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Everything posted by captjacksparrowsavvvy

  1. couldn't resist mate. The pic is buzzing on the internet since the botched joke. Not to get all political here as that treads dangerously but what a effing thing to say, joke or no joke!!!
  2. IMBD is not a reliable source either as almost anyone can post anything on it without proper validation...same as Wikipedia. Terry Russio had to ask Wikipedia to remove some information that was not correct. Contactmusic is the worse source of misinformation and yet has a huge readership.
  3. No trailer at all for AWE this year per Terry Russio... Posted by Terry on Tuesday, 24 October 2006, at 2:10 p.m., in response to AWE trailer?, posted by Anne on Tuesday, 24 October 2006, at 12:02 p.m. >> ... apparently the trailer will be on the net on November 3rd, and attached to >> The Santa Clause 3, also out Nov 3rd. There exists no trailer for AWE, and no trailer will be released at any time this year.
  4. The show is being repeated a few times during the week if anyone missed it. It's worth watching. A clip from the red carpet and a pic from DMC is shown as well. Marty works so hard to be where he is at and it all pays off. People can overcome obstacles in their life and use their talents that they are blessed with! If anyone is interested in info on the foundation, please feel free to email. Just offering info to the members here and not advertising anything. There will be another show with Marty in the upcoming weeks and I will post the times here.
  5. Marty is on "Little People, Big World" this Saturday, October 28th, 8 pm eastern time. The show is not about the fundraiser. That is on another date.
  6. Such talented pirates. Wish I could sew but I have no patience for sewing but I love to hot glue! Oh, Rumbarue, your pirate is dressed in its Sunday best. I hope you do get the outfit protected. I think it's too nice to use outside. The monkey is awesome too. I'd love to have the undead monkey for my Halloween decorations. Patrick, thanks for the paper towel recipie. I use newspaper for my pinata's and I'll try the paper towel look. I have never seen rubber skin and probably afraid to find out how that's made. I only have a cardboard Jack, covered with green webbing for the Kraken snot, and he's kinda under the weather. It's been raining for 40 days and 40 nights and his dreads are saturated that Jack is doubled over... and the Kraken needs its tentacles adjusted. I think we are scheduled for snow the rest of the week so all my work will be covered by Halloween night.
  7. We raised quite a bit of money for Marty's charity C.O.D.A., in southern California and happily can say that it helped a family adopt a little boy with dwarfism. As soon as I get a date from Marty, I will post the time, channel and day that the story about the adoption will be on tv. I am putting together another fundraiser to be held in early spring in Marty's homestate. More info later as I get the stuff together with the theatre manager.
  8. Aye, I am here in the muck and mire of devistation, appreciating the NY National Guard and those lovely Utility crews from Georgia, New England and Long Island. Thank ye mates for working so hard especially since it has been raining the entire time. As for the Hollywood crew, they picked a horrible time to film the Falls. Marty says they are "Plate Shots" but whatever they are, the weather has been rainy, cold, overcast, cold and rainy unless that is the effect they wanted. I would have preferred to see SUNSHINE for a change!
  9. Are you offering? I already have a male mate, thank you very much! Having seen DMC this afternoon, I found several pivotal points of the movie that I didn't see the other times. It's hard not to focus on Johnny's Jack Sparrow, that being unfair to the other actors and actress who add spice to the movie. Naomi Harris is fantastic as Tia and Tom Hollander is a plus to any movie. They represent the "dichotomy of good and evil". The scenes are intertwined in many ways, branched out, and left open. It will be interesting to see what T&T have come up with for AWE. T&T have been lambasted to the ground and back by several critics and fans, yet always managed to explain their script decisions without yielding ~classy guys.
  10. I was under the impression that this movie is hardcore. Perhaps this is a guy's idea of softcore? I do have a difficult time with women that are in the porn movie industry. There is enough debasing of women in the world today and I don't support this field. But to each their own and it's not my business what you enjoy for entertainment.
  11. I do that sometimes too. Did you think of what you wanted to say? I am going over to where the crew is filming scenes for AWE tomorrow to see what is going on, that is if the weather is better. The filming crew can't fly in this downpour that is going on right now and I am certainly not going to be standing in it either. It's 100% sickness weather-and once the kids get sick, it just goes back and forth from kid to kid, all winter long. I hope the filming crew gets some footage of the devistation here since our storm. It's been hell to say the least and the storm caught so many of us off guard, but who would expect a snow storm in mid October? Well, I guess the date being Friday the 13th, it had to be a warning.
  12. Marty is a sweetheart. He's a warm and caring individual. He's an advocate for the adoption of children with dwarfism and works very hard at raising funds for the Little People of America. And he's definitely buff too! LOL
  13. Sorry to have invaded your space...like I said it isn't something to get worried over but apparently your mate bess has the only say on this forum...so I will sod off
  14. My info source is very reliable but confidential...but not the gist of the discussion. And it's a very minor fact to be worried over...whether the cameo is left in or not but I would guess that it will be left in as it turned out remarkably well. Johnny has Keith's demeanor maxed and his "slur" verbatim-can't ask much more from Johnny than that!
  15. You raise many points in, which you believe have made the movie a bad movie. I look at those same points and find most notable exceptions to each. -The entrance: More than just the appearance of Jack Sparrow. Jack's first realization of his own mortality. "It's funny what a man will do to forstall his final judgement" including an escape in a occupied coffin. -The tribal thing: "And then they made me their chief" only now Jack has become a GOD." I am chief! Want big fire! Oi! Maboogie snickel-snickel. Tout de suite! More wood!" not to mention the "ball licky licky" which got by the Disney censors. There are so many fabulous lines along with the perfect timing and deliverance so brilliantly done by Johnny. -Jack Sparrow: I'll dwell on your comments about Jack. I felt Jack was Jack right from the start. Trying to chase that undead monkey and shoot it GIBBS: "You know that don't do no good" JACK: "It does me" "Where is that monkey, I want to shoot something" (Where are the writers, I want to kill them) Jack bs'ing Will again:"Because the finding this finds you incapacitorially finding and/or locating and your discovering the detecting of a way to save your dolly belle ol'... what's-her-face. Savvy?" (Uh-huh. Well, Mr. Turner, I've changed me mind. If you spring me from this cell I swear on pain of death I shall take you to the Black Pearl and your bonny lass. Do we have an accord?) Gibbs: I'll watch your back. Jack Sparrow: It's me front I'm worried about. with reference to the black spot myth of self gratification - the line that Gore put in, not Johnny Jack Sparrow: My eyesight's as good as ever, just so you know The first confrontation on the Pearl between Davy Jones and Jack is absolutely brilliant. As Davy is walking towards Jack and Jack is leaning backwards, mimicking every step that Davy takes. Davy Jones: I keep the boy. Ninety-nine souls-uh. But I wonder, Sparrow, can you live with this? Can you condemn an innocent man - a friend-uh - to a lifetime of servitude, in your name while you roam free? Jack Sparrow: Yep! I'm good with it. Shall we seal it in blood? I mean... mm-mm - ink? Tortuga: Brilliant choreography. Watching Jack duck,swerve,dip and swagger his way thru the flying objects all the while changing hats is fantastic. Jack takes Elizabeth on the Pearl(Bad luck to have a woman on board, far worse not to type reasoning here as well) by duping her into finding the chest in order to save Will: Darling, I am truly unhappy to have to tell you this but... through an unfortunate and *entirely* unforeseeable series of circumstances that have nothing whatsoever to do with me, poor William has been press-ganged into Davy Jones' crew. Jack has conned another. He's conned Will. He's duped Davy Jones into an extra 3 days, and now he's got Elizabeth snookered. All for his own self, not anyone elses. "What type of man would trade a ship for a man?" "A pirate" Jack: Let us examine that claim for a moment, former Commodore, shall we? Who was it that at the very moment you had a notorious pirate safely behind bars saw fit to free said pirate and take your dearly beloved all to hisself... aye? So whose fault is it really that you've ended up a rum-pot deckhand what takes orders from pirates? (Jack: Not if you're the one doing the ambushing. I go in, I convince Barbossa to send his men out with their little boats. You and your mates return to the Dauntless and blast the bejesus outta them with your little cannons, eh? What do you have to lose?) Jack hasn't changed, only maxed out his options. Jack is still trying to get Lizzie in the hammock: Jack: Oh, yes. But the company is infinitely better than last time, I think. The scenery has definitely improved. Jack Sparrow: You know Lizzy,I am captain of a ship. And being captain of a ship, I could in fact perform a marr-rri-age. Right here. Right on this deck. Right... *now*! with sexual overtones brilliantly added by Johnny: Elizabeth: Why doesn't your compass work? Jack: My compass works fine(and Jack looks down at his "compass" and then the camera gives us the famous cannon shot) (there'll be no living with her after this and Elizabeth, it would have never worked between us, I'm sorry) Jack, in one of the most tender moments in the movie, Jack becomes the hero, not by returning to The Black Pearl, but: Gibbs: Jack, the Pearl. Jack: She's only a ship, mate. This had to be the hardest thing Jack has ever said or done in his life. I have probably over exhausted the readership with this response but I do belive that this script is another brilliant piece written by Ted and Terry. Seeing it 31 times and still yearning to see it again and again.
  16. The writers themselves, Terry Russio and Ted Elliot. Since POTC came out, they have been very vocal on their website within their legal obligations of course. Here's the scoop from Terry............................................. Oh come on ... everyone knows that ... Posted by Terry on Monday, 9 October 2006, at 3:46 p.m., in response to Re: POTC 4 Rumour...., posted by Tina G on Monday, 9 October 2006, at 3:37 p.m. ... the Will Turner character is killed off in Pirates 3. kidding, kidding. It's pretty nuts. There hasn't been one minute of work done on Pirates 4 by anybody yet. There haven't even been any deals made, nobody knows who would even be making the decisions yet, no one know who is even going to be invited to make the decisions yet. Pure speculation.
  17. Disney is not preparing number 4. The script is not being written per Ted Elliot and Terry Russio. Any speculations that are surfacing on the internet are rumors and cannot be used in any future POTC scripts,that being a legal issue with Disney and the writers, again per Ted and Terry.
  18. Keith Richards was not drunk nor stoned on the set. He did not cause any problems and filming was on schedule. He fits right in! Even tho I am not thrilled that Keith is doing a cameo in the film, it's not the end of the world to have Keith do a small bit. Johnny wanted Keith to be in the film, and yes, it was extra work for the writers to try and fit his part in, but it was done. Keith is a rock and roll legend whether you like him or not. He is one of the best guitar players in the world. We all have our vices in life, whether it be drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, sex, food, money...and no one is a perfect being. There's a very wise old saying: live and let live!
  19. Gee whiz, my pirate romance book looks different than yours!
  20. But you have the Vikings!!! It can't be all that bad, can it????
  21. The filming is scheduled until the end of November. There is a lot of filming to do for POTC3. Filming at the beach should be finished on Wednesday and the crew will move on to another location to film.
  22. I've skimmed thru the posts, ducking the jabs and punches and I have come across with this... Too much emphasis on the trilogy thing. It's not a trilogy per se. The first movie was made complete. T&T had to do a script based on a story that already had its ending. They truly accomplished this with bringing a darker side to the story, bringing in new characters, each with their own agenda and exposing different sides to Jack. Closing in on 4 billion dollars with several countries just going to open the film this coming weekend, there is something to respect about this movie even if you disliked its plot,the dark side,Kracken, Water Wheel ,the score, the length or the ball cage of bones... it is the most talked about, anticipated and watched movie this summer. The bottom line is this and it hold quite true for many of us, if a movie doesn't motivate you or change your life in any way, shape or form, then it's not the movie for you. You have every right to complain if the movie has no value other than the ticket you paid for. Most of us want to be entertained when we attend a movie, not to be disappointed. Hopefully for those who were disapointed in DMC will clearly enjoy the 3 movie. I am still seeing DMC in the theatre unil it's time runs out. Then I will have to wait for the special 2 disc set that is coming out on Dec. 5th.
  23. Gore has said in a few interviews that this is it for him. Of course Bruckheimer could make him an offer he can't refuse! LOL Johnny would be willing to make as many as he could as he loves to play Jack Sparrow but unfortunately he has several projects legally signed thru his company including acting and directing. Depp fans are waiting for the Rum Diaries, Shantaram and Sweeny Todd... The other principals in the movie have projects as well and it would take major work and years to get them back together.
  24. Well everyone has their opinion on Dead Man's Chest. What I like to hear from those that didn't like it, is what part didn't you like? I would think a person would have to live in the dark ages not to know that Dead Man's Chest was a darker movie. That was stated by several actors, Ted and Terry way before the trailers were even released to the public. I am wondering what people expected that made them indifferent to the movie? The story lines are not hard to follow even if you only saw the movie once. Besides there was enough exposition in the film to help explain things right along. In my opinion, just paying to see Johnny Depp on the big screen is worth the price of a ticket. :) Johnny Depp repeatedly told the fans that there will be new layers of Jack introduced but Jack is still Jack. Johnny Depp would not do anything to damage the character of Jack~his character of Jack. That is Johnny's baby and he would not compromise Jack away and he has said so repeatedly. I'd really like to know the parts that you didn't like or what you expected of the movie. It's ok not to like it but I would like to hear the reasons why as we have posted the reasons why we like the movie.
  25. I love the soundtrack, a bit more than the first. The only 2 soundtracks I listen to in my car and at home. My favorite of course is the music that is played when Elizabeth grabs Jack's legs(drool,slobber,thud) to steady him as he fires the musket.
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