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Everything posted by captjacksparrowsavvvy

  1. I felt that Jack Davenport's role was cut way too short as well but I guess the film had to have a few deletions here and there. I truly missed the scruffington of DMC and I thought perhaps that the story would include more of bad boy James, rather than the clean cut Admiral. I did enjoy the Salt Flats scene with Jack. It was fun to be inside Jack's mind!
  2. I noticed few kids going after the cartoon Jack stuff in the stores and was evident with the kids at Marty's fundraiser. They preferred the real Jack pic stickers over the cartoon ones, and same with the store owner. People would buy the real Jack merchandise over the cartoon stuff. the cartoon Jack isn't a good caricature of Jack...looks mean all the time...and our beloved Jack has so many hillarious expressions...(thank you Johnny)
  3. I made a Barbossa teeshirt for a mate here(well she use to be here) and it came out pretty nice. I have not seen Barbossa by himself on any item unless it's the action figure. Shame as he deserves special treatment as well as Jack!
  4. I am not fond of the Cartoonish Jack. He looks more evil than silly. Johnny's willing to do more Jack films...as long as there is a solid story. Dick Cook says yes. We just have to keep our eyes to the horizon for any news that will be coming regarding 4.
  5. The Libertine-Johnny's finest hour, my opinion of course. All the POTC movies... Donnie Brasco and Arizona Dream, and of course Fear and Loathing as he became Hunter, not portrayed Hunter!.
  6. Fantastic read! And congratulations on having your fic in Pyrate Magazine. Have you other writings available to read? I have a subscription and I am enjoying every magazine. I met Dave Nichols at Marty's fundraiser. If I remember correctly, our article will be in the fall issue.
  7. I wish there had been more of DMC's "Scruffyington" because he was damn hot and sexy! He was too clean and proper in AWE and his story was cut short. There are many photos of Norrington on the internet that are not in the movie so I believe that many scenes were cut. Hopefully there will be a director's cut of all 3 movies and we'll see them as they were first created.
  8. Whoa, talk about bloodshot eyes, look at the bloodshot letters! Waitress, more rum! Not all of us who drink are poets. Some of us drink because we're not poets.
  9. Hopefully this link will help explain things and not add more to the confusion... Ted Elliot
  10. To add to the confusion, Davy Jones ripped out his heart and put a curse on his heart, and whoever would stab the heart would have to become the capt of the FD. Ten years at sea, one day on land. As long as Elizabeth is faithful to Will for those ten years, and Will takes care of the dead per his duty , the curse is lifted. We've been bantering this on Ted and Terry's site since the movie has been released. Check out what T&T have said!
  11. As much as I would love more Barbossa, there's no reason to keep going with that storyline. All they'll forever do is fight over the Black Pearl. It ended in the 3rd one where they came full circle. Why keep pushing with that? It's fine the way they ended it. The Elizabeth and Wil storyline tho has way too many plotholes. I guess some deleted scenes and the commentary on the dvd could just clear up that mess. BTW, I think I've figured out who you are. You're from this other board that's called the POTC Interactive Project: the faithful bride forum. I sometimes posted on there a long time ago. That board tho should really be called the Johnny Depp/Captain Jack Sparrow board instead-lol! Yep, that's me. Still an active member and we are still putting on interactives across North America. I will have one in the state of Michigan for Marty's charity(hopefully this summer) but we're still working around his schedule. Oh gee, we all love Johnny/Jack on the board, now especially since more of us have met him. Of course we love Geoffrey too, there's no question about that. I can visualize a fantastic story with Barbossa on the Pearl, Jack in his dinghy, trying to find this fountain of youth...or worse!
  12. According to Marty the mystery of what Tia said from the script is as follows: "Malfaiteur en Tombeau, Crochir l'Esplanade, Dans l'Fond d'l'eau!" Translation: "Across all the seas, find (search out) the path to he who wrongfully entombed me!" I found this info on KTTC as well, per the script. I'll have to make an effort to view Calypso as she is screaming this out among the noise and clatter...
  13. I saw it for the 4th time last night, and will continue to celebrate awe all summer with little pirate fests... Besides tying up all the lose ends that were left open in DMC, the AWE message rings loud and true. It's not the quantity of life, it's the quality... In the final analysis, we have to live with our actions, be it good or bad. Savvy? Oh, the music, the cgi, the lines are fabulous. Ok, so I am hooked on Terry so there is nothing that he can do wrong ... "Ladies, will you please shut it!?!?! Listen to me. Yes, I lied to you. No, I don't love you. Of course it makes you look fat. I've never been to Brussels. It is pronounced "ee-gree-jeous." By the way, no, I've never actually met Pizarro, but I love his pies. And all of this pales to utter insignificance in light of the fact that my ship is once again gone. Savvy??" The exchange between Barbossa and Jack over the dead Kraken...Cuddlefish speech... The music theme that is played while Jack,Elizabeth and Hector walk towards Will, Becket and Davy...and The music theme that is played when Will, Jones and Becket are bartering about going to The Pirate Cove... Priceless... Lots of innuendos put in which I love. Of course if you are searching for pirate history, the movie is not historically correct but that's why we have history classes, maritime museums and history channel! Dick Cook told me that a 4th is not out of the question. It will be a few years away but it will be! I am surprised at POTC fans that don't want another film because where and when would you ever see Barbossa or Jack again unless Disney makes another movie? I would be thrilled to see another one, even if Jack is trying to get his ship back...both Captains know that all things will pass, that's dead certain.
  14. Well, I guess we should have worked something out ahead of time -I wouldn't be able to stand that long either without my ankle swelling up...anyhow, you'll have another chance to meet Marty. Working on another meet and greet for Talk Like a Pirate Day in September. Not absolutely positively certain yet, but the idea has been tossed around.
  15. Returned home on Sunday from a very exhausting but fabulous vacation in California. We did the Red Carpet at Disneyland and my guardian Angel and dear friend led us to the front row seats on the red carpet! We were able to get eveyrone's autograph, except for Jack the Monkey, close up pictures, hugs and kisses and adore Johnny from head to toe. The photos are about the same as the press releases so there's no sense in posting them. The next day we traveled to Whittier to do Marty Klebba's fundraiser. The line up started at 9am and the shop opened at noon. The line was estimated at 1000, well over what I had anticipated. Vince Lozano, Treva Etienne, Maxie Santillan, David Patykewich were ready to go at noon but Marty hadn't arrived. Obviously something wasn't right, and David called Marty and kept leaving messages on his machine. Finally Marty called David and told him that he was in the emergency room hooked up to an IV. He was dehydrated from the Premiere and was violently ill. The doctor gave him a drug that Marty had an allergic reaction to and Marty had to get antihistamines on top of everything else. By this time Lee Arenberg came in and he pulled the whole show together and with the boys, they signed all the fans autographs. The crowd fully understood about Marty's situation and no one complained. All were very concerned for his health and well being... I was so busy with the fundraiser that I didn't see our special guest sneak in. Terry Rossio came in with his gal, her mom, his daughter and her boyfriend. What a treat for everyone! Marty was absolutely thrilled to know that Terry came in and all in all, we raised a lot of money for CoDA! We were all exhausted by the end of the day, but we managed to get some of the boys over to one of the girls homes for supper, where we spent the time chatting about the message of inspiration that POTC movies have given us. Thursday we headed to the marathon at the El Capitan theatre and we caught up with Marty during the first intermission. The second intermission I spoke with Mr. Dick Cook and he seemed amazed that we had traveled from all over North America to be there for the marathon. He called an assistant(?) over and he introduced us to her, Lyle Brauer. We spoke with her and then mentioned that we did a fundraiser for Marty and she said" Oh so you are the Martinis!" That was really nice of Marty to mention us. Anyway, before we all left for home, we had lunch with Marty and presented him with the donations. He was overwhelmed with everything that was done for CoDA and I want to thank Pirates N Plunder, POTC INteractive Project, and all the fans for their generosity at the fundraiser. Just AWESOME... and I loved the movie. Seen it 3 times so far and if the heat continues to swelter, I will be in the airconditioned theatre all weekend! all my best!
  16. I suppose not. Especially since mostly everyone has a cellphone camera as well...so I may get a photo op after all? That's wonderful that the Premiere is for charity and I say it's about time but I wonder where the idea came from? . Our pirate group has been doing COTBP interactives for charity since 2003, for Make-A-Wish and other wonderful charities, only this time we have a different venue for the charity event. We do miss the interactives though, and I am working on putting one together for Marty's home state of Michigan. We will have a gathering of the Pirate Lords of the Great Lakes!
  17. "rumors" are a buzzing. Disney is not going to allow autographs or photos taken on the red carpet. The stars will just be escorted down quickly. Of course I checked out my source but he hasn't heard anything about this. If it is true, and the fans will be kept back, I have a feeling that 30,000 POTC fans will not be happy about this, not to be able to take photos either! So does this mean our cameras will be taken away for the day? Boy, Disney will have to have lots of extra workers that day if they are to do all this. I certainly don't want to lose my camera at all! Gees the first time on the red carpet for me and I won't be able to see anyone!
  18. Oh bummer... Marty's going to the 5:30 screening. He's gonna be a very tired pirate since he's up early to take a family member to the airport and the partying the night before!
  19. bring the kids...we have free goodies for the kids!
  20. Your opinion just lost all respect with your dig at Christine. That was totally uncalled for,rude and has no bearing on any comments being made here. This has nothing to do with Batman,Spiderman or POTC. You are trying to push your opinion on us and we are not interested in "real life" as portrayed in comic book movies. If you want to get all pyschological about Spiderman, it's more of an internal struggle of evil versus good per Spiderman. And in real life, evil is everywhere and there are no superheroes running down all the bad guys. Murderers, rapists, child molesters, drug dealers exist and not all are caught. Some are never caught. Some are high ranking officials in public offices, politics,schools, churches,synagoges, temples, colleges, and there may not be enough "good" to bring them down. Don't compare a movie action heroe with real life. Real life heroes are dying in Iraq, Afghanistan...heroes are working hard at discovering cures for cancer, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, Aids...heroes are the Red Cross people that travel throughout the world after natural disasters, trying to help people recover from death and destruction. Real life heroes are the men and women in VA hospitals from VietNam,Korea,Gulf and Iraq wars. I enjoy playing pirates. I love Jack. I love POTC and it does take me into a fantasy world where I can forget my troubles but I come to earth and do things in real life, such as raise a family, work, go to school and volunteer. And I volunteer with some real life heroes that don't have a home, or family. That the United States citizens condemned upon their return from Vietnam and the government has taken the last government funding from them. Don't tell me about super heroes and real life unless you can speak about the true men and women that are heroes.
  21. I am not into comic books but anything comic book related is big stuff. But I do have a feeling that Captain Jack will blow Spiderman off his web. I will be at the El Capitan for the pirate trilogy. All 3 movies before midnight. Got my tickets all set. I had read that the showing at 8 does not count for opening day results or is that incorrect?
  22. And who picked Dave Winfield to be there? He's ancient, and he's not a pirate but a damn Yankee
  23. I will miss Geoffrey not being there as well. He's a brilliant actor~seen Quills? BRILLIANT BRILLIANT BRILLIANT... I know his wife is not well either and that may be part of the reason he'll not be there. We do love you Geoffrey, but this Barbossa thingy...
  24. The response has been overwhelming and we have donations coming in from around the world! This is so exciting. If you can make it to Whittier, please stop by and say hello to Marty and Lee, and the other pirates. Unfortunately, Vinnie(Jacoby) cannot make it but there will be plenty of pirates around AND I hear we'll be serving Tim Horton's coffee! Imagine, Timmie's in California! Not a bad idea, aye mates?
  25. Oh, great minds think alike! I just shopped at Big Lots yesterday and I saw all the DMC stuff there. My moolah is extremely limited this week but I did pick up the DMC Easter Eggs-half off. I'll keep them out all year, not just at Easter time. I didn't know the Easter bunny was a pirate!
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