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Capt Thighbiter

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Everything posted by Capt Thighbiter

  1. Yipes, I just checked powder stores... I am almost out of Goex FF! PowderInc, here I come!
  2. Now making 'The Hook' in 3/8" brass also. Polishes up nicely , too!
  3. Hot Damn, 2 weeks to go! Polishing the bronze cannons, making quills, the odd rehearsal here an there, and it will be Thurs night, getting ready to leave! Have I got some rum for you blokes to try! I mean, fruit juice.
  4. Morgan, I'll be damned if'n ye be not as ugly on screen as in person! Who knows... TV career in your future? - See ye in 2 weeks! BPD
  5. I am thinking a few songs from each of the bands, then donate the master to the Maritime Museum, so they can run Cds. Have to see on this. Stay Tuned.
  6. Mr Morgan, you be sailin' up here for the LI Pirate Festival? We are thinking about doing a live recorded CD for the event, to benefit the LI Maritime Museum.
  7. " I got my crabs from Crabby Dick's" the best t-shirt going!
  8. Aye, it be a good un
  9. An a lovely set o' pipes ye have!
  10. Excellent Mr. Hawkyns ! With our 4 long guns, and those coming already, that makes 7, with your crew, 8. Weapons policy is being worked through, but I can't imagine anything out of the ordinary being instituted. I believe the scenario will involve an attack on the 'camp' by a hostile ship - do ye prefer to attack or defend?
  11. Not familiar with the term 'rew' camp, but for cert there will be pirate camps of other re-enactment groups. Please go to the website contact monti babson( george) on the facilites. THe area set aside for the encampments is very large, and can accomodate a lot of pirates! And is on the shore, so very appropriate. Now, if we can just get a good sized boat there to carreen, what a great bit of re-enactment that would be. Something we might get the talking heads from the big three to come out for. Site for the LI Pirate Festival
  12. Littleneck, PM for the size bolts ye needs, I might, just might have them. Cascable, True, you're coming up for the L.I. Pirate Festival?
  13. NEW LINK FOR THE EVENT WEBSITE: http://thebrigands.com/lipiratefestival We have some great music and crews coming for this Festival ! Check it out.
  14. Arrggh you folks going to be boothing it up at the Baltimore Privateer Day?
  15. I must say these come out vera nice indeed. I have some red leather coming this week, which will look even better! Who wants one with a trident instead of a hook? Now ye can hang from the halyards in style!
  16. Don't it , though? Shall I put some down, for the lovely lasses, in red leather perhaps?
  17. The really cool thing about how I have the sleeve attached - it's easily replaced with lighter leather or even cloth. Basically theres a cir-clip ( known as a retaining ring) that fits in the groove at the base of the cup. Pinch the clip and the sleeve comes off. Whaa- Laa
  18. Ok here is The Hook, with solidbrass cup. I must say I am pleased about how it came out and how the sleeve attaches - very tricky.
  19. Ah, here we have a learned man of letters. Boson, press that man! http://yepyratebrotherhood.org
  20. LOL in this day and age, what ever is needed to complete a project is a mere Google click away. Left handed, laced toothpicks or a genuine piece of Sasquatch's last meal... it's all there.
  21. THe 1st Annual Long Island Pirate Festival June 14 & 16, Long Island Maritime Museum, Sayville NY - Finally, the New York City area has a pirate festval to call it's own. The festival will be held on the beautiful seaside grounds of the Long Island Maritime Museum, amid the whaling boats, ships bells and quays. The air will ring with the sounds of music and cannon fire, as we celebrate Long Island's rich maritime history and pirate background. Museum is located 45 min out of NYC, in Sayville ( and no Barber of Sayville jokes, please). Organized and sponsored by Ye Pirate Brotherhood, an entertainment and re-enactment group, with the proceeds to benefit the Museum, the Festival will feature period music, a select cadre of vendors, sword play, battles of wit and cunning, black powder cannon demonstrations, treasure hunts, a pirate encampment, and pirates from up and down the East coast. The Brigands will be performing, along with some special guests! For more information, please visit the website: http://thebrigands.com/lipiratefestival
  22. Yeah, I just located some brass cups to try out. I'll post when done
  23. Jill, If I could find someone with a wood lathe or a source for cheap small wooden bowls, I'd go that route. I'm still experimentin'. Your friends hook looks nice, but with the shiney stuff and the woody thing, I'm back back up to $350 hooks, which is nuts ( in my cheap ass world).
  24. The first pic is the basic hook. After that I weld on a steel plate and sew on the leather covering. Heres what the first one looked like. lots of other leather for the 'cover'
  25. Quote [What did you hit them all with? ] Our best shot. Zing! Ohhhh that's gotta hurt!
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