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Capt Thighbiter

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Everything posted by Capt Thighbiter

  1. I think that 'Pirate Music' today is in a similar state as the whole garb issue. For garb, we have the hard core re-enactors, who strive to recreate the clothes and accoutraments that were in actual use during the GAoP. On the other hand we have those who are more interested in representing what the general public thinks pirates dressed like. And lots of shades of difference in between the two outlooks. For pirate music, we have those who try to re-create the actual music of the period, with period instruments and voicing and arrangements. And on the other side of the coin, we have the pirate 'core' style ( akin to heavy metal with words using the seamans and pirates vernacular). And of course almost every variation in between the two polarized schools I think the musicians have a tougher job then the garb folks; unlike garb, which is at least recorded in paintings and prints, that are un-equivical in regards to what is depicted, music of the period, outside of classical music, is not usualy described in enough detail to say 'yes, this is the arrangement and this was the feel to it'. Even the hard core traditionalist in music must admit that sheet music of a period fiddle tune, in example, is open to interpretation as far as voicing, ornamentation and the like. Often I will come across an intersting song, containing lyrics only, with either no musical notation or perhaps a note the the song is sung to the tune of "XXXXXXXX XXXX". If one is lucky, the tune "XXXXXXX XXXX" is known. Often it is not ( at least to me). Our ( THe Brigands) own approach, when we are not performing a 'modern ' pirate song, is to apply our own twist to songs. We always keep in mind that we are entertainers first. IMHO, it does no good to be 100% historically accurate if the audiences we perform for are bored, disinterested or otherwise un-involved in the song. We employ lots of modern techniques ( tiny rests to emphasise a particular passage, instrument breaks, polyphony at key lines and others) so tht the modern listener has something to hang thier hat on, so to speak. For fiddle tunes, if I can figure out 4 variations on the basic melody line, they all get used in the tune. LOL, I can remember years ago, when visiting a jam session at a traditional music society, I was looked at agast when I pulled out all the variations I have on "Soldiers Joy aka THe King's Head". Like I was painting a moustache on the Mona Lisa. And my own interpretations are influenced by the kind of fiddle tunes that speak loudest to me, Scottish tunes. These are typified by lots of short hammer ons and very abrupt noting. I also like to do what I call musical gymnastics, outlandishly complex melodic runs that are tour de force of melodic variation ( 64th notes, anyone?). So when I perform a traditional tune, or write a new tune, I tend to use those techniques. Period correct? No. Entertaining? I like to think so, since I am injecting some of myself into the performance. IMHO, variaton in melody would have been a natural occurence, expecially for ship bound musicians I've seen and heard some very accomplished musicians play period pieces by the 'book'. And have 5 people last though the whole song. And I've heard some of the pirate 'core' groups scream lyrics out accompanied by riffs stolen right from Ozzie Osborn and get about the same reaction. The key in my opinion is entertainment. I think there is room for all the styles and genre as long as you are entertaining the troops. I applogise for the long winded post. It's 9:00 Sunday morning, it's beautiful outside and my pain meds have kicked in, so taking my usual Sunday morning motorcycle ride aound Long Island is not a good idea. LOL maybe writing this isn't either, but one hardly ever breaks a leg while typing. Anyone else with opinons on this?
  2. For those of us attending the Long Island Pirate Festival - any suggestions for improvement for next year? I'll start the ball and mention one irksome condition at this years event IF BP and edged weapons are to be sold / demo'd or carried, make sure that all local officials have been notified and permits, permissions etc secured in writing. Seating for stage areas ( hay bales, bleachers or logs) More seperation between stage areas More period vendors I'm sure there is more, but I didn't get to see much, playing sound man and performing all day. Ye Pyrate Brotherhood are to be commited, I mean COMMENDED for such a really good first year event. Considering the event was hatched less then 6 months ago, it was a great one!
  3. Wild Imports is defunct because the actual maker, in Argentina, decided to sell direct. You find his cannon on EBAY now. Imprting cannon from outside the country is a $$$$ proposition and be prepared to spend a day at Customs once they look at the ship manifest. If it says Cannon, they think your a terrorist. I had to get somethig in writing from ATF stating my cannon was not a "firearm" by definiton. My $1000.00 bronze cannon from England cost me almost $2000 total, cuz of shipping costs and to clear customs and dock fees. BTW I've used a greystar barrel for years , no problems
  4. Crikey, is that where we left it? Thanks be praised someone found it! Quartermaster, go pay the parking attendant.
  5. Get in touch with Ye Pyrate Brotherhood, they just finished thier first ever event up here on Long Island, they can give you pointers about starting a new festival. Helps if you know what your end aim is. If its a re-enactment only, ie period pirate camp and little else, thats one thing. If its a FESTIVAL your looking to create, thats a different story. That requires vendors, food, ENTERTAINMENT, and other things to hold patrons attention. Make sure you consider parking for patrons. No parking = no patrons
  6. All of my crew reported in last nite as putting into safe harbor and sound berth. Florida, Rhode Island, Conn, and Long Island. You guys should get an award for the coolest tent! Crap, thats nicer n' my own quarters!
  7. Someone has told me that since shirts in the GAoP were considered underclothes, walking about with shirttails un-tucked in would be considered like wearing ones underwear over your parts in modern times. True or not? I put the question to those better informed then myself ( not to hard to find that, eh?)
  8. I have the Middlesex double barrel flinty pistol. Nice gun for the price. LOOOOOONG waiting list. The Calenish Gunner may have 1 or 2 for sale immediately ( wonder why he dinna post about them). That quad pistol has also fired my envy! That double barrel cannon is about the stupidest thing imaginable. I would want to be in the next county, in back of the cannon, when it was fired. LOL sometimes the ignorance of our forefathers is astounding.
  9. Dutch me lad, no fat on Paypal's end, I see thr transaction, I just have not had time to process it. Ca ye wait til Monday 6/16 for me to do it? Kinda tied up with the Long Island Pirate Festival til then. BTW thanks for your help and support down at Blackbeard!
  10. If anyone - merchant, crew, performer or playtron, has any issues with LIPF, here is the HOTLINE # 631 434 7091 ( or 631 DAMBED1 ), and I will personally see that it gets taken care of. Just don't be sending me like a thousand pizzas or sea pies! LIPF - 2 days!
  11. Why, thats right kindly of ye to say so, Sebastian! BTW, The Brigands now has a Myspace http://myspace.com/thebrigands Come on over an become a friend to one of the most vilified pirate bands what ever put bow to fiddle
  12. Aye, Bloodrose, I'll be accepting your gracious offer of a libation or 7. By Fri night, I'll need it. LIPF - 3 days and counting!
  13. Aye mates, Bloodrose has the truth of it. Hawkyns, get in touch with Ye Pyrate Brotherhood. Crimson Pirates on Sunday only. Parking permits for staff, vendors, crews and performers only. BUT pleny of regular parking for patrons. Shedule will be posted this weekend on the festival site. Me 'umble appologies, I been remiss in me duties as webmaster for the event, since we have been off to Blackbeard last weekend ( and recovering from it all this past week - who knew one could consume that much rum!) YPB is getting a real trial by fyre, s this is thier first time organizing an event of this magnatude, but I think they are doing a smash up job - if ye never have done something like this, ye have no idea of the amount of behind the scenes work involved. and details, details details. example: Suffolk County Parks Det aks YPB last week for all the insurance riders for those who are firing black powder weapons. HUH? they sez. Scramble, scramble scramble. Not to worry , the LI Maritime Museum has such a blanket rider, so no wrries for those shooting BP weapons. LIPF is only 6 days away!
  14. Huzzah, we sold out of CDs at the last two events! Baltimore Pirate Invasion - sold out during the first set! Blackbeard Festival - sold out on Saturday! We need to start bringing more then 100 with us. But you can always order "Pirate Scum" from our website. In fact one could get "Bloody Seamen" and "Pirate Scum" - as much as you wanted! ( LOL, I love writing that! ) http://thebrigands.com
  15. Fellow pirates, if there is any way to beg borrow or preferably steal enough to get one of Matts blades from Baltimore Knife, do it. They be worth every cent and shilling. I just bought one from the lad hisself, at Blackbeard Festival. Class one craftsmanship.
  16. Cutter, along the shoreline is reserved for pirate camps. However, pirate camps may be interspersed with the vendors, should you choose to. Other then that, there are no rules regarding spaces. THe idea is to make it seem more like a bazzar then just 2-3 rows of vendors and 2-3 rows of pirate camps. Mix N Match says I.
  17. Hi and thanks to everyone who contributed to making this years Blackbeard Festival the best ever. And I finally got to meet some the Pyracy folks, after chatting and posting so long. Matts cutlass I purchased was truely one of a kind and I really had no choice, but to buy it, lest it wind up in one of you swabs hands! Matt, the Hellion has one rule, when Hellion does well , all hands do well. We sold out of CDs by mid Sat afternoon! On behalf of The Brigands, ( Al, Erik, Brett and Kevin) we hope you all enjoyed our music, and we hopes to see ye all next year
  18. Yes, you can set up Friday, pretty much all day, and yes you can camp out fri/sat night, if you've period camp gear.
  19. Cutter, aye, that is the LOW number being bandied about. Some are in the belief that 25K is more likely. We Long Islanders truely are starved for entertainment that does not require Mai-Tais, soccer-moms or golf clubs. The Seafood Festival, held later in the year, on the Museum grounds, routinely pulls in 30-40K for the weekend. Schedule should be posted later today. As one might guess, everyone wants a 'special' slot. Stand yer watch, says I, an be thankful the boson does not hae ye bend the storm canvass to the foretop mast.
  20. Hope they have our favorite, Cruzan Black Strap Molasses Rum. So thick, you want to put it on yer pancakes ( it does work well for that, dont ask how I know).
  21. Cascabel is the point man on that, sir. I am sure he would welcome some help, so the aforesaid disaster does not happen! I will be busy, playing music and running the main stage sound system.
  22. Yes, a few short days, and The Brigands be setting sail south for the water round Hampton. What be in store for ye miscreants this year? We are joined by a new member of The Brigands, Kevin McQueen, the only surviving member of the Irish Navy. Kevin comes to us with a wealth of the bawdy, a great singing voice and not an ounce of shame in using both. Plus, the rumors that The Brigands hae lost a member, Mr Marley, are unfounded. We are flying the first mate of Hellion up from the swamps of FLorida to play for ye! Frankly, the new line up was hot enough to blow the manhole covers offn the street , at the Baltimore Invasion, and we expect to make similar impression on you lot in Hampton. ANd we are in the process of converting the new van ( remember our old blue one - the only coal fired Chevy in eistence) into a proper vessel. New planking on her sides, 22" ships wheel to steer by, and hopefully, new quarterbaord, new shrouds and mizzen mast, a lovely figurehead and 4 of a side gunports. AND! it does not smoke a whiff at all.
  23. Hugh, they are still accepting vendor registrations, and I think you would do well at this event. Hope to see ye there!
  24. The number the Museum staff feel is a good bet is 10K for the weekend. I know they told the food vendors ( caterers ) that. Cutter - I might have a commision for ye. PM me
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