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Everything posted by captjacksparrowsavvvy

  1. Iron Bess is the official bumper... Anyone remember The Bump????? ewwwwwwwwwwwww
  2. Tim Horton's Coffee, morning noon and night!
  3. I have done several fundraisers in the last few years and I can give you some advice/suggestions/ideas... First of all, if you are going to auction off anything, check out MISSIONFISH which is the charity off shoot of Ebay. Missionfish doesn't require a fee and as far as I understood, Missionfish would foward the money to an account, and send the donor a reciept. I am going to set up an auction on Missionfish for Marty Klebba's Coda, and all the money would go directly to CoDA. I am waiting on Johnny at the moment(days,weeks,months lol) so I can't tell you how the entire process works. If someone wanted to collect money all year round, a bank account would be the safest way to do it. You don't want to be accused of taking money(and it does happen)-the donations would be made out to the fundraiser , without giving out personal info. Donations to "Sirens Fund" c/o ABC Bank, USA. My bank would then write a check to that person, and I would close the account. My bank would not charge me for that account but the money would have to stay in there for 6 months. I was going to do this for my girlfriend but the money was needed asap so I didn't open an account. Ask for other donations. Contact pirate websites. See if they will donate an item for auction. You have a sword for starters, maybe you will be able to get other pirate items. And really, it doesn't have to be pirate related. Gift certificates are super anytime of year. I sent letters to businesses from A-Z, asking for any donations. Having a pro football player trainer drive to my house, and handing me an autographed football was the best surprise donation that I recieved for my fundraiser. Most businesses allow for fundraisers and set aside so much for charity. but someone would have to do the footwork. If you didn't work with Missionfish, then it would be a wise idea to hand out reciepts for all donations. Again that is to CYA. At least one person should have Sirens name and address for contact purposes and giving her the donations. With her permission of course. I really hope this will work out. And maybe there are other ways out there that I didn't hear about or someone else has a better idea. I think my post is somewhat jumbled but I hope the ideas get across to help out in someway.
  4. Thanks for the information re Red Cross. There is always a way to help... The reports of a mother and her children buring to death - absolutely tragic and senseless. Sad sad sad
  5. Pirate bubble bath in a sword shaped container... Pirate of the Caribbean vitamins... Pirate notebooks,postees,pens,mechanical pencils,stickers galore at Target's dollar section. But I still have no luck finding a blowup doll of Jack! Dammit
  6. To think of or say a prayer for the families in Greece. So many lives were claimed by the fire and Greece will probably lose some of its history as well. One report I heard tonight that an elderly man was arrested for starting one of the fires...
  7. Yes, I do remember ELP...love the moooooooooooooog...(I have the lp ) OK, some music trivia for the elders...remember this song? "Captain Jack will get you high tonight And take you to your special island Captain Jack will get you by tonight Just a little push and you'll be smilin' "
  8. The breath of a newborn infant. It only lasts for a few days but it is so pure of a smell, hence the nickname angels breath ...My girlfriend who is a mom of 4 kids told me this before my first was born...and she was right. It's a unique smell and it doesn't last long More appearling smell is fresh brewed coffee, the old fashion way...fresh Italian bread and home made lasagna!
  9. You have a pretty raw opinion of mankind... We all should be so lucky if the world just imploded and that would be the end of everything...no more hunger, drought,earthquakes,diseases, cancer, rapes, aids, no worries about nuclear war or meltdowns, heck no taxes to pay! I think we're going to be around for awhile and what we do to our environment is our responsibility. We cannot remove the chemical toxins from the land and water that was put there in the 30's,40,50,60's,70's...Whatever we build to prevent it from leeching, it still will saturate the land and water. That same land is what we plant our crops in...organic or not. There are chemicals in the soil. The water is terribly polluted...both sea water and fresh water are filthy. Yet we, as in North America, have the ability and resources to built plants to filter the soil and water. There are better ways to deal with the trillions of trash that people make each year. Recycling is good. But not good enough. And sadly, the world is in our backyard. Do you have to care about your neighbors? No you do not. I can't force you to care about others. I can't tell you to recycle your cans or make a compost pile in your backyard. Problems begin in our backyard. We have to start somewhere to make a difference. And some people seeing that we are trying to make an effort, may take it on the road and travel to other lands. Hence the Peace Corps, Habitat for Humanity, and other wonderful organizations that offer assistance to those in need. The people are volunteers....normal working stiffs and joes, that want to make a difference in the world. You have free will to make choices in your life. So if an asteroid will be coming down to earth, you and your kids would sit and watch the destruction. If that's what you want to teach your kids, that's your business. I know me and my kids would be doing eveything possible to make sure that people would be out of danger, and I know darn well that we'd be helping in trying to put out the same fires that you'd be sitting and watching...savvy? and that what makes this earth such a unique place.
  10. Not Global Warming (or the dangers of DHMO ) but why would that bumper sticker get you angry? Many Viet Nam vets don't like Jane Fonda or her politics........ Sweetie if you read some of my posts, you'd know that I volunteer with Viet Nam veterans...I am pissed because the US government has nearly cut off the Viet Nam Vets...and a high percentage of Americans still fault the Viet Nam Veterans for the war. It's carried over to the Iraq war...and that what angers me. The bumper sticker reminded me of Hanoi asshole Jane...
  11. I think you did the right thing...besides you can be a pirate AND a good man! It's the little stories like this that makes the world seem a little bit brighter. So have you heard from the Coast Guard or Owner?
  12. A staple TV show in our home...not to mention Merv gave the TV viewers "Wheel of Fortune" and "Jeopardy" and of course Arthur Treacher! Fish and chips anyone?
  13. I see the climate is changing all over the earth and I believe as some scientists do, that it's a natural occcurance every thousands of years or so. Yes, man contributes to the depletion of the earth resources but there are acts of mother nature that destroy as well(including control of population by natural means aka survival of the fittest). The fact that scientists have also found out that the ice caps of Mars are melting, ie their theory is leaning to a solar system warming. Sounds good to me too. So do I as a human of this planet sit home and fret over global warming, melting ice caps and changing climates? Not really. Does that mean I don't care? Of course not, I care for the earth... but the realization is this...There are kids starving in my town. There are kids starving in my state and in my country. I see kids starving in other countries around the world. Does global warming mean anything to these little ones? Nope. Their stomachs are distended and they are malnourished and sickly. There is need of food and medical supplies to be bought and donated. And sadly, it starts in everyone's own back yard. Who the hell cared about global warming when Katrina hit??? What did the vast majority of people do? They volunteered...donated money, food and shelter, Gave blood. Did all the things possible that they could do to help people get through a horrific disaster. We all are affected by cautastrophies...natural or man made. By being a victim, or having friends or family that were victims. And it trinkles down to the fact that most of us are compassionate about our fellow human beings and we will do something to help for strangers... there are victims in the here and now that need help. Why spend time fretting over global warming that may all be part of the big plan to begin with...For it to take thousands of years to make changes in the world's climate is not of a concern to me. I feel the need for myself to continue to work in my back yard and helping those that are needy...to feed the hungry, donate clothing and give shelter to the homeless. I volunteer with Viet Nam vets. They are homeless and living in a shelter. The US government has long cut out funding to the PTSD programs that was created by the government to help with the affects of trauma years after the war. These men have NOTHING. Just the clothes that they wear. When I delivered groceries to them, one vet was so happy that I brought jugs of milk. He wanted a glass of milk and they were out of milk. He was sooooo thankful! OMG, to be thankful over a glass of milk???????? It breaks my heart to see these men STILL being treated as if they just walked off that C140 that arrived from SE Asia in the 70's. And my ire went sky high when I saw a bumper sticker a few days ago, that read "Viet Nam Vets are not Fonda Jane" I got pissed...and it only makes me work harder to volunteer with those guys. In the final anaylsis, we do what we believe in. If global warming is your thing, then go for it. If saving the mating cycle of Cuttlefish is your goal, then so be it. We all have our own agendas to work on and in the end, it's all to make the world a little bit better for today and hopefully for the next generation. Off of soap box...on to ice box!
  14. I never thought about a plastic owl. I did think that having a dog would scare the skunks away but my dog got sprayed by a skunk so that idea didn't work. You can't trap a skunk nor kill it(not allowed in the city) and skunks can pretty much go wherever they want-who's going to argue with a skunk? Except for my dog, and my dog lost the argument!
  15. I started buying pirate figures at the hobby shop, where they sell the civil war figures(and there is a huge Gettysburg field inside the shop, absolutely awesome)...anyway, the dollar stores started to get in piratey stuff when the POTC movies came out, so now I have lots of pirates to play with. Then I found this little row boat with a Disney character from The Little Mermaid. I painted the face, made a wig with scarf and little beads and tied a striped sash around him. That boat has wheels on the bottom, one of those toys to zoom across the floor. I hot glued the openings but the boat keeps sinking so I stuck Jack on the driftwood. The only way to keep the Flying Dutchman afloat was to stick it in between the driftwood. Those ships are the ones that are on pegs and aren't for water. My Black Pearl is falling apart from water rot. So I careened it on the side of the pond for now! LOL As for the hyacynths, this year they did not spread all over the pond. The goldfish lay their eggs on the roots, then turn around and eat the eggs and cause damage to the roots. One year, we had racoons come at night and they'd step on the edge ot the fish pond and eat the hyacynths! We knew they were racoons because of their muddy foot prints left behind. We don't mind...only when the skunk comes marching in, then we all scramble in the house. The skunk is not afraid of anything. He just meanders all over the yard...
  16. That year our entire back yard was purple loosestrife so the bees had a field day with those wild flowers! They look pretty and purple is my favorite color but they are invasive. This year, the rain has been sparse and the creek is dry.That's why the creatures are hitting the fish pond for water. I don't see any purple loosestrifes-only the wild honeysuckles, which are golden color.
  17. The Fitz went down in 1975. My grandfather and Uncle were GL Captains and knew Capt McSorely, and my dad knew him as well.
  18. Marty and CoDA
  19. When the I-90 bridge in Amsterdam New York collapsed, people in cars and trucks kept driving off because they didn't see that the bridge section was mising. And here comes another rant apologies to anyone that gets offended... TheNY I-90 was going to be this superhighway connecting all the states in the North East. Most of the NY interstate was finished in the 50's and tolls have been in place since that time. We have to pay a toll to get from one freaking city to the next, unless we take all the backroads... The funds are suppose to go into the kitty that maintains the roads and bridges. The bridges supports are in fast moving water. The base of the supports cannot handle years of fast current, debris and ice jams without damage. We have 4 big bridges here that cross over into Canada. The supports are sitting in the Falls rapids. HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our bridges are suppose to be checked by the federal guidelines, but prove it! ANd how many states in the US are selling the bridges and interstates to PRIVATE INVESTORS OUTSIDE OF THE US???????????????????????????? and this isn't a conspiracy theory against the current administration. Each administration from the 50's on let things go and if something horrific happens during the current administration, then it is up to that administration to take care of it, savvy?
  20. How sad...my thoughts and prayers go out to the families and friends of the victims. May God give you strength to get through the weeks ahead. How many tragedies will happen before state and federal funding will be granted to the DOT to repair and maintain bridges. How much of tax payers money is spent yearly on maintenance and inspections? Most of us have to cross a bridge to get to or from work, home, school or recreation. And how many of us even think about the safety of the bridge before we drive over. We just drive. We have places to get to and I never think"Oh gee, I wonder when the last inspection was" with the DOT and NOTHING WILL BE ACCOMPLISHED...just weeks of redtape, arguing and passing the blame on to the next person. Sorry to rant but this is a senseless tragedy that could have been prevented...
  21. LOL, no the fish aren't I've been trying to get the kids press ganged and nothing's working, much to my grief...
  22. There was a Pirate fest on Lake Ontario last weekend, in Olcott, NY. I haven't heard of any other Great Lakes pirate fests...
  23. Finally had time to get it together. Mostly dollar store piratey stuff. I did buy one set of the minature figures at the Disney store but they are not to scale to the ships but that's OK. It's for enjoyment purposes and nothing else... If you look closely, you will see honey bees taking swigs of water from the drift wood. It's been dry for weeks and all the creatures are extremely thirsty. My neighbor is a beekeeper and every year we get the most delicious honey. Last year we had purple honey-very sweet!
  24. I hope the dvd will be out before the holidays. And I hope that stores will HONOR their promotions*still pissed at not getting that jar of dirt*from Circuit City. Honor is a hard thing to come by nowadays! AWE is at the second run house now and I have been going several times. Up to 14. I don't think I'll break my DMC record of 33.
  25. The Harry Potter books are a very good read but I am not interested in the movies. As for AWE, it's number 5 on the all time movie list, well, that's according to Marty. LOL And I just saw AWE for the 13th time. Yeah, it's still playing and I will continue to see it as long as it's in the theater. Jack does kick arse! I agree
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