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Pirate Petee

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Everything posted by Pirate Petee

  1. Posted these on another page, but I think they belong in here.
  2. Pirate Toon Me when I'm old.
  3. Squadie? I guess thats british fer grunt? Where you in the air force? Dad was air force in Vietnam. There wasn't any other branch of the service ta fight with, so we had to settle fer college guys.
  4. Some of me cartoon pirates I draw when I'm bored and hangin out with my cats.
  5. My updated list, if I'm missing anyone soory, let me know. Diego Rummy Scarlet Puss N Boots Scull Pirate Carter Leatherneck Red Jayme Flint Crimson Carl Bloody Mary Bonney Rumba Rue Iron Bess Patrick Hand Red Maria Black Hearted Pearl Billy Bones Killian Barbados Sam Gigi Red October Dread Pirate Gregory Red Handed Jill Iron Jack Oderlesseye Caroleen Cross Jack2 Cascabel
  6. Aye, which led to Petee gettin in trouble.
  7. My brother. Didn't know you were in the infantry. I was in the Big Red One, 2nd/16th INF, Aco., 3rd Platoon. Crazy how your training sticks with you over the years.
  8. I thought it was drinkin triple, seein double an actin single.
  9. Give him hot pizza and make him eat it.
  10. First I gotta say my hats off to you Rumba Rue, Ya one up'd me with the black spots , I had people coming out of the woodwork giving me those things, I think I was into the hundreds at the end of the faire. I had a blast this weekend. I'm pretty sure I got some good pics Saturday with all the black spots on me. Although I'll have to wait untill they are developed. I was three sheets saturday, that gypsy jucie that Bloody Mary Bonney gave me had done me in. As always I had a great time, the stranglehold has an awesome crew and it was my pleasure ta be marooned by them, good times with good friends.
  11. Thats a great idea harbor master. Could you post pics.
  12. Well I'm gonna jump in here untill rouge gets back. "Point me to the sky above, I can't get there on my own. Walk me to the Grave Yard."
  13. Plans? Tasks? Slowly backs out of the door. Being carefull not to spill his beer.
  14. AHHH I can't get this bloody song out of my head.
  15. Pirates Cove is such an Awsome game, so much fun. I think I'll bring to Escondido this weekend.
  16. Task? Yipes *starts to get paranoid and slowly starts backing up.* HAPPY FRIDAY ONE DAY LEFT YAAARRRRR!
  17. Saw the movie, an two thumbs up. The Pirate hunter guy is hilarious.
  18. Well.... all alone in the pub. Board at work and waiting for friday to get here. GGGRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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