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Pirate Petee

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Everything posted by Pirate Petee

  1. All I's gots ta do is show um me sword an they be gettin undressed.
  2. Instrument? I play guitar and harmonica. You know I'll be there.
  3. Ahh, enjoy it as long as ya can luv.
  4. Wel then I'll have ta be savin some o me drinkin strength fer sunday as well. Heres ta sunday.
  5. HeHeHe its gettin close I canna wait. I can almost feel the hang over.
  6. I hope I get my coat finished before this weekend.
  7. What can I say, I likes me some beers.
  8. Oh no, thats no good Rumba. My prayers will be with ya. Wouldn't want ta miss ya.
  9. Aye, its been too long. Thought I was going ta get to see ya at Ojai. We will have ta raise a tankard or two or three in Escondido.
  10. Ahhh. I make trip Saturday morning.
  11. Aye, Mr Pew, thank you. Whilest ashore I' keep watch fer our Cap'n. He gave me an assignment if it were. *He tosses the canvas sea bag into the cutter and climbs down after Monsingor Diego.* * whispers to Diego* Padre Diego, seems our Cap'n and guest av gone a missin. They could be abord da Dog, but not likely. We best be keepin a sharp eye an a vigilant ear once ashore. *He checks his pistols on his belt.*
  12. I thought there be four, but three works. T H R E E
  13. Fist fights, wish I could say I havn't had the pleasure. Been in a few, from elementary school through adulthood. I’m pretty sure I haven’t started any of them. One, I hate fighting. Two, I’m really lazy. There are a lot of other things I’d rather be doing. Most of them happened while I was in the service, between guys in my unit and guys from Kansas State University. I’d be sitting there hitting on some girl, I’d turn around to see a fight break out and have to go help my friends. In my experience some people are just dicks when they are drunk and look to start fights. I just don’t get it, insecure about something I guess. One thing my dad taught me was this, if you know your gonna get in a fight and there isn't any way out. Get the first hit in and make it as hard as you can, after that nothin matters.
  14. I don't know, they way alot you are period buffs, we might be able to pass it off. I can see it now. "Nope, Those moccasins arn't accurate." I'm just kidding. When I said that we terrorized the hell out of some tea, I was just giving Carter a hard time about his comment that said" Our country was founded by terrorists."
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