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Pirate Petee

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Everything posted by Pirate Petee

  1. Um... the Plunder form says "You're welcome to post FOR SALE/TRADE and WANTED ads here". It Dosn't say "You're welcome to post FOR SALE/TRADE and WANTED ads here, only if you introduce yourself and post all the time."
  2. Shoot, its in Anaheim isn't that the motel capitol of the world.
  3. Well the stuff I use ta shoot the bloody thing off with came the day after halloween. So we can fire it if need be.
  4. People, the ride is going to be left alone. Well at least from what the reports say. The only time it will change is at night, when you take a different route.
  5. I wouldn't belive everything you read, mates. One its not Disney official, two if they wrote the story and got Barbosas parrot wrong, I don't know how accurate the rest of the story is. This is what I heard is going to happen. The whole ride will be the same during the day, but at night time, at some point during the ride, the boats will change corse and thats when you get to see the new stuff like jack and undead pirates and such.
  6. Hey, yhose are prettyy flippin cool.
  7. And marooning fellow pirates. Just kidding, you guys are great and do an awesome job.
  8. I’ll raise twenty one ales to my brothers, especially the grunts. I will still drink to the POG’s and REMF’s as well, still love you guys.
  9. Well, aside from bein the master gunner on the watch dog and an applicant with the Port Royal Privateers, I don't really have an official crew as it were. I mean I do got one, but we aint got no name or nuthin yet. It would consist of Skull Pirate Carter, Leatherneck, Von Red, Crimson Carl and his lackey’s and said wenches. We also end up paling around with Diego, Rummy, Scarlet, Puss in Boots and Devlyn. But I don’t wan’t to speak for them by saying they be in our crew.
  10. The closest place I found was by south coast plaza.
  11. Aye, quartermaster, tis good ta be back. It was one hella of a row ta catch da Dog. I,ll get right on makin sure each gun be in propar order an tha the powder be sifted an dry.
  12. Fenced for about a year, about a year ago. I really need to get back into it. I didn't think it was going to be that much of a work out. Boy was I wrong.
  13. Growl and throw rocks ehh, ........ hmm good idea.
  14. Pirates were around before the Renaissance and are still around. I don't get bent out of shape when people come in Renaissance attire to a GAoP faire, bouncing around with moccasins and jerkins wearing bandanas on their head, saying look I'm a pirate.
  15. What in the hell, now your just makin that up.
  16. Yes, I will train an army of them, WaHAHAHAHAHAHA
  17. I forget her name, she was one of my brothers friends. Aye and she was a looker.
  18. Ok mine was "The Misfits - Dig Up Her Bones." The song was stuck in my head for weeks. Rouge, is it Radar Love?
  19. I'm sure there are hard core types that mind.
  20. Don't you just want to reach out and grab it. The beer, that is. Red Jayme, that's a really interesting fabric that your dress is made from. Did you do that yourself? If so, is it a natural fabric, or something poly, and if natural, where did you get it? I can say that I know she made it herself, but as to what kind of material that is I have no idea.
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