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Pirate Petee

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Everything posted by Pirate Petee

  1. *He stood on the side of the dog with a small sea bag and all his weapons about his person, waiting for the cutter to take him to shore.*
  2. I just use a pot o boilin water. An iron as well.
  3. I was gonna, but they told me I didn't look period.
  4. My Filipino pyrate friends and I.
  5. Dude that broadsides and Boarding Parties looks awsome. :)
  6. There ain't nothin bloody wrong with that.
  7. MAn that sounds sooooo cool. One Day, One Day. :)
  8. Aye, thank again sir, I believe Cutthroat, er I mean Mr. Johnson. Would do well in my stead. Thank You sir. *goes below deck to retrieve his effects.*
  9. *Walking the gun deck, he inspects every gun position before heading up to the forecastle. He lights his pipe and pulls out his spy glass and looks out to sea. Only pauseing to take sips og rum from his tankard, that sits on the deck.*
  10. I just saw this on Myth Busters. They Made a Cannon out of a tree trunk. I guess Hungarian tribes used to build them. It worked to.
  11. I checked there web site and found nothing about a pirate house.
  12. Tiered, drank too much coffee this morning. Need a nap.
  13. Holy crap thats a lot of movies. I love condorman. Great movie haven't seen that in forever.
  14. So ya can't be walkin round da fair wit ale in yar mug?
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