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Capt Thighbiter

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Everything posted by Capt Thighbiter

  1. Speakin fer meself mind ye, I be full o' piss and vinegar, a right tartar when crossed. Me mates know this full weel, and gives me a wide berth when the mood is on me, in a manner of speakin. Tis much the same with most piratical folk, no? http://thebrigands.com
  2. Well now mate, know ye of an establishment that might be in the way of needing some ertertainment fer the event? Some tavern like as not or mayhap an eatery that would like some lively music from the foc'sle and a few from the Capt's cabin. The Brigands would love an excuse to make the journey from our port in NY on the Isle of Long. Any help in this regard would be greatly appreciated! http://thebrigands.com The Brigands Hellion Latitude: 410500N Longitude: 0730000W
  3. Lets see: Fiddle Guitar Mandolin Drums Piano Sax Clarinet Flute Piccollo Main instruments are the fiddle and guitar. All self taught. Some day I will learn to read that sheet music stuff.
  4. aye, mate, while i have a reputation as being a right bloody tatar, the niceties of genteel folk are not strange to me. A round, inn keeper, for the lads and lasses, if ye please!
  5. If yer looking for a Pirate Band, check out The Brigands. http://thebrigands.com We are based in NYC but travel as far as Virginia and Toronto for Festivals and Faires. We have one CD out, " The Brigands", and are working on our second one, tentatively titled " Bloody Seamen". Available for parties, boat christenings, port stormings and the like. Email: wrench13@aol.com Phone: 631 434 7091 Capt Rob Thighbiter
  6. Me name is Robert Thighbiter, elected Capitan of Hellion these last three years. Out of the port of. New York on the Isle of Long. Our band, The Brigands, have been appearing at a few Renn fests and Pirate festivals and are going to be going after some more this season. Hope to catch ye some day! Theres a link to our site 'o the web http://thebrigands.com Cap't Rob't Thighbiter Hellion N'west 'o Sandy Hook
  7. Here now lads is a new tune writtin by meself fer me band The Brigands. http://thebrigands.com Appreciate yer comments, if ye have any The New Main Sail Was well before dawnin when the bosun he spoke Get up me lads, the forward topyard has broke On deck in the teeth of a sou'wester gale The day that we raised up .... the new main sail With all hands on deck, up the rat lines they went, Bart Higgins, the reefers, and old Davis Bent Four men fell from the riggin, in the water did flail The day that we raised up .... the new main sail We fished up the new yard with a standing voyol But another man died to pay the death toll Macduff crushed between aft-boom and taffrail The day that we raised up .... the new main sail At a cry from the top all hands looked to sou'west A French flag a flying from a prize we could best With our new nine pound cannon, we thought to prevail The day that we raised up.... the new main sail The main topyard carried away by the first broadside And the larboard watch reefers to a man of them died Even at this none of our lads did flinch or quail The day that we raised up .... the new main sail Then a ball we did take be-tween the mainchains which unshipped a gun leaving only blood stains No tears would be shed for that minor detail The day that we raised up .... the new main sail Was yard arm to yardarm when at last we did board while our brave lads were raked with pistol and sword A ha'dozen men on French pikes were impaled The day that we raised up .... the new main sail Blue Edward cut the yards while firing was hot Then the mainsil was holed with a round of chain shot We pulled away with stuns'les as the attack was curtailed The day that we raised up .... the new main sail Twenty one souls were lost on that day Twenty one souls and the Devil to pay for all of those men, this song we regail The day that we raised up ....the new main sail This will be on our second CD, released hopefully in Sept Hope ye likes it
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