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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. Aye Mad_Jack tis good to see thee as well! Was a celebration of blessing I were presented with me robes and given the monacker of Monsigner (officially) by the goodly Cardinal Joseph of St. Sebastian I am with God my son (erghh he be with me) This is about the best homecoming I could ask fer! What is that wonderous smell! First supper it be?
  2. Grammercy, Tis a bright and shining day when ye can take a walk about and get yer needs fulfilled nye ta every time ye ask. Ye be a certain blessing to us all Sir William indeed! Must bustle thar be a number of mates showin up at the "Dog". Would ye join me upon me trip back to the docks?
  3. Find out who the owners are and ask to be the on sight manager!
  4. Knock knock? As we enter into a fairley dark lit dining room and the lights ahind the bar be off? Is sir William about? (cups me hands to through me voice in a generals direction of the kitchen doors) Sir William! (Sir William I say!) Three for tea and crumpets!
  5. (arms crossed) No Dorian, no meetings are known to me. I do think though that the time be of the essence. Seems to me as though private notes (messages if you will) to the crew should be witten and sent pon messenger to find them addressing their return to the ship. I will be up in the crows nest where I can think upon the proper wording to this endeavor. But first I am hungrey enough to eat a horse and chase it's rider. What say ye to a trip o'er to the Kate?
  6. Dorian (as I lean in to our Quartermaster upon whispered voice) how have the weeks been? Rummy and I were stranded north but able to make the pre arranged engagements of record. All is well and my papers are in safe keeping where is the ships master and the Captain? I believe it's time to let the crew know we must rally to engage our dispatch with haste. How are you? (Grabs shoulder looking into Dorians eyes)
  7. Quarteraster what is this I hear about a gunnery off ship? Who's manning the guns and is Patric Hand there with them?
  8. Mr. Tito a warm welcome is as good of cheer as I might have this day, welcome aboard. I have made a weary travel to the high palaces of the north seeking the blessings of the Cardinal aat St. Sebastian and his guidance was well received indeed. Having been ordained on my journeys I find the ship in such a candid shape and will be more than anxious to reaquaint meself with the officers. The good Cardinal Joseph did in fact allow me the sightings of the trade routes of the great Spanish Galleons and the timing of their departures from the new world to Espania. We have much work and I would be remissed if I didn't immediately make your introductions to your immediate supervisor the master gunner Petee. Welcome aboard and please do aquaint yourself with the crew. Here is the list: Ghost Ship "The Watch Dog" Ships Capitan ... Capnwilliam First Officer... PyratePhil Quartermaster... Dorian Lasseter Boatswain... Badger Master Gunner... Pirate Petee (on shore leave) Master-at-arms... Sir William Red Wake Sergeant-at-arms (Marine)... Patric Hand Ship Surgeon... Tempest Monsignor...Diego Santana de la Vega (minister of death) Cook/Entertainment Officer... Christine Navigator and Cartographer... Pete Straw Lookout(s) 1 Swan lieutenant... (archer 1) 2 Mad_Jack 3 Monsignor De la Vega 4 Sealegs Constance ( S C ) 5 Gunners crew 1 Mad_Jack lieutenant 2 Siren 3 Firethorne 4 Mr P E W 5 Sealegs Constance 6 Tito 7 8 Ships carpenter (morale officer)...Rummy Ships blacksmith... Jonathon Hawks Able seamen 1 Siren lieutenant 2 Firethorne 3 Mr P E W 4
  9. With the romance of the golden age of piracy gone. The myth of pyracy's freedom, sacrifice and the democratic dedication of a ships crew being the most important and common goal, history becomes real and that which is a pirates life becomes everything and more within the minds eye as each character unlocks their own dream of freedom on the sea of sacrifice and truth. Welcome to the Watch Dog. A ship casted by a choice selection for those posters here on the pub in need of more than the appetizer threads in existance. This is an unscripted play. A play where each crew members' different personality (much the same as that on a ship in period and with accurate accountability to historical authenticness) takes you where the interactions and events as they unfold lead us into a position of real freedom on the sea as free pirates. Staged in a democratic forward stay, we work together, we fight, gain cargo, port, party and sell the aquired gains for profit. Becoming a living breathing entity in the free world of pirates as one team, with a common goal, all working together and in so doing actually playing together creating a script a screenplay if you will where the real is as real as it can get both in application and direction. A first, the maiden voyage..... There are many posts needed to be filled. As you see most all of the officers posts are with character befitting the catigory of eachs strengths and that too be the benifit of this ships success. Be with us a seaman, a gunner, a lookout, a boarding teamate of marines, or and archer fighting for our one common goal. Syber pirates where prisoners do not exist and an early wealthy retirement is certain. Captain William Red Wake is our captain and he's been watching and seeing hows the fit. A better re-enactment leader you'll not find. Lets get down and party pirate style! God bless this historical sailing.
  10. You know Master Gunner ye never gots acknowledged fer the fine job ye did pon shore findin this fine 13 footer culverin ye gots us fer the bow. NOW! thar be no ship in this or any sea of that which might think they can out run us and as I seas it loaded with (damn son) what's the caliber Petee??? What a 15-17 pounder??? God Bless ye lad well done well done indeed. Have the cook (turns to address the Quartermaster) get into some of the aged scotch tonight and Dorian see to it that he gets as he deserves my share doubled as well as 'is own! (turns to address Petee) does we have near the munitions fer this?
  11. Christine yer lips will have wars fought over them! Quartermaster Dorian take the helm fer until the Captain comes aboard PiratePhil remains without his abilities ye must step up to the tasks as they come about. Ifin ye will be with duty forthcoming make the good lass an offer she can't refuse! I see a goodly addition to the crew with her eyes in the crows nest nothin will go unnoticed, Welcomes aboard Sealegs Constance. May it be with pride we are allowed to call you then S C ? Sir William get a strangle hold on the mates un listed through P/M's ta get thar weapons in yer charge. Ship shape!
  12. I be admittin as well I don't recall the name Dutch from a pirate movie I've seen??? Ya sure in wasn't Preditor?
  13. Good morrow crew and a lively bunch of scalliwags ye be! I have some great news this fyne morn. I went over to 23 Riverside Street last night you all know the location of which our dear and departed first mate was enlisted to at Digger's Resting House. I was watching as I saw something I never thought I would or even could have ever wittnessed and must add that God does work in mysterious ways he does. I watch with much skepticism as I saw Christine after talking calmly to and seemingly for and hour so gently lean over and indeed brush the lips (with her own) of our First Mate PyratePhil. This act of goodbye went from an honoring moment to a kiss of gigantic proportion seeing that our ships Cook was fer certs getting quite a head of steam in ahind her efforts did continue into a liplock of humongous proportions of wwhich I have never seen the likes of. Now mind you, afore I even thought of accepting the robes of ministry I was one fyne kisser and I knows a goodly kiss when when I sees one but this my friends this was a kiss. I watched, it lingered, it heated up and her eyes they did fly open whereupon she did at a startle stand most erectly and as I saw our first mate indeed resurrect and begin coughing where much water did come out of him and cover the floor around us. Since I had jumped to my feet from the chair where i was seated watching the near adulterous escapades, the moment did turn into a most joyous occasion. That being the most wondrous news I could endeavor you all with. The bad news is this, our first mate is unconcious with much temperature and to say delerious is a bit understated at this time. We took him immediately to one doctors house where he will rest and be treated for anyone of a number of suspect adversities. We should liken to have our own ships Surgeon when it can be arranged transfer him here to the ship where I would think all of his crew can and will give a more than adequate supply of love and appreciation for his full and quick return. That being known now and said of. I am off! I will see all of you upon me return on or about the 19th, God be with you all. In his service, Monsignor
  14. once fer the ship and once fer the crew this prayer hopes to find you all safe and with health for upon me return, and this barrel's fer all of you. Monsignor Diego Santana de la Vega, (the minister of death) in your service. Here be the muster. Captain... Capnwilliam First Officer... PyratePhil Quartermaster... Dorian Lasseter Boatswain... Badger Master Gunner... Pirate Petee (on shore leave) Master-at-arms... Sir William Red Wake Sergeant-at-arms (Marine)... Patric Hand Ship Surgeon... Tempest Monsignor...Diego Santana de la Vega (minister of death) Cook/Entertainment Officer... Christine Navigator and Cartographer... Pete Straw Lookout(s) 1 Swan lieutenant... (archer) 2 Mad_Jack 3 Monsignor 4 Gunners crew 1 Mad_Jack lieutenant 2 Siren 3 Firethorne 4 Mr P E W 5 6 7 8 Ships carpenter/ morale officer...Rummy Ships blacksmith... Jonathon Hawks Able seamen 1 Siren lieutenant 2 Firethorne 3 Mr P E W 4
  15. Ye all be a lot! A lot o fun ye be! Nice flag and resurections indeed! Reminds me as I, whilst me packin is so slow, my mind doth wanders it does and thinkin back ahen I first saw me first pirate flag o me life and did errgghh uhhh was in fact workin 'pon a merchantship boarded and plundered in full it were. Twas me only hopes as a young un, to hitch up and fight on with me new mates and ya knows that were over thirty year ago. Me likes it well Sir William yer flag that is, it does a crew member good. Christine I'll send a prayer up for that mayhaps the work of such a lovely and talented team of crew should have the likes of watchin o'er them protecting them and seeing that no ill harm befalls such a charitable event. God bless ye both
  16. Aye Sir William Aye would be remissed if I got a tween you and that announcement of true wonderment! As Ships Monsignor now I will bless this effort and quest! (lowers head turns robes swishing in the on decks breeze, appearing to be in deep prayer) Turns to face the ships Master-at-arms "Run it up"!
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