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Everything posted by captjacksparrowsavvvy

  1. It's a fine goal to be sure...I can't afford it. If I wasn't spending money on putting together Marty's fundraiser and the fundraiser I am putting together here for my girlfriend, I would be able to swing it. But my money is going to a good cause just the same. I'll be on the sidelines at the red carpet waving to all the fans and stars that come down it or walk up it, whatever is correct.
  2. It's not on the air yet. That is probably why no one has seen it! LOL
  3. Fantastic~can't wait to meet everyone. I am thrilled that Lee is coming too. He told me he'd do anything for Marty... Did anyone see the Walmart commercial with Marty and Lee yet? I haven't
  4. We are proud to announce the 2nd Marty Klebba fundraiser for CoDA/Little People of America! CoDA Marty Any questions you can email me at captjacksparrow@adelphia.net Sponsored by Pirates N' Plunder your hostesses: POTC Interactive Project.
  5. Is this remark intended to slight me? Just curious, because if you are trying to take a jab, then you have crossed the line in this discussion. This average Catholic understands,acknowledges and RESPECTS others religions and beliefs. It's not bunk to me or others in my church. Sad that you would think that way. Funny that you just mentioned 'Catholic', not making reference to 'Jew','Buddist','Jain','Muslim' or 'atheist'...Perhaps they are not "average" or don't fall in the "bunk" category? BTW, Ganesha is a pot-bellied man not a boy.
  6. Finally have put it together. With the help of my crew over at POTCinteractive and the host with the most- Mike and Pirates N' Plunder...here's the scoop... Sunday May 20th 1-3 PM 7013 Greenleaf Avenue Whittier, CA toll free 877-4PILLAGE Marty Klebba and Lee Arenberg will be there for a meet and greet session and to collect donations for his charity CoDA. CoDA is the new charity that Marty Klebba and Matt Roloff are directors of and the website is CoDA You can call Mike at the store or visit Marty's site Marty for more information. We're just starting to put out the info so it may not be posted on Marty's site yet. I thought the West Coast crew could try and make it out there to meet Marty and Lee and perhaps donate or buy a teeshirt or hand crafted pirate swag. Free pirate goodie bags for the kids. Don't ask me for directions. I live in NY and it would take you a week to get there! I'll be flying out there on the 18th so I'll be searching for the place myself.lol
  7. I don't believe it's true. I had read that Keith is denying it and said that he buried his dad's ashes by a tree that he planted and that he can't do coke anymore or he'd kill himself for sure. ABC and Disney are up in arms about this and want nothing to do with Keith or will not promote Keith in AWE. I think it's a bad joke that went very wrong. Or someone is trying to put out some nasty gossip. On the other hand, just think, if we could snort our relatives ashes-you know, the ultimate send off to the next world. Might not be such a bad idea...LOL
  8. Yes, the bottom line is to sit down and get on with the lesson. Class time is short to begin with. Oh dear, I don't have many pics of me from the late 60's or 70's. Perhaps it's better that way~ my hair was long as Melanie and Joni Mitchell's. I played folk guitar with everyone and it was an extremely difficult time for my parents as they had no clue what the hell was going on. We were the class that broke the dress code in 1969...No more dresses, skirts or dress pants. It was bell bottoms, hip huggers, love beads, peace signs, head bands,Flag patches and California grass. When we protested, it was hundreds of kids, usually sitting down and singing peace songs to make a statement and get attention. It wasn't one kid with a pirate eye patch but funny how one person can get the media's attention. Hey, maybe this kid will be the one to find the cure for cancer, ya never know. I remember in the early 60's in grade school, when a boy wore a Beatle wig to class, he was disciplined. The next year, he grew his hair long like the Beatles(yes that was considered long back then) My mom refused to let me have a Beatles wig. I wonder if they are worth anything on Ebay? LOL sorry I am reminiscing...
  9. My motto at home" because I'm the mom and I say so!"...LOL I am enjoying this thread tremendously... I am an ageless hippie,still hoping that our troops will come home before Christmas and waiting for the kids protesting on campus to break out into song"I'm only 18, I got a ruptured spleen and I always carry a purse..." sigh, the good ol' days. I have 4 kids of my own 24,24,21, and 18. I was extremely fortunate to be able to be a stay-at-home mom and be with my kids 24/7. I do not regret it and would do it again in a heart beat. My kids are not perfect by no means and have gotten into trouble but I do believe things would have been a lot worse had I not been around for all those years. I am still there for them should they need me. (and yes they do even at these ages) One thing I emphasize to my kids is respecting the teacher and staff at school. I didn't care if they failed a test or got a d on a report card. I wanted them to behave in school and I was rewarded with many years of compliments on how well my kids behaved all through the school years. One teacher even asked if I was planning any more kids because he enjoyed my kids in his class. They did what they were told and didn't sass back. I am a director of Religious Ed at a Catholic school with over 700 kids. It is beyond frustrating to see the lack of respect from a good majority of these kids. Some of the children have issues or special needs and I know they are acting out but there are many kids that have no rhyme nor reason behind their disruptive behavior. Some parents are kids themselves. Grandparents are raising grandchildren. There are single moms or single dads just barely getting by and many extended families. Again, this does not always attribute to bad behavior. We can't pinpoint it and it's really useless to try to find the cause. IN the case of this boy with the eye patch, since I didn't read the article, I don't know all the circumstances but again, I feel that if the teacher made a request to remove the eye patch, it should have been done and the whole situation would have been finished. Sad thing is, all the kids in the class lose valuable time because of the incident. this is exam prep time and well, every minute is precious right now. Yes, there are always good kids that get overshadowed by the attention-seekers or just plain jerks in class. Hopefully the goof-off's will learn something from their peers before it's too late.
  10. It wasn't the eye patch that caused the disruption per say but the fact that the student refused the teachers request to take it off. I don't care if the teacher may have had an issue with the eye patch, the student refused the teacher's request. Not once but several times. Too many chances for a 16 year old student! And of course, we don't know exactly what he did with the inflatable but I have a pretty good guess that he used it in a very inappropriate manner. After all, he is 16... This has nothing to do with freedom of speech nor the students rights. He has the right to a quality education, not to defy the teacher and basically act like a jerk in front of his classmates. The lack of respect in todays society is beyond measure. During my childhood, we were seen and not heard. We spoke when spoken to. We used manners. Please and thank you was the rule, not an annoyance. We did as we were told. We didn't answer back. What do the kids say today? "whatever" this makes me cringe... "It's not my stuff, I don't have to put it away" or "I didn't take it out" "Johnny, I need to speak with you followed by the all might question "WHY?" and every question thereafter is followed by "why?" What has happened? If I said ANYTHING back to my parents we were taken care of promptly. I have had a 3rd grader have a temper tantrum, actually lying on the floor, and he screamed out "You can't touch me, my parents said so!" and we cannot touch the child. And some need a kick in the ass too. We can't blame President Bush for this one. I don't know where the respect went and I don't see it coming back in the very near future. Not at all...sad, sad, sad...
  11. First, my understanding of spam(other than that slimey stuff we had to eat when we were kids because we didn't have lots of money)...is promoting a site with gambling,porn,medicine,get-rich-quick, meet-local-singles and "101 ways to have sex with sheep" programs that are 19.99 and if you order right now, they will send you 2 programs for the price of one... This to me is self-promotion by a young artist trying to find an audience,specifically targeting the pirate fans. I don't see it as a money making scheme nor anything other than a young kid trying to make it in the world of entertainment. I find this post harmless as a june bug in a jar. I can't go by the stats of how many times a member posts. To me that is just a number. I have seen people on sites have thousands of posts yet their messages are typically one or two word replies. "Yep" "That's great" "Me too"...that all counts as a post, aye?
  12. Pyracy Pub Poll Questions a. How re-enactment opportunities did you have in 2006 (pirate and non-pirate)? 1 b. How many different pirate or pirate-related characters do you portray? 1 c. Were your pirate or pirate-related characters based more on historic or movie/fantasy figures? fantasy d. Do you sail or work in a sea-related field or do you re-enact purely for escapism? A little bit of escapism and lots of fun in meeting people and traveling...
  13. It's on YOUTUBE !!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG IT'S FANTASTIC...it's in Russian but who the hell cares!!!!!!!!!! JACK IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!! YIPPIE!!!!!!
  14. OMG, I love this pic of Jack!. It's truly Jack!
  15. I was informed that it would be shown around 10ish est and it will be on Yahoo as well. If anyone misses it, it will be on YOUTUBE about 3 seconds after it airs!
  16. My husband took an early retirement...he had enough of factory work and he didn't want to die in the plant. That's a serious statement as many workers have died in the plant or were taken to the hospital So far he is in good health and is enjoying HIS retirement but I am at the other end where I am still cooking,cleaning,shopping plus working. When I do officially retire in 10 years, I'll still have to cook, clean and shop so I guess I'll never officially have a retirement. And my job has no benefits, well at least no earthly ones!
  17. The first reports were from UK tabloids, of which the stories were repeated on Foxnews and USA. There may be some truth to the story but we may never know all the details. Johnny is very protective of his family and their privacy is always top priority. It's none of anyone's business anyway and a sick child should not be exploited to sell more tabloids. Any parent can tell you that a sick child is the worst heartache a parent can go thru. And it's during that time, that people need to give space to the parents. Of course we all wish the child to be well and hopefully she is on the road to a complete recovery from her illness or injury.
  18. Well, it's not my site so I won't worry about it.
  19. Just because the photo is up still, doesn't mean it's safe to repost elsewhere. Disney Studio has been requesting the AWE pics down from sites and I had to take that exact photo off the website per Disney's request 2 days ago. I am sure Disney hasn't caught up to this site yet. IMDB is not an official site. Anyone can put up a bio, references etc. And the information isn't always accurate. It's hard not to buy into media websites, but their articles tend to be slanted or skewed. Read Terry Rossio's article on his internet interview that was skewed Terry
  20. I'd be very leary of posting any AWE pics here. There are plenty of sites that have the pics up that you can look at. I had to remove that pic and others from AWE on a forum that I mod, per request. Just a little warning.
  21. WOW, You have a fantastic website! You really put together a complete pirate site and I already have found info that I was searching for. Thanks so much and good luck with your future pirate endeavors!
  22. Disney has 2 time slots and one is still showing "Pirates of the Caribbean-2007." The unofficial AWE premiere date is May 19th but that is unofficial at this time.
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