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Everything posted by captjacksparrowsavvvy

  1. The wind was relentless the last few days and I kept losing the sails~will have to figure out a much more better plan for next year but I thought it came out pretty good and thanks to my hubby for building the Black Pearl!
  2. Bittersweet. Marty's step dad passed away Friday. I spent a quiet Saturday with Marty helping him with his charity. If anyone is interested: Condolences for Marty
  3. Sorry Mates...Marty only found out a half hour before CSI that the episode he is in is next week, Thursday Nov. 1...he was shown during the previews...
  4. I just picked up a zither at a thrift store. Now that's my bargain of the year! I am getting it fine tuned and hopefully my voice will be fine tuned as well! John Sebastian use to play it in his band/still plays it...OK ALL YOU OLDIES BUT GOODIES...You'll know what I am talking about! LOL
  5. how do you play a fish You can tune a guitar but you can't tuna fish...
  6. I don't think Hollywood will ever be absolutely correct on the facts in any movie. It's probably more the time, effort and cost of trying to make a model to scale and with all the proper equipment. I know this isn't Hollywood but those Drake collectables of Chevy Cars from the 50's are not accurate. Drives my hubby nuts since the commercials brag about authentic this and that, and the model is not correct. So it happens in lots of areas... Can't fool an ol' Chevy man...
  7. There is nothing like owning your own home and "home" is where the heart is, or in your case, home is where the rum is! So are you going to own cattle to help mow all those acres? That's awesome. Nohting like having a little breathing room. Never been thar but someday I'd like to visit. Of course I do not like tornados,earthquakes and have only been through very minor versions of such. But give me 12 feet of snow, wind chill minus 20 and no electricity for a week and I'll show you fun!! LOL
  8. Oh Perkeo this is a beautiful prayer. I am sending it to Marty. And thanks to all for your prayers and thoughts. It is never easy to let go of a loved one. Yet it is painful to watch them suffer. Cancer is cruel...
  9. Oh, I would like the Black Pearl...the one for 149. It sounds like a lot of money but if I were to try to build one on that scale, I am sure it would cost that if not more. Ny husband just built me the bow of the Black Pearl for Halloween decorations. I spent all day painting, hoping that it wouldn't rain on it. I accidently hit one of the cannons and knocked it off and I'll have to have him put it back on for me. and all the yellow jackets were swarming around the paint can-it must smell sweet to them! My boys suggested getting a fog machine and if I can get one cheap, I will. I'd like to have the smoke coming out of each cannon but I think I am putting myself into more project than I want to do. I have POTC candy that I am putting in the halloween bags along with other treats. I have the chest cd player and I love it. I know my boys won't borrow that one like they did the other boom box I had(which I never got back)...I just want a player that I can listen to my cds on while I am doing crafts or computer stuff. This pirate hobby is fun but costly. But we all enjoy what we do so who's to complain!
  10. Marty's stepdad is in the final stages of cancer. He's asked for prayers for his stepdad and mom, and I know that Marty could use the prayers as well as this is a most difficult time for all. Thanks
  11. Vince is a good egg, just like the other boys. They are devoted to charity events and truly put their heart and soul in the effort. I am honored to know them all. It's amazing how our different paths end up meeting at some point during our lifetime. I believe it's all in the big plan.
  12. OH, Wonderful photos of the pirate event! I love pirates, rum and Bagpipes-the best combination. Rumba Rue, that is David P that you are kissing, not Vinnie. I don't see Vince in any pics, was he there too? Usually "the boys" are with Marty-Maxie,Vinnie, David, Isaac and Treva. Of course depending on their schedules. As for your camera, there are free problems to recover lost pics if they were accidently deleted from your digital camera. Just in case you truly lose them all. I don't think there will ever be a Great Lakes Pirate event. I doubt if there are any real pirates that went through this area. But it's rich in British,French and 6 Nations history.
  13. "Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana" "You are as young as the women you feel" Groucho Marx
  14. Guitar, harmonica, uke, accordion and little keyboard, just enough to get by... I know how to play the into to "Innagoddadavida" and "Colour My World"...once again carbon dating myself!
  15. The episode of CSI:Vegas with dear Marty will be on Thursday October 25th, on CBS. Check your local listings for the time in your area! Go Marty!!!
  16. I saw AWE for the 32nd time on Wednesday night. It's leaving the theater today and I hope to catch it if I am not overwhelmed from work. I enjoy AWE each and every time I see it which has been since May... I am going to have a big melt down after Thursday!!!!
  17. My team the Bills lost more than the game on Sunday. Kevin Everett was seriously injured during the game. He has a spinal cord injury and will be under heavy sedation while doctors evaluate his prognosis. If you don't want to send a card that's ok~just remember the kid in your thoughts and prayers. Thanks. Cards and letters can be mailed to: Attention: Kevin Everett One Bills Drive Orchard Park, NY 14127
  18. A Marty update: he will be on the 5th episode of CSI:Vegas's new season. I never watched CSI:Vegas. I am not one for TV shows but I will watch this show.
  19. http://martinklebba.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=656 I am kinda bummed as I was going to meet with Marty in Toronto but Disney changed its plans (again)...It would have been a nice way to end the summer... anyhow I am still working on CoDA(Marty and Matt Roloff's charity) and hopefully I will put together another fundraiser in California for Marty next summer.
  20. Well it was th' 60's.... but close enough..... A firecracker, a glass Testors paint bottle, some BB's... and we had hand granades...... and realy lucky none of the firecrackers had a fast fuse..... We tried to make a cannon outta a chunk of pipe with one end flattened.... but we never could get the fuse through the touch hole.... so we had to fire it like a mortar....... We never got caught, and luckly no one got hurt... but back then, the Police would just confiscate your firecrackers, and tell you what a dumb idea it was.... 60's here. We use to make Polish cannons...Ok, not knocking the Polish. I am Polish and married the same. I think it was made of coffee cans, lighter fluid and other things that I won't mention because I don't want anyone to try this at home, especially young ones, although I am sure the kids can make their own arsenal from websites!
  21. I bought a bread machine while thrifting and it works but not the best. I have no instructions for it and I tried to get them online. I am thinking of just getting a new one as the bread was delicious. I am not one for the kitchen but little conveniences like this make cooking and baking more enjoyable. It's worse now as the boys are bigger and eat every hour. There's never the right food or not enough of what we eat. I finish putting the groceries away and they open the fridge and say "What do you got to eat? "There's nothing to eat""Why don't you buy------------?" It gets tiresome ya know.
  22. I run Marty's board and as good as the software is for registering, we still get hit with viagra pirates, porn pirates, gambling pirates and job pirates. The only thing that works right now is the delete button and I try to go in everyday to delete but we all know how that goes, especially if you have a real life! It's annoying and crosses the line when children are allowed to be on these forums, ALTHOUGH...parents should monitor young children on the internet. I did, and still do, and my kids are "older"...Parents cannot be on all the time either and it should be a parents responsibility to keep a close eye on the kids. AND I also believe that if you run a forum or website, that there should be a good amount of supervision as well. I highly doubt that the TOU have changed to allow porn advertising. It's not illegal, and probably will never be illegal but it needs to be controlled. I am for live and let live but not if you are going to shove it in my face or post it around kids. This is a cute story but oh so true. My son was doing a project on the US government. This was 7th grade so he was about 11. We had just gotten the internet and decided to look online for info on the US government. Me, being the mommy and wanting to help, typed in "whitehouse.com"...seriously thinking that it would take me to the Whitehouse. Well, yeah, it took me to the white house allright, a brothel of some sort with anything and everything bouncing across the screen. I went into the school the next day and told the teachers about it and of course their response was" we do not control where the children go on the internet at home" and my response was, CYA(cover your arse) then print up a reference sheet with legitimate government websites as a guidance for the children to do their reports at home. It wasn't a day later when the teachers had done that. How many kids didn't have a parent standing over them at the time...How did I know that the government is a dot gov? Anyway, if the goofy posts are not deleted right away, just don't reply or open them. It will eventually be deleted.
  23. NEAT ! I love hand made costumes and outfits. Congratulations on the award. I cannot sew a button on. Tis duct tape and hot glue gun for me. I use to make costumes for my kids eons ago. Big Bird, M&M's, Babe Ruth, Barbie and Slimer. OK, so that tells ya where I am coming from and how fast I am going hahahahaha
  24. I only recently started to fly so I had to learn from scratch. I wanted to have my Tim Horton's coffee in California, so I brought the single pot packs in my carry on. Not knowing how to pack properly, I just tossed the packs into the carry on. I had to unzip the carry on before it went through the machine and it had tipped over, spilling out all the single packs of Tim Horton's coffee. So I reached over to gather them up, and I was yelled at by security. I wasn't suppose to go near the convenyor and I didn't know. So there are my coffee packs going down the convenyor belt, one after another! LOL I am sure they were glad to get rid of me at that point. Oh, dental floss isn't considered a weapon but it makes a great slicer for cheese. Especially Velveeta!
  25. I started collecting kids but after the 4th one, I stopped! LOL I have to carbon date myself...I started collecting Beatles stuff in 63. I don't have the Beatles Wig as my parents didn't allow me to get it but I have all the lps and 45's from The Beatles starring Tony Sheridan to all the classics, plus all the battle of the bands(4 Seasons versus Beatles, now who thought of that idea???LOL) Some of my LPs are in Mono as Stereo was the more expensive of the records. All the stuff is safely put away, along with Beatles cards, magazines (16,Tigerbeat,Fave ). I have my dads 78's that were given to me and I really don't have the heart to sell them but I am thinking about it. Real country western music Hank Williams, Tex Ritter(John Ritters Dad) and Patti Page. I buy the pirate stuff but I don't call it collectibles since it is so massed produced. I am partial to anything purple and sometimes I buy it at a flea market just because the item is purple! The only thing that we have collected in the last 30 years that is worth anything are old classic chevys, which do not deppreciate. Even if rusty and undrivable, the market for old cars is buzzing constantly. We had even purchased a pink cadillac from California and had a friend fly down one way and drive it back home to NY. Of course that is more my hubby's collection than mine but everything's an equal share, aye? HAHAHA I am a pack rat though and I tend to save everything. Even empty shoe boxes...ya never know when you will need a shoe box! My craft room is jammed and now that I am putting together a pirate room, that room is looking a little tight these days. Well, we only go around once in this life time so why not enjjoy what we truly love!
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