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Everything posted by captjacksparrowsavvvy

  1. I thoroughly enjoyed DMC that I have seen it 30 times. I was in a state of depression last night when I couldn't find it at my local theater but it is still playing so I plan on seeing it again tonight. Besides laughing hysterically at Jack and his silliness, trying to get that undead monkey or becoming a fruitkabob, I was amazed at the new layers of Jack that came into play. For the first time we see a Jack who is actually afraid of the end/aka his death. As he talks with Bootstrap and says to him" It's funny what a man will do to forstall his own future"...Jack is talking about himself, not about Bootstrap. There's the carry over when Jack falls into an opened and unmarked grave. Jack's response as he looks around "oh" and what is Jack's response when he confronts Davy Jones on the Pearl? "oh" Death is staring Jack in the face and all he can say is "oh"... Johnny has said in many interviews that we will see new sides of Jack. Jack is still Jack but in different situations that Jack cannot control, change or prevent. So the second movie is of the characters maturing. The entire movie is about betrayal and bartering whether it is for profit or pleasure. I am hypnotized by Bill Nighy and his Davy Jones. I have to laugh when I think of him doing the entire Jones portrayal in his pj's with those sticky balls velcroed to his clothes. But watch his expression underneath the cgi. BRILLIANT! His movements and gestures are so fine tuned. If you get the chance to see it again, watch how he and Johnny walk facing each other on the Pearl. Absolutely priceless! Kracken? Can't get enough of that squid. Give me more Kracken! The movie wasn't too long for me and I wish that the few scenes that were deleted could have been included. It was more of an action film and truly went by fast and it didn't seem like a movie that was over 2 hours long. I for one wish that number 3 wouldn't be coming out so soon as that will be the end of Jack Sparrow and we won't ever see him again on the big screen. boo hoo...
  2. I have just started to read pirate porn and romance books. Bertrice Small is a very good read. I have found paperbacks at swap shops and by asking around. I looked at the pirate list and there are several that I have not heard of so thanks very much for the information. Reading is so relaxing and if it involves sex and pirates, that is good enough for me, historically correct or not! LOL
  3. It's scripture from the Old Testament (KJV or ESV)Job 3: 7-8 only Ted and Terry, the script writers adapted it to the script. 7 Oh, may that night be barren! May no joyful shout come into it! 8 May those curse it who curse the day, Those who are ready to arouse Leviathan.
  4. It is a photoshopped cropped pic of that guy that dresses as Jack and I am ticked that this photo has made entertainment headlines on legitimate websites. There should be legal recourse taken against this guy for pulling such a hoax. I know that Disney has requested that sites not publish this pic and I have read their disclaimer that this photo is NOT from POTC3 nor is it Johnny Depp. I am sure that Disney will catch up with this guy and they should. It's gone beyond a simple photo manipulation and joke. He purposely put all those pics up on websites for the attention.
  5. Then why don't you start an interactive. POTCinteractive project has the rights to the film through Buena Vista which means we can legally advertise the movie and all the PR rights come with it. It's not that hard to put together and there are several of us that have put on our own in fancy theatres, historic theatres and independent theatres. If you build it, they will come...
  6. oh gee, South Jersey had one last year. The gal that put it on came over to my interactive in NY after hers. I don't know if they'll be anymore up North. I know Florida is planning one this winter.
  7. There are 2 POTC interactives now set. One for Cleveland, Ohio on Oct. 22 and one in Mount Vernon, Washington. All the ticket, time and info is listed at interactives
  8. Very nice craftsmanship...give my compliments to their master! I would like a ring like Jack/Johnny's too. May have to work a little extra to pay for it. I will keep them in mind. Thanks for sharing.
  9. A High Wind in Jamaica 1965 Starring AnthonyQuinn as Captain Chavez!
  10. For about a month and fortnight. I don't have the links but it's all over the POTC sites and messages from the casting company has a cancelation notice. Something has to be tweaked, and I certainly hope that it is not the Captain!
  11. Seeing those photos and the zillions of photos available on the internet through legitimate sources doesn't ruin the film for me. The first movie was the surprise. I didn't know what to expect. As for the sequels, we all have a pretty good idea where the movies will head. I enjoy looking at the photos, whether from Fotobanka, Rex, Corbis, Getty or personal camera phones. I don't see how Disney can stop the photos circulating since the photography sites have similiar photos up on their websites and much clearer, even with the watermark. The sequels have to be the most anticiapted movies yet...and the cost to make the film is skyrocketing.
  12. Our small fish pond transformed into Tortuga. Notice the fish swimming around Jack!!!
  13. I do like the second Jack doll and wouldn't mind paying big bucks for it but the first one doesn't have that "jack" look...
  14. Pirates of the Caribbean. I made a cd with songs and wav files mixed in between songs. It's the only thing I listen to while driving...
  15. I purchased my pirate figures from a local hobby store. The series is called "Pirates of the Seven Seas" and the figures are plastic. Perfect since I am working on an outdoor project for the summer. Here's the link:Pirate Figures
  16. I picked mine up at HotTopic. There was one Jack and one Barbossa left-plenty of the Skeleton and Will. About 12.99 plus New York State Tax makes it about $345.00 each!
  17. I am a member of POTCIP and I held my interactive a few weeks after Stormfeathers, only mine was in NY. It is time consuming and entails your time and effort but it is so worth the results!!! POTCIP was started by a young lady from Elmira, Ontario. Her name is Laura G. and along with Neo, run the POTCIP site. The original interactive script is copyrighted through Laura but that doesn't mean that others can't use it or add their own lines to it. Remember, spontaneous and originiality are key to a successful interactive. The script is more like "guidelines" and gives people an idea what an interactive is all about. There are people that don't know what an interactive is and never heard of "Rocky Horror Picture Show" or "Sound of Music" interactives, let along the Pirates interactive. Buena Vista and Disney are informed of the POTCIP interactives and BV does keep tabs on the interactives so everything that we do is upfront and legal. My interactive was held at the beautiful historic Riviera Theatre in North Tonawanda, NY. The proceeds went to the theatre, which is a registered charity and preserved historic site. We held an afternoon show and an evening show, and yes, I did have wenches fly in from out of state to attend, and drive down from Canada!!. The interactive idea was presented to the theatre manager, who, in turn presented it to the board of directors. They voted to have it and the manager then had to contact Buena Vista to obtain the legal rights to the movie and to legally advertise the movie. Otherwise, we would not be allowed to put up movie posters or even mention the name "Pirates of the Caribbean:Curse of the Black Pearl" as an interactive. Once the legalities are secured, then we sent out press releases to all media in the area. Laura and Lisa take care of all the mailings and contacts(thank God for the help) as they maintain a list of media contacts. I was busy preparing the costumes and props, not to mention gathering door prizes for the interactive and goody bags for the children. My interactive wasn't huge but it was succesful for the theatre and of course, successful to me, as it was the absolute first time I saw Jack on the big screen. I also met a new pirate from out of state, and several local pirates that visit the POTCIP site but never posted. That was wonderful and it's always great to make new pirate friends. I was totally burned out the next day but it was so worth the work. I am working on another interactive and hopefully I will be able to get it together, God willing, if everyone in my family stays in good health and stays out of jail! Just a funny aside...2 of the door prizes were posters-one of Jack and one of Will Turner. Apparently one little girl didn't get the Will and was BEGGING the other child for the Will poster." But I like Orlandol" I heard her say.
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