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Lady Alyx

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Everything posted by Lady Alyx

  1. Fn ridiculous...friggin government is trying to really going over board here....aren't there terrorist's that they should be more worried about bringing in dirty bombs etc. This is silliness, what event even has gone wrong...there are more disasters at Air shows...fer gripe's sake. I chaulk this up with the helmet law, the seat belt law..and for gripe's sake...they want to watch our salt and sugar...what happened to government by the people FOR the people? Our rights and happiness and freedoms are slowly being disolved. Wondering when they will ban Halloween?
  2. No problem...they do have a big selection...I like the 3D ones you can make... also I found this webby... jolly rogger...Bah Humbug..lol skull webby
  3. ...I was looking around for unusuall cookie cutters and found this....they also have an asst. But thought the ship was cool... Gingerbread Pirate Ship.. Cookie Cutter webby
  4. Bess, I heard the story this morning as well. I wonder if the woman will get into trouble? I have to tell my g/f about this story....she is a Disneyland fanatic as well and as well loves the POTC ride. I bet lot's of people have placed tidbits all around the park at some time or another. I wonder what law prohits them from having a bit of ashes? Seems that ashes are spread in rural areas, hills, mountains, fields, streams, oceans.
  5. In the tidbits of extras on the POTC DMC...they mention they went to a turkish hillside village to get the material woven for Jack's sash........just a notion for looking for material goods.
  6. I was researching a painter at the Getty Website and found this Family Event, some of you may be interested in attending. Family Event at the Getty
  7. HE HE HE lol...glad you liked it....
  8. Thanks Ody for posting, what do you think? My g/f loves it in her jacuzzi/greenhouse.
  9. Hi Ody I don't have a way to post one of my pics so I will be sending you an email and perhaps you can post for me.
  10. I would have to say Pirates with Walter Matheau as well, I always plug that tape in when I want to do some costuming and want ideas. I love all the Erol Flynn movies plus the Black Swan...can you say Jamie Boy? mmmm I sure can...wink!
  11. I found a cool website that has a long list of items you can build yourself for cool props...posting it here for anyone having a 'killer' Halloween party... p.s.. I like the flashing eyes idea...sooooo easy.... Halloween Link
  12. I have been struggling to try to find a website that had a good assortment of pirate shirts and reasonable prices I found this website today. To Be A Pirate . com
  13. 1) Piratess 2) Witch 3) Ren Faire 4) Flapper 5) Priss from Blade Runner 6) Mother Nature + Wand 7) Mardi Gras Ballgown + Mask 8) 1930's Lace Gown and Hat 9) Saloon Girl 10) Chinese Dress 11) Japanese Kimono + access. 12) Queen + Crown 13) Carnivale + Mask 14) Devil Mistress 15) Vamp + sceptor
  14. Hey Ody....I finally finished the painting of the mermaid..I took pictures of it yesterday. I forgot to bring the camera into work so I could download a few pictures for you. I have to be sure to remember it either later in the day or tomorrow.
  15. tickets are still 20 dollars till Oct 19
  16. Hi Pearl, I am hoping to drop by to this, I have to figure out where this park is. I know where Poliwog Park is...oh I just looked it up, it is across from Poliwog. Also did you see my post for the Halloween party in LA it is the day before and I and 2 guests are attending it..and we are going as pyrates.
  17. Hi Red, I tried it and it froze up on me.
  18. It would be nice if there was a section here at pyracy that lists all member by state as a Listing just for this type of occasion...cept some of the bigger states like Cali need North and South broken up.
  19. price was reduced to 20 dollar a ticket till Oct 3
  20. Hope there's no rain for you folks, I saw on the weather channel this morning that it has Thunderstorms for Friday.
  21. Ahoy to all my fellow pyrates out there. As I was scouring the web for upcoming Halloween parties I happened to find this one in the Los Angeles area and it's right off the 405. It is going to be at a large center and they are going to have contests and prizes etc. I thought it would be fun for a large gathering of pyrates to come together here. There is a prize for best group! Check out the webby and let me know what you think. Halloween Costume Party
  22. Did pirates do graffitti? LOL...perhaps on jail walls or tavern tables...lol. Long John was here...lol I think the nature of the gangs being 'landlocked' is a big consideration here...the pirates could sail away after an exploit, but the gangbangers just crawl back into their wretched holes.
  23. Hi Maria, I am surprised he won...I missed the last few epi's. Hopefully there will be another season... Taarna from Heavy Metal? Her costume rocks! Always loved it!!!!! (But I also liked some of the getups from Priss from Blade Runner as well)
  24. .... is there a website with info?
  25. Atala, do you make the corsettes in other materials and colors?
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