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Everything posted by captjacksparrowsavvvy

  1. Actually Terry Rossio had said on his website, that AWE is the directors cut. There isn't much more to it...
  2. "probable" 4th film... ;-) Noted, love. Here's to hoping. Hoping for what? That Disney kills pirate movies dead dead dead for good on their fourth attempt? So that no director of renown touches a pirate- related script with a ten feet boathook for years to come? Have we yet forgotten the calm after "Cutthroat Island"? The dire warnings after the third POTC piece did not suffice, did they? But you're right, the hope dies last. I don't think that any director other than Bruckheimer will do the 4th...I don't think Disney would ask anyone else. Jaramush? Gillian? Peckinpah,Burton(Oh can you imagine Jack Sparrow transending from Tim's mind? lol)... But the POTC francise is not an authentic historical factual movie about pirates. It was never meant to be that...but POTC pushed "pirates" into the front of the line and I believe it helped pirate renenacting groups,troupes,festivals,faires move into the lime light... and I am sure that the pirate based businesses are doing much more better these years than years ago pre-POTC... There's not one person in the crew of POTC movies that NEEDS the money or fame...And Johnny Depp would NEVER compromise his role of Jack Sparrow to any lesser quality than he has thus far produced. He' most concerned with the quality rather than the paycheck... I myself had no complaints with DMC nor AWE. I don't spend time trying to find the historical correctness of maps or names of islands or costumes. I spend the time trying to find references to Johnny's other movies(which there are several little nuances in both movies)...and the connections to Ted and Terry's other films...Again this is coming from a pure Depp movie fan and now I enjoy reading the true history of pirates...Through all interests I have met many wonderful friends and I was fortunate to meet Marty Klebba and now I volunteer for his charity. All good things come around to more good...Life is too short so enjoy it the way you want to! History or fiction-both are healthy!
  3. BRILLIANT I have been blown away again by Depp and Burton [in Sweeny Todd]...True to their work, pure geniuses...Sonheim-can never go wrong!!! A must see but not for the sqeemish for sure!
  4. Yippee...the days will be getting longer, the sun will be shining more and I can start planting my garden...oh dear, forgot, we still have to get through January and February!
  5. "probable" 4th film... ;-)
  6. The pictures are fabulous! Haunting Lily talked about the PIP and it sounded like a fantastic experience to be a real pirate. Thanks for sharing!
  7. Without giving away too much of the movie because some are still waiting to get it...I LOVED IT...of course I loved 1 and 2 as well. Geoffrey was brilliant per usual(did you see him in Quills? magnificant!!!)...Not enough Barbossa and Jack barbs but what was left in was so funny. Wish the one deleted scene of them could have remained in the movie but at least it is on the disc. Not enough of Marty though. Marty had more lines in DMC... And Johnny...well, he just make Jack so perfect...it's hard to tell the 2 apart ;-) Can't wait for Jack to come back!
  8. And I enjoy your writings... I like Pirates Magazine and I have no issues with anything POTC at all...I know Dave Nichols and he's a cool dude. He's taken his Jack to the hospitals in the northwest and has raised close to 700,000 for the kids with cancer. Perhaps that would be of more interest to many rather than the ways to copy Jack(although I loved the article)... It's not the end of the world that the magazine was late due to whatever the reason, who cares...
  9. I preordered mine from WordPlayer-Ted and Terry's site...here's the link if anyone is still interested in ordering At World's End... Wordplayer
  10. I think Spokane is a far better choice. I spent my entire life in Seattle until three years ago and it's just gone to crap. The traffic sucks, the people are kind of unfriendly, especially compared to other places. When we were all natives, it was a great place to be from and live in, but it's lost its soul. I loved Spokane and almost moved to the Inland Empire once. A far saner place to live. Besides Stateline is a short drive away and I still miss the Kicker's at the bar there. -- Hurricane ah gee, my son lives in Seattle and it's very nice. People are so polite and patient...drivers are very cautious. And the weather has been very good... There's crap in every city that is if you mean crimes or homeless, that is happening everywhere. You want unfriendly, come here to NY!
  11. Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving to everyone!
  12. I took you up on your offer and I hope you will do the same. I am not a big fan of myspace as it is so graphic heavy but I can't complain about the Depp stuff that it has been promoting... anyway, thanks again. pirates_of_the_caribbean
  13. I always do this when I send cheering up cards to the hospital. Usually by the time my card arrives, the person is discharged and back home, so the card would eventually get to that person without any problem!
  14. Is there a certain date that the shopping/mailing has to be completed by? This is my first year as a Secret Santa and I don't want to mess up...
  15. Will you promise me this my dear? Will you make sure that you are taking care of yourself? And will you ask around your church/temple or local social services to find resources for respite for yourself as well as companion care for your mom? There are several organizations that will help you with care of your mom...even if you need one hour to go out to do something...I have been caregiver for both my parents and my aunt...for years, without respite nor any outside help(or inside the family help either) It is stressful and very tiring both physically and emotionally. Asking for help is not a sign of failure or weakness. Remember that you are doing the best that you can in your situation but if you ever need a break, there are groups out there that will help you. No one should question your decision unless they are walking in your shoes...been there,done that. Had I got rid of the GUILT TRIP, I would have asked for help sooner...you are not alone, know that! fondly,julie
  16. I write online in my myspace blog but not daily. And I dabble in writing at home in a notebook that no one reads but me. Very good for stress and anxiety to write down stuff...
  17. Would love to meet you sweetie, hopefully before the snow flies...or piles up I've been doing errands today as it's my day off. It's cold but there is no snow yet...just not truly ready for winter. Besides, pirates aren't suppose to shovel snow...
  18. Please remember our service men and women this weekend. Veteran's Day in the Us and Rememberance Day in Canada, UK, Austrailia Armistice Day in France...many other countries remember their veterans this weekend as well. Visit a Vet hospital. Send a Veteran a card or note...Do not be shy and walk up to a vet(you'll know that they are a veteran, they wear it proudly)...say "Thank you" Our veterans including our soldiers from Iraq NEED encouragement and support. Their families need the same. Please please please take the time this weekend and honor our veterans. God Bless you Chuck,Joel, Jeff,Patti,Jim,Jim, Nick,John,Patrick,Vinnie...miss you dad, Ed,Uncle Tony and Jamie...we'll have a brew together Jim, when you return home...waiting since 1971... High Flight Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings; Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth Of sun-split clouds, — and done a hundred things You have not dreamed of — wheeled and soared and swung High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there, I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung My eager craft through footless halls of air. . . . Up, up the long, delirious burning blue I've topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace Where never lark, or ever eagle flew — And, while with silent, lifting mind I've trod The high untrespassed sanctity of space, Put out my hand, and touched the face of God. — John Gillespie Magee, Jr
  19. I am in North Tonawanda...I'd like Marty to come here for a POTC interactive. We have a beautiful historic theatre with original Wurlitzer organ... but the good news is we've got plans for an interactive in Utah, which is not in NY last I checked, unless our Junior NY Senator has changed that! LOL ps, my cousin and aunt lives in Greece. I just take the highway along the lake to get to Rochester-scenic drive.
  20. Yea, the commercials are a drag but great to get snacks or use the potty... Never get tired of watching Jack Sparrow. Love the addition of the deleted scenes. Would love to see a directors cut of COTBP some day...
  21. Crock pot Chili...yummy and perfect for the snow and cold! Brrrrrr
  22. In the real world, I am Full time CRE. Crafts and flea market vendor-fair to middlin full time mom-no one can afford to pay this salary volunteers at COPIN House Fundraiser coordinator for CoDA-volunteer Website moderator-volunteer as an aside... please remember all our Veterans this coming weekend(and the rest of the year as well)
  23. WOW AWESOME! That is fantastic! He is a great actor and I see that he is good to his fans too.
  24. Aye Christine, lots of liquids and rest if possible(rest, what is that?)keeping the throat moist by cough drops or even hard candies...just to keep the juices flowing and try Airborne as well which is also at WalMart(yes, I confess, I live in WalMart)...and use Clorox wipes on phones, handles, microphones, door handles...and of course keep the pump sanitizer on your desk. As long as it's 62 percent alcohol, it will kill most germs. Clorox wipes kill Mrsa, E Coli and a flu virus(don't remember which one) but Mrsa is a serious concern now. Yes, it's been with us for years but all of a sudden it is hitting the schools and it has killed one child. I work with kids so we have a ritual now of wiping down all the handles in each class room. Ah, stay home and watch pirate movies all day. Especially the one with that Geoffrey fella ;-)
  25. Oh Haunting Lily, had I know that you too are from WNY, we could have ventured together to be with Marty on the weekend! He may be there next year again and I would truly want more pirates to show up and beat out those chewies and storm troopers and Luke SkyWalkers!
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