will be doing them as street performance music this weekend at the Baltimore Pirate Invasion. Hoping to bring it out at night for the pub crawl too. I spends me 1 hour a day on it , religiously, and it does pay off! I found that at first I was using way too much air, you can make it sing with relativiely small bellows thrusts. That allows me to play the hornpipes and reels at tempo and do the turns much cleaner. Good Luck!
  15. The Fells Point Developement folks secured any permissions etc for our black powder demonstration. I would think that a peace tied flintlock would be OK. And if its not just put them back in the trunk of the car. Pretty sure that blades will need peace tieing too, so bring ye tie-wraps.
  16. 400 series stst? really? My metalurgical charts say 400 is only fair in seawater and is subject to pitting attack. too bad you cant spring for Monel or K-monel - it will last forever in seawater. But if you thought bronze was expensive......
  17. Aye Gute, authorized but perhaps unsupervised. That focs'le was a tad crowded to be firing flintlocks. I personally got hit in the eye from a cinder from the flashpan from 25 feet away up at Ft Delaware, so I like a LOT of room between firing stations. The Privateers Day in Fells Point is going to be one hell of a great day and I expect not only some good media coverage but that the FPDC will make it an annual event. See ye there mate an we will drink a pot o'rum to Old Hobb.
  18. Do I see BUCKET TOP BOOTS in that illustration!!! Guards, Seize him!
  19. Odd, just finished reading a book about the Madagascar pirates and the author totally debunks the Capt Johnson theory of who wrote the General History. According to the same author, both Anne Bonny and Mary Reade are fictitious characters, created by Defoe, the real author of the General History.
  20. Yep, got them switched and all set. If fact , The Brigands contracted with Fells Point to do both a musical and a cannon fire demonstration, during the day. THis is gonna be FUN! If the Ferrets want to use our sound system ( like they did on NYE on board the Clipper City) , welcome to it. Re; cannon demo - on NYE we had lots of un-supervised and I am sure un-safe pistol fire from the deck of the ship. That is NOT going to wash on shore, with Balto's Finest roaming the streets. I suggest that all weapons are peace tied. all black powder weapons be hobbled. If all the parties attending are in agreement, we may be able to do a massed firing at the conclusion of the cannon demo. Comments?
  21. After skirmish report: First time at this Faire. Very unusual in being a totally indoor event and totally un-historically themed - pirates vs Nija was the story line and open to all sorts of vampire/FILK/ pirate/Renne/ steam punk/ Goth folks. We, The Brigands , played two sets- the first being the opening act for the faire was a bit sparsely attended, but our second was to a standing room only crowd. The other performers ranged from belly dancers to an acrobatic troupe, to a sex related hypnotist ( very amusing). Since it was open to folks 16 yrs old or older, lots of acts dug out the bawdy-est material ( I know we did) and it was a lot more like I imagine a Renn faire of old was like before they became PC. Vendor selection was pretty good too, with some familiar faces to some decidedly un-faire like vendors, like the Dildo shop. I missed the interaction between playtrons and patrons I usually find at Faire; the indoor atmosphere was a bit restrictive as far as that goes; the glens and camps typically found at faire and the random clang od swords. And of course, since it was indoors - no cannon fire. A good selection of edibles was avbailable, but only one vendor, so the lines were pretty long. The Green Room food was pretty good too I liked the wide range of kits and garb for the various groups - nice to see what the vampire folks are wearing. Great to see people from regular faire season ( heck even saw Hawkyins in Renn garb). And the after faire parties in the hotel ! ( where else can one find a game of naked Twister or the events that took place at the Fetish party). All in all, I give the event 7 out of 10 cannonballs, and it's only the second year for the event. It sure as hell breaks up the long dreary Winter season for us cold ( but not yet snow-bound) folks in the North east. If'n ye be hankerin' for Faire next winter , I recommends it.
  22. I would think that the exact dimensions would vary from country to country and from foundry to foundry. Cascabel would be a likely person to chat up about this
  23. sputcheon n metal lining of the mouth of a scabbard The blade rang against the sputcheon as he drew it, eliminating the element of surprise. and Bastinate v to beat upon a person, usualy with a stick, on the soles of the feet. A favorite Spanish and Muslim punishment Ouch!!!
  24. Dam, Kenny told me it were going to be on Apl 21, now all the reservation i made have to be cancelled.
  25. 'ere ye go mate http://members.aol.com/wrench13/images/bra...donsprelude/mp3 Bout as kick as as it gets, and we owns it.
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