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Everything posted by captjacksparrowsavvvy

  1. Dosen't count if ye can't post a link to it..... Kinda the same as.... I didn't do it.... your vidio camera didn't work kinda thing....... ???? What are we counting for? Is this a game that is being played? I don't understand...
  2. My favorite commercial comes from up north, eh? It's a Molson Golden beer commercial and it was a Halloween Party. Jack Sparrow was trying to hit on Cleopatra. It was absolutely hysterical !!
  3. ...there's a hush over Lambeau field... what's that I hear? It's Vince Lombardi! What is he saying? I can't make it out #)%@)%&^@_%(&^_@# Now is the tough decision. Root for Archie's boy or pray that NE wins so we don't have to listen to half ass Shula grind about his "perfect season"... 'grats to the Giants!
  4. Doesn't matter what color you wear, you need to wear 3 sweaters, snowpants, 4 pair of thermal socks with warmers in your boots, 2 pair of gloves, a scarf, a hat... Oh forgot the most important thing to wear...
  5. How cute! And I was rooting for the Chargers but alas...it doesn't look too good in the last few seconds...
  6. and going! Yeah Packers!
  7. you'll be sorry after you hear mine...I do these for my kids at church...this one I sign- What is a pirate's favorite letter? "R" arrrrr What did the pirate santa say? yo ho ho Ok, that's it. I will not quit my day job...
  8. Yes, another reason to love that man. I agree. The cool thing is he did this in November without publicity,fanfare and media. Now that is what I call a very very very classy person. And another reason to love that man...Opps, I said tha already old age, I know...
  9. As for the charity comment, that may be stemming from an aside in my previous post. Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate. Having been involved in volunteering for most of my life (often in multiple organizations at the same time), I can tell you what Arnie, a wise, Yoda-like friend of mine said. "No one does charity work for free. They always get something out of it, even if it's not money." Of course, I maintain there is no such thing as true altruism - and I say that without cynicism (if that's possible). People get free PR, personal growth opportunities, leadership skills, resume lines, a feeling of good will in them, the ability to scope out the lower castes (if you're helping the homeless or some such...I've seen this one more than I'd care to - OK, that's cynical) and similar benefits and opportunities. This is to take nothing away from charity work, I'm all for it. I've been doing it for decades. I do volunteer trainings all the time, just to see how well I can do them. It makes me feel good. There's nothing wrong with that, but it is at least slightly self-serving. Such is the nature of humanity. (Even Mother Theresa believed she was doing God's will. Now there's an act with some upside benefit. OK, that was slightly cynical, too.) IF anyone, Mother Teresa has earned her glory in Heaven... I've been volunteering since the 60's(*oh so THAT is where cjss comes from...bad acid*)... Mother Teresa had said that we should start volunteering by looking in our own backyards. Today, the WORLD is in our backyard. Boundaries have been crossed 10 times 10...and yet there is still a need for charity work. I am nobody. I am not looking for fame because I don't want it. I want to stay in my little ticky tacky house in NY and grumble about the high taxes that we pay. What do I get out of volunteering? I can't answer that. I feel good but not great. I always feel that I could have done better and after it's all said and done, I am physically and emotionally wiped out for a week. Schools are requiring students to do a minimum of community service hours towards their graduation. IT's a good idea to encourage the students to get involved at a young age, but the need is so great and in so many directions that where does a young person begin? I am discouraged that the better America becomes, the needy are increasing and it is hitting all levels of income. This year's election will be a very interesting one...
  10. I know statements can be misunderstood...it ain't the first time and won't be the last. It is my opinion that this wench interviewing actors in bed ( I think the word rauchy was used)is not a good adventure. And it can be taken too far, even if not planned to be that way at all...There is no way that they can monitor the ages of people signing up. People can do what they want...capitalize on their 5 minutes of fame. John Bobbit worked around here as a bartender, for a few years after his eunuch incident, and people went to see him just to hear all bout his story for a fee...eeeeewwwwwwwwww...and people paid. Raunchy fer sure but not porn. Free country, but not acceptable to many and he was told to leave the area. To each his or her own... Oh and the noose was ref to the Golf Magazine incident...if you heard of it...
  11. It could be worse, the girls could have used a noose in the photo...
  12. Well then we don't see eye to eye again... I don't want any member or lurker to think that Marty is making a buck off of his character...right into his own pocket, and it can be percieved as such, since some of the other actors do exactly that. I didn't post personal info -it's available on public websites...but w/ respect to Lee, I will remove the name mentioned...and I apologize to him and his family.
  13. one small over ripe banana...
  14. It’s a legitimate site and everyone already knows about it. And I would think Lee knows all about it as he’s in the sack with them for the publicity shot. I doubt this will do any damage to their careers... As long as they are not in the Disney costumes of the slapper girls they are perfectly within their rights. (Shrug) Everyone else capitalizes on what they did with POTC…. Lee, Marty, Greg and the Barbossa and Jack crewmen so I see no reason why they girls can’t. And they are both VERY nice people who help with our Charity events. Waste not... want not. Fair winds to ‘em says I… I do want to clarify this with everyone, especially Iron Bess, since she is a Disney employee...Yes, Marty does ride on his pirate image(but he is also popular due to LPBW) to promote himself at pirate and other fandom events - it's done legally and upfront with Disney. All the money and I emphasize all the money that Marty collects at any show or signing goes directly to CoDA. Marty does not keep one penny. We are putting together an Official POTC interactive in Utah. We have a fabulous theater and banquet hall dontated for the event;we have radio and televion stations that will run air time and interviews etc, and Marty will pay his own way to fly out there because this is all for his charity. He is 100% dedicated to his charity and I work very hard, even tho I live in NY, to put these things together. (And I give big kuddos to Lizzy4depp for doing the footwork in Utah. Literally and figuratively...) As for the wenches, I still think it's tacky. ------------ I honestly can't To me it looks like Lee's photo was super imposed in the photo How are those 2 going to check the ages of people that register? Can you image a bunch of 12 year olds signing up? Not good and that could be a legal mess even if everything else was legit...Oh well, love a duck... edited by Cjss-------
  15. It sounds tacky to me...is it a hoax? I would think something like that could get way out of hand and I am wondering if this is a poor idea. Something like this may not help their careers at all. I am going to send Lee and Marty the link to see what they have to say about it. I just got off the phone with Marty...shame I didn't see this before we talked!!!!
  16. Oh that is very nice. We are always wearing heavy scarfs here in Western New York! I don't remember how to knit but thanks for the pattern.
  17. Ohhh, that's not good at all. :angry: They will be going through many hardships...
  18. Any idea posted on the internet won't be used...it's some sort of legal thing, and Ted and Terry explain it better in their own words. A fan posted on their site about a young girl that may play Jack's neice and Ted came on and gruffly said that just guaranteed that Jack will never ever have a niece in any of the movies...never ever...and some fan fic writers were even posting THEIR ideas on Wordplayer and that is NOT the place to do so...People like that just muddle everything up and it's best to keep the fan fic writers in their own worlds... Not to mention the Sparrowbeth, Turrow, Sparrington, Willabeth and other fan fic writers that have renlentlessly hounded Ted and Terry regarding the not so perfect ending of AWE(Jack and Elizabeth in love with love child)...so much to the point that a fan took a photo of the boy that played Will and Elizabeth's child and a photo of JOHNNY DEPP AS A CHILD, posted it side by side on a website and said-there's the proof that the boy is JACK SPARROW'S CHILD... Ok we are not dealing with reality here...and that stuff is out there... and people REALLY BELIEVE THIS.....HOW SAD! a fourth is almost a sure thing...with thoughts of a 5th ...and I will be saving my pennies to try out as an extra this time. I missed it last time and one of the crew got a part as an extra and it's so exciting to hear of all the wonderful things that happened to her...she earned a little money, got to hang out with the actors and actresses But the writers strike is taking presidence right now so hopefully that will be settled for all that are involved...It's been too long...
  19. You are in our thoughts and prayers as you begin this mission~You and your families will remain in our hearts and prayers everyday until you arrive back home this spring. Thank you for your service to our country. You are the best!
  20. The wind chill is 6 degrees...yuck, it is freezing cold, even in the house under my Jack blanket. But we are blessed. Kids are healthy. hubby is happy-he is in bowl heaven this week, not to mention watching our Sabres in the Winter classic...and daughter is picking up her new kitty in the morning. She will not name it Captain Jack, even though I am bribing her! LOL And I had 2 glasses of Niagara wine...deliciously sweet!
  21. I see dead people I have bad dreams almost every night since my mom died. I don't sleep well at night either. Not so much the dog laying between us but me and hubby try to out manuver.out gas and out snore each other out of the room. We never go to bed at the same time. Takes forever to adjust the pillows and blankets for one and then the other comes in and destroys everything that was set up. By the time we take care of our aches and pains with aspercreme,icyy hot and ben gay, we smell like a hospital ward and that pretty much kills off any chance of a rendevous. The dog has to circle the entire bed before finding that special spot and then she lays with a thud, paws up in the air. By the time I do feel I will get to sleep and hopefully dream of Captain Jack sweeping me off my feet, one of the 3 boys decides to barrel into the room looking for the keys to dad's truck, which starts an argument at 1 in the morning. Not to mention a saw buck for gas, which really is for pizza but they won't admit to it. If we close our bedroom door ie LOCK IT...the dog then decides she wants out and she sits by the door and cries...scratches the door and whimpers. Door opens and then I see all the lights are on in each room and the tv is on and no one is around...So I turn off everything and try to get back into bed, by this time hubby is snoring away and totally oblivious to the dog wanting to go outside. It's about 2 am when the boys are finished in the kitchen making another mess and I have to tidy before going back to bed. I lay there for another hour before I truly feel I can fall asleep. Then I dream of dead people. My mom or my girlfriends mom. Just sad dreams... Sometimes I dream in color. Sometimes I can smell in my dream(must be the knockwurst) and sometimes I hear music...Sometimes I have repeat dreams which are always the same. Too much stress in my life, aye? and not enough rum!
  22. ANY UTAH PIRATES? JUNE 7th WEEKEND! CoDA fundraiser with Marty. Putting it together. POTC movieInteractive,meet and greet,prizes,we'll make it a pirate weekend! -if you can help please contact me...thanks
  23. I do not believe that Disney almost screwed up POTC 3...I am honestly trying to distance myself away from the movie to see exactly why some viewers disliked the movie...it's quite hard for me to find a spot that I didn't like...perhaps liked the least would be Murtogg and Mullroy scenes. The movie could have done without their bits... All historical facts aside, what could AWE have done to make it more likable to those that didn't find it a good movie? Are people looking for more romance? More fighting scenes? Less comic relief? I'll never tire of "why's the rum gone?" and it was presented differently in each movie... Watching Johnny become Jack Sparrow is priceless. There is so much effort,study,dedication,spirt,soul put into that character that it just blows my mind to see Jack on the screen and when I think I have his character down pact, damn, there goes Jack in another direction! The trickster is the hero is the trickster. And Johnny Depp fans have more to view than just the movie. Whether he does this intentionally or not, Johnny throws a part of another character from another movie into the one he is working on. John Wilmot showed up in Dead Man's Chest a few times...Jack was in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,not to mention Ed Wood! But since Jack has become an icon of this century, people want to see Jack again. Whether he'll be the last pirate or a cleric of the church of England, fans will flock to see the movies and Disney will make money on all the dvds, products from soap,cereal,ice cream to frozen pizzas,coffee mugs, lunch boxes, lamps and more...and fans will still buy all things POTC...
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