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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. So when it was he finally popped up to the surface he spits out a stream straight up into the air and he backstrokes over to the rock where bloody mary is takin a sip (fer medicinal purposes of course) and gets run through with her cutlass. Damn I hates red water.
  2. This is a kinda fun thread huh? ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> (fishies) You know somethin thar be red fin, red eye, red tails and yep you guessed it red heads!
  3. My wave bra! Howlie go home!
  4. I was referring to the "ole blue eyes" song. But now I know where to find tuther one! This one is so good i'm giving in to the name of it. I just had to share one of what I think is the greatest love songs ever written To Rummy! I've seen love go by my door It's never been this close before Never been so easy or so slow. Been shooting in the dark too long When somethin's not right it's wrong You're gonna make me lonesome when you go. Dragon clouds so high above I've only known careless love, It always has hit me from below. But this time around it's more correct Right on target, so direct, You're gonna make me lonesome when you go. Purple clover, Queen Anne lace, Crimson hair across your face, You could make me cry if you don't know. Can't remember what I was thinkin' of You might be spoilin' me too much, love, You're gonna make me lonesome when you go Flowers on the hillside, bloomin' crazy, Crickets talkin' back and forth in rhyme, Blue river runnin' slow and lazy, I could stay with you forever And never realize the time. Situations have ended sad, Relationships have all been bad. Mine have been like Verlaine's and Rimbaud. But there's no way I can compare All them scenes to this affair, You're gonna make me lonesome when you go. Yer gonna make me wonder what I'm doin', Stayin' far behind without you. Yer gonna make me wonder what I'm sayin', Yer gonna make me give myself a good talkin' to. I'll look for you in old Honolulu, San Francisco, Ashtabula, Yer gonna have to leave me now, I know. But I'll see you in the sky above, In the tall grass, in the ones I love, You're gonna make me lonesome when you go.
  5. Frampton comes alive.
  6. Aye far they would be then, lying in her wake! arrrggghhhhhh! You are a Pyrate first class my lord!
  7. is hash legal there? Go what what what
  8. Hey! Pirates would NEVER go in a disco! (period)
  9. A place for all those Pyrates in Southern California to post and since Southern Faire is actually an Elizabethan township in England and England is in Europe and since the salty dogs runnin this area of the pub won't give us our own place here goes lets see how far this gets? Welcomes then to one and to all!
  10. Aye! but arrrggghhhh ye captain enuff ta get yer rudder o'er inta the inititation rites and pubs mangement ta intraduce yerself likes a man? Ya did good rookie! Now tells em all where it is ye hail from agin and ask fer play friends to faire with
  11. Sir William my lord! I be back fer the daily special and no more drynke fer me today I be done! I dunno what I was giv'n o're in the church there but whheeeww it were a blur it were! 'ave ye seen mercenary wench today? Now I'm worrieds about 'er I am.
  12. BIG Splash (cannonball) and the crowd is going wild! The judges already posting nine nine, nine eight, nine nine, nine nine, a ten! Ok so is there any water left?
  13. Grammercy fer the fine attentions ye all 'ave bin givin the likes a this sore old matey. Be of said wonders on this weeksend of fun as the weather again turns us into the ninety's here. (hot) bless ye all fer yer cares giv'n
  14. Whens yer Birthin day thar Hurricane? And how old ye be? Somestimes ye jes pulls info out only the mountains remembres??? Pirates of Europe Looking for crews look at me new so cal pyrates place ta post
  15. Oh me lord ! Grammercy to you and 'ere 'eres a nice piece a gold fer yer kindly ways. I be back round lunches times. Grammercy
  16. Jeeze ye can't be that naive Charity! Here is a little clue though: ifin ye let me lie on me back and you, you walks o'er me head wit yer nice pirates dress on there then even I's can tells ya ifin ye be a real red head!
  17. Big Bad Voodoo Daddy "You and Me and the Bottle Makes Three"
  18. I have died, I have gone to heaven, I am eating my way to 'ell! Sir William I will be back fer the special, I'm going o'er to soak in the hot tub. BuT! Might I be of a bother fer a small flask o rum n vanilla bean to ease me pain?
  19. Good one Fancy but me favorite versions are by Brian Setzer first then second Bobby Darin
  20. yes those of us precommited and couldn't go only hope a wish was indeed made!
  21. Where ye been Phil? Miss you most buddy!
  22. Let's all go get Mary off that raock and get her all wet as well Ok heres my dive.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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