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Pirate Petee

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Everything posted by Pirate Petee

  1. *After hearing what has happened to his gunners.* Mr. Pew assaulted! When this bloody happen, it better not have any thing to do wit dat bloody Mr Van Buren. Best go inform da quartermaster. Goes aft to the captains cabin and knocks on the door.* Master Gunner here, be needin ta talk ta da Cap'n an Quartermaster.
  2. Diego, you and Rummy going? What day? Do you go in pyrate garb? Ale stands?
  3. Consider yourself warned mate, youll be spendin plenty o hours on it. Youll sure ta be gettin your doubloons worth.
  4. * while inspecting the guns, he catches something out of the corner of his eye. He quickly turns and sees a sailor fall from the rigging of the dutch ship. He runs to the rail of the watch dog and pulls out his spyglass and takes a closer look.*
  5. I don't see how that game can get old, damn thing is like crack.
  6. Rumba, Rummy and Killian excelent photos. The pirate petting zoo was pretty funny. Cascabal, I hope you made it home safe and that damned hurricane didn't give you any trouble.
  7. *Walking the main deck and stopping tio make sure that each gun is properly secured, cleaned and covered.* Wonder if Pew found that sailor, where is Mr Pew.
  8. I didn't know you were makin those faces over on the other side, Diego. Oh what fun we did have. I can't be waitin ta do it again.
  9. Me. (sniff) Sorry
  10. No worries, I'm sure there will be plenty other times. I'm suprised I made it out of that fair alive.
  11. After Corona, the question is who haven't I met from the pub.
  12. Too drunk ta care.
  13. It was truly a pleasure meeting all me shipmates from the pub and putting faces to names. It is always good seeing the ones that I already new as well. I can't wait seeing you all again in the hopefully near future. Cheers
  14. See all you So Cal shipmates manana.
  15. Those bastards, will hang um from the yard arm and use em fer musket practice. No worries mate will cheer ya up manana. Oh, feel pretty darn excited.
  16. Mr. Pew, I think we will be alright if you would like ta proceed ta go look fer our long lost gunner, ya got my permission. *Looks towards the Captains quarters, hearing raised voices.*
  17. Red beans and rice.
  18. Mr. Pew we need to return above deck, we cant be wastin no more time searchin fer dis sailor, there are other matters on hand that need to be delt wit before we go tryin ta figure out wot be wrong wit dis sailor. Wes need ta be up there wit da guns jusin case. *makes his way back to the main deck and over to the rail were he watches the the gun ports of the other ship like a hawk.*
  19. Odd one says you aeh. Well lets hope we soon be findin out why.
  20. All those would be awsome, I think I would like to see one about Bart Roberts or Blackbeard. And after reading the Pirate Hunter, I think that would make a good movie.
  21. Still be at the PRP encampment entrance at 4 though, right?
  22. Man, I don't thinkl I'll be able to sleep tonight.
  23. Aye Mr Pew, I noticed em acting a bit dodgey me self. I lets the Cap'n know, first chance I get.
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