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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. is it near hot enough for a goodly beach party yet?
  2. I wish i could compalin but! if it got better it would be taxable! Hetha girl be of strength all works out, Christine get the hell well girl! (no seriously I hope you start feeling better) Lady Snow Ahhhhhh! Like losing yer virginity huh It hurts sooooo good! Blackjohn best find out! I mean it coulda been Ed! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Charity girl never try, what it be is what it be. Sealegs Constance! Sorry I'd jes get meself in trouble but thanks I gots a really good visual! Red handed Jill sometimes ye make sense like an elder ya does. Thanks fer all the goodness ye share. OOH
  3. "Singin in the Rain" Gene Kelly
  4. Queen Bess and the Pirates. It be on the weeksend of June 11th and 12th Opens at 10:00 a.m. Closing at 6:00 p.m. Located in Bakersfield at the Kern County Fairegrounds http://www.co.kern.ca.us/apps/eventcal/evt...asp?evtkey=4662 map: http://maps.yahoo.com/py/maps.py?addr=1142...Bakersfield+CA+ Yes, You betcha, I be thar ta piece tie each and every one of ya skank bastard friends o mine. Rummy too'll be thar ta meet n greet ya the way she can only do!
  5. One Eyed One Horned Flying Purple People Eater
  6. Rolling Stones "Wild Horses"
  7. Sir William I saw the picture heard the intercom say the hot truck was here and went out and gots me a nicely looks alike to yer effort I must a been dreamin about food in me sleep! But nay not hows abouts a cup a irish cream laced with a little hot chocolate!
  8. Aye still be sittin in the rockin mood so here's one fer all o ye Michael Jackson fans out thar! Pink Floyds "young lust"
  9. Sir William, It were a wondrously entertainin party o'er thar fer Mercenary Wench since last Thursday I hopes ye have the needs to cook agin. All drynke and no food makes Johnny a runnin boy! Owsabouts a steak and eggs and hash browns as well? Medium rare and over medium grammercy
  10. More! What advancements (were there very many) in ship building were given to the Spanish Shipwrights around the times of Drake (Elizabethan England)?
  11. www.harry.com you have to know it doesn't matter to not get it.
  12. whoooooooooo are youuuuuuuuuuuuuu
  13. So hey mates how many of ye are going to bakersfield next weekend???
  14. Damn! Then lets drynk to that mate! (guinness)
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