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Pirate Petee

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Everything posted by Pirate Petee

  1. Yes just a little mad. I'm going to dana point on saturday and corona on sunday. They weather isn't going to be as bad, its is supposed to be in the high 70's, like 79 or something. Besides I loves the heat.
  2. *looking up after hearing diego call, he runs up the fore castle to the bow. Holding a line in one hand he steps on to the rail to try and get a better view. With his other hand he pulls his pipe up to his mouth and takes a long drag. His eyes still trained on the sea.*
  3. Any o you pirates gonna raid the Faire in Corona this weekend.
  4. Aye, ya jus be careful. I's bout ta talk ta da Cap'n bout da subject, but then wes got rolled up upon by dat french ship. I'll goes an talks ta da quartermaster bout it.
  5. *turns to see Mr. Pew aproching.* Oy, Mr pew ya look like ya be recoverin just nicely.
  6. I aint arguing here and I do agree with you gutterpunk, about not labeling people. That is very "High School" I remember I used to call myself a skater or punk or rockabilly. Not all at once. Anyway as I grew up, I'm just me, I am who I am. Popeye, world's greatest philosopher. Calling yourself a Gutterpunk is catgorizing yourself as a punker who lives in the streets. Someone who lives in the streets are called homeless. Anyway duchess didn't call your way of life bull, she was just saying that since you are branding yourself as a gutterpunk and you said you don't like to catagorize people. :) Crazy. J/K Now lets go get drunk.
  7. ANCHORman. Love that movie
  8. Nice Mr Pew.
  9. *Opening his sea chest and pulling out his frock coat, he returns to the main deck.* Aye quartermaster. Alright men lets get those guns stowed tight and plugged up. Dont want any loose cannons flying around on us. *walks up to the fore castle and pulls out his glass, looking out to the horizon.* Looks like we be in for a bit o a blow.
  10. "All right, people, what are you waiting for? Breakfast in bed? Another glorious day in the corps! A day in the Marine Corps is like a day on the farm. Every meal's a banquet! Every paycheck a fortune! Every formation a parade! I love the corps!"
  11. *wakeing up from a nap, he rises and stretches. Rolling and stoeing his hammock he then leans over to his sea chest and opens it. Digging through clothes and other items he pulls a pipe out from wraped rags and its lighting utensils, and fills his tankard from the cask in the chest, and walks up the main deck. He then lights his pipe and takes a long swig from his tankard. He pulls out his glass and watches the french ship.*
  12. I'll have to check I've beatin the game but, that was awhile ago. I started from my last save point and just go out pirating.
  13. I perfer baldric as well, I already gots to much swag on me bloody elt as is, pistols and pouch and all.
  14. *Pacing the deck behind the line of guns, making sure that each crew is ready and that each piece of artillery is where it needs to be, if the need should arise. Lifting his head breifly keeping an eye on the french ship.
  15. *standing behind the lines , he steps up to the railing of the watch dog and pulls out his spyglass and eyes the french ship.*
  16. Thanks rumba, I've never been. I wasn't sure if it was a faire type of atmospher. Didn't know what to expect.
  17. Gunners to yar quarters, wit shot and powder, but keep them guns dry. Stay calm and stand at the ready.
  18. AYE sir. FIRE! KABOOM!!
  19. Cap'n, I need ta talk ta ya bout the assault on Mr. Pew, when ya get da time sir.
  20. Aye Cap'n. CHARGE ONLY. RUN EM OUT.
  21. Do they have camp sites there for just anyone?
  22. On a Pc it takes awhile to get the hang of it. I havn't tried it on x-box yet. Going to get a copy of that just for the multiplayer ship battles.
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