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Everything posted by captjacksparrowsavvvy

  1. Oh I have a mate, Iron Bess, and he's a mighty fine man to have for nearly 25 years. Wouldn't trade him, even for a jar of dirt! :)
  2. On the side of the box is the story about Davy Jones and Tia Dalma. A pirate friend recieved hers, and she pre-ordered the dvd the day before the movie was in the stores. A special POTC case with a story, well I guess for me that is worth fighting for. I know I am going to be hitting the rum early this year. My nerves are shot just from Circuit City! LOL
  3. That's my next quest ~ to get the DVD stand at, where else, Circuit City! The stores usually trash the stands or the managers do what they want with them. I happened on the M&M stand with Jack but then I had to cut it up, saved Jack's photos, only because I have no room for the bloody stand. I have the poster stand from WalMart. Just happened to be there when Mr. Posterman was bringing in new POTC posters and I was able to grab the holder with a full length poster of Jack on it. Yummy! Speaking of a fight, when Media play was going out of business, there was a Depp poster on the wall. It was"Finding Neverland"...I took it off the wall and I walked up to the cashier and said I wanted to buy it. SHe said I couldn't because there was no price tag on it. I said then put a price tag on and then I will buy it. The sign says everything must go, from the ceiling to the walls to the floor. The manager comes over and tells me I can't buy the poster. I said charge me for the regular price of the posters. SHe said we can't do that. No tag, no sale. I then said please get one of the close~out managers that were in the office overseeing the closeout of the store. That person called the cashier and told her to GIVE ME THE POSTER as it was a promotional poster, not one for sale. ARGH But I didn't budge until I got that poster. One of my kids was in another line shaking his head. I came out with that poster waving it to my husband and kids and while driving home, my youngest says "Take what you can, and give nothing back" We are all bloody pirates!
  4. were I gonna go to such lenghts to re-create the prop, I'd want a period jar, and period dirt! :angry: of course you don't know me very well...I have protested and rallied with the best of the best...LOL It's the principle of the promotion. "Bait and switch" is still used by many companies to lure customers into their store, then the store's higher ups back out on the promises, leaving the customer/consumer up the creek without a paddle and the young kids working at the counter getting the complaints. If no one questions these little incidentals, companies will continue to make promises and falsify advertisements and to put their employees into situations that they have no control over. It's not fair to the employees either. What pisses me off even more is that I found out some youngin's spent some of their own allowance money on this promotion to recieve said jar of dirt and didn't...well, that is where there is fodder for the fight. You fight for what you believe in and it's more than a jar of dirt that's involved. Besides, I heard it's Depp's dirt...haha
  5. Don't fret about no deleted scenes. There are NO DELETED SCENES in the dvd, just scenes that were shortened. Everything is intact, per Terry and Ted. Uhm, in the trailer, I distinctly remember a statement about 'almost innocent bystander' that didn't make the final cut of the film..... That was taken out of the 3 way conversation on the mill house(water wheel) Jack calls Norrie a rumpotdeckhandtwat taking orders from a pirate etc...
  6. "Spoken like a Mom... Dads are always lettin' the kids peek, and tellin' them not t' tell their mother! I sez see yer Dad." LOL, if mom says no, then go talk to dad. If dad says no, give Grandma a call, she says "yes" to everything!
  7. Don't fret about no deleted scenes. There are NO DELETED SCENES in the dvd, just scenes that were shortened. Everything is intact, per Terry and Ted.
  8. I AM LIVID ABOUT THE JAR OF DIRT. I AM ON THE PHONE NOW WITH CIRCUIT CITY HEADQUARTERS...On hold of course. I am complaining that CC puts out this promotion to get customers to come in and preorder, then try to hand out something else that was offered. BULLSHIT! I want my jar of dirt!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am fighting this. It's the principal of the thing. I could have had the FLashing Light up Pin from Targer or the doll from Kmart or the teeshirt from WalMart... I preordered the single disc from the Disney store to get Jack's poster, then I ordered the 2 disc dvd from CC to get the jar of dirt. I went to BestBuy after I ordered on line to get the extra's dvd that is not included on the 2 disc extras dvd. It has more footage and photos not included on either disc nor on the Easter Eggs. But I still will order my jar of dirt regardless...Don't matter to me if I have extra copies. I will call Mr. Spitzer tho and still complain. That's what an attorney general is for!
  9. children pirate books perhaps you'll have some luck thru this site. If the number is toll free, you could call and ask as well.
  10. Nothing wrong with mom waiting until Christmas. My kids use to get ansy for their gifts WEEKS before Christmas and I refused to give in. So be patient or you'll get a lump of coal...
  11. I preorderd DMC at Circuit City to get the POTC commerative jar of dirt and well, the store tried to give me a POTC video game instead NOT GOOD! I contacted Circuit City headquarters in Virginia. I will call again tomorrow and I will call Elliot Spitzer...he ain't governor yet! I am FUMING over this. I missed pre-ordering at Target and missed the skull and crossbones thingy and I missed the teeshirt at WalMart and I missed the Jack Sparrow doll at KMart, all for a jar of dirt. It's the principal of preordering for the promotion ahead of time. All the stores had their own promotion, although Best Buy had the best promotion with a dvd extra of photos and footage that is not on the 2 disc set extra dvd, and some stores still have it available. It is worth the effort to get it thru Best Buy. stay tuned for the battle between me and Circuit City...
  12. When McDonalds was running the Pirates of the Caribbean kids happy meal promotions, the commercials were on television. Pintel and Rigetti, Maxi and David aka Clubba were on the commercials. I didn't get to see one of them. The Canadian promos for DMC had different trailers and teasers than the US for some reason. Jack was speaking lines on the teasers that he never used in the movie. And during hockey games, which is about the only other TV show that I watch faithfully, there is a beer commercial with a man dressed as Jack Sparrow at a party. He's hitting on Cleopatra and it's hysterical, even if it's not Johnny.
  13. Good for you Marjon. At least someone has seen Marty's commercial. I wonder if it will end up on in North America. Sometimes, sometimes not. I missed all the pirate commercials for McDonalds here. Hard to know what programs will air the commercials. Not like we have a television guide for commercials only. LOL As for Jacob, Marty said that Jacob and Mike are home and are ok. So that is good news.
  14. What is the name of the cereal and is it a Kelloggs cereal?
  15. I know that Geoffrey Rush has a huge following. He's a brilliant actor and well,ever since "Quills", he's on my list of great actors.
  16. Jacob, the youngest boy, was injured on the farm and so was their friend. The catapoult misfired and injured Jacob with a blow to the skull and their friend had to get over 200 staples to his head. It was awful.
  17. Marty will be on again on "Little People,Big World" and the show will be about a couple adopting a little boy with dwarfism. It's going to be a very special show and I hope that everyone will get a chance to watch it. Marty will let me know when it will be on.
  18. Oh no, Marty didn't tell me he got sick, that little bugger! LOL I guess somethings are best kept close to the vest, aye? I can tell you are enjoying the dvd Charity. I can't wait for mine but if DMC is in the theater this weekend, I am going again. Besides, I have to pick up Christmas presents along the way so I might as well do both while out. Might get some snow this weekend too.
  19. Charity, can you make me some Jack caps from the DVD and either pm them or email them to me? Don't put on the boards, even Marty's...not proper protocal until the vid is officially out for everyone. I don't have the hardware to make caps and my kids won't help me on the better computer. Anything to do with pirates...
  20. Not really, i've got chest pains and they're getting worse and worse, but the kno doctor (Throat nose and ear) couldn't have me before the 1st of December.. I'm coughing a lot and my throat and chest feel bad but what can i do.. Anyway..trying to hang on and feel better :) Bess, i agree..did the first time i saw some shots of the ride but now I've seen it properly (On the dvd) i was horrified.. He's nothing like him and the way he talks..so slurry and slow..kinda weird.. I truly think it's an honor they have him there but not the way he looks and sounds.. Barbossa head Not good Charity. Sounds as if pneumonia is settling in. Is this the health care system there? You have to wait weeks for a sick visit to the doctor? WTF? I can't imagine how long for a healthy checkup! Can't you be a pain and call the office and demand to see the doc sooner? If it is pneumonia/bronchitis/uri/ it's only going to take longer treatments and more agressive meds to clear up. You'll spend most of your winter months recovering for goodnesssake. Chicken soup is a good healing for any illness. Any soup, from home made to frozen to canned...the broth is the key ingredient. Eat it as much as you can stand it. Drink lots of liquids...and don't breath the cold air. Cover your nose when you go outside. Shot of rum as well...
  21. Perhaps Geoffrey didn't want his face on the character in the ride? The character looks smaller too, or perhaps that 's the camera angle.
  22. Marty is a great person even tho he's an Oakland Raiders fan...LOL. I am so glad that I was able to meet him and spend time with him. It was a memorable summer and I'll never forget it. Don't forget to send me your snail mail Marjon. Customs is pretty backed up with packages and I know it'll take a while to get there. So you like Barbossa, aye? LOL
  23. Hi Charity! How you are feeling better mate. I ordered the 2disc set from Circuit City and I get a POTC commerative jar of dirt with it(a minature jar of dirt)...and I ordered the 1 disc dvd from the Disneystore and got a Jack poster, plus a 15% coupon off of POTC merchandise, so I will be shopping on the 5th of December. DMC is still playing in theaters here. I think that is AWESOME!
  24. ah gee whiz, I'd be thrilled to get their autographs! I asked someone to get one for me but he couldn't get off from work. I hope those that did get a chance to go were able to meet T&T. That's a pretty neat opportunity if you ask me.
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