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Pirate Petee

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Everything posted by Pirate Petee

  1. Yep, we have descriptions, but not in the form of a nickname. what I meant was, he was probably dressed uncommonly. Why would someone have a nickname for something that was not out of the ordinary. Except for maybe Plain Jain. That’s probably why we didn’t hear Trouser Tim, Buckle Shoe Bob, or Slop Steve.
  2. ONE MORE DAY!! Well I be setting sail later this day.
  3. Don't things that are common go unmentioned. Oh and thank you blackjohn.
  4. Only if I likes what I sees, or if me clothes at the present be fallin apart at the seems.
  5. To each his own, its not my place to judge.
  6. I saw a pic of a compass like his. I'll scan it tomorrow.
  7. The only running I do is from ale stand to ale stand.
  8. I thought chasing girls in short skirts was a sport.
  9. Aye sir, sounds good. That be one reason I do love ships so much, look at all this canvas. *Smiles and raises his coffee.*
  10. Aye sir, young men die an old men talk, so will it ever be.
  11. As fer beliefs I be a god fearin man, politics…. don’t really need um, As far as aspirations go, this be a little embarrassing, I like ta paint. What I really want is a little house on one o these islands, where I can go a fishin an sit out on da porch, drink rum and paint.
  12. Well, sir I be from liverpool. Came from a military family and was, lets say suggested to join the army at a young age. Was in the infantry fer quite some time. Made sargent and then moved to a field artillery division. I fought the dutch an french, an after awhile o bein shot at an not bein compensated ta my likin, I left. Went back ta liverpool, me father not to happy o the idea a leavin da service, wouldn have me back at home. So I signed on ta a merchant ship and headed out this way. Still not happy wit da compensation and da way I's bein treated, I uh, went on da account, an well here I am.
  13. Aye sir, I shall set up a rooster and schedule a rotation.
  14. The bell tolls. TWO MORE DAYS AND ALL IS WELL!
  15. *Rising from his hammock, he sits up and throws his legs over the side. Putting on his boots and tricorn. He pulls his pipe from his hat and packs a bowl, then heads to the galley for a tankard of coffee. He then makes his way top side and to the fore castle where he drinks his coffee and smokes his pipe, while he scans the horizon.*
  16. Still spun on coffee, and aside from the drive to work, which I'm not going to explain, I feel pretty darn good.
  17. Ya could always say HuzzAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!
  18. Couldn't agree more. Necessity out ways .......could'nt think of the word, but oh well. I belive it would differ from each port or location they went to. The more exotic the location the more varieties of clothing. Also mix that with personal preference.
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