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Pirate Petee

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Everything posted by Pirate Petee

  1. Um, I hope someone in my area would, I know that I am far to lazy to try an organize an event of that size. So far pirate parties are as far as I go . We have like two pyrate themed fairs out here. But thats all I dress like anyway. So if there is a renn faire near by, this pyrate be invading, just another excuse to dress like a pyrate. :)
  2. Makes you want to be a libertine too, doesn't it. Yes, yes it does. Actually, it kind of reminded me of myself during my twenties, untill I managed to get myself engaged.
  3. *He sat there at the aft of the row boat, his arm hanging over the tiller, holding a pistol and guiding the small vessel through choppy water towards what he hoped was the direction of the Watch Dog. His coat pulled close around him protecting him from the sea and in his other hand he held his flask, periodically bring to his mouth to take a belt to warm the insides.*
  4. Prices prices they never have any bloody prices on that damn site.
  5. Pyrates XO was the rum that we had at cutthroats in corona. I know Diego had some. Good stuff.
  6. *They made there way down to the beach, where there was a very large fisherman removing his gear from a small row boat.* That will have to do men. *They walked up behind the man with their pistols drawn.* Excuse me sir but we be needin ta barrow your boat here. *The man, not understanding english frowned an picked up an oar. Petee and his gunners took a step back, cocked their pistols and leveled them at the man. Understanding that gesture he dropped the oar and held his hands up.* Ok, now you two tie his hands and feet. *After the had the man bound, Petee reached into his boot and pulled from it a belaying pin.* Sorry mate, but I can’t have ya callin out for help now can I. *He raised the pin and brought it across the temple of the man, knocking him unconscious. Then all three pushed the row boat out, jumped in.* Ok mates, follow in the direction of the dog.
  7. I was stationed right by you mate. I feel your pain. Please don't judge me for it.
  8. I'm glad they did morph, cause if they didn't, this pirate would have no place to pirate.
  9. workin an waitin ta go piratin. 2 more hours.
  10. *Leaning against a small wall on the roof of an inn. Occasionally peeking his head over the wall, with his spyglass to his eye and then lowering his head to take notes of gun emplacements around the bay. He hears commotion over his shoulder. Turning his head he spots a blazing inferno in the vicinity of the bordello. Worried, he turns his attention to the commotion on the street, towards the fire. Groups of people gather below and soldiers run to the location in formation.* This whole bloody ports gonna go up in smoke. *Standing up he looks to the watch dog and sees the sails being set. Starting to panic, he looks to the cutter to see two silhouettes sailing it out of the harbor.* Oh bloody e’ll. * He moves over to the edge and looks down into the alley, where his two gunners he came ashore with stood there smoking pipes, waiting as look outs. He grabbed the rope he had tied to the chiminy of the inn and climbed down into the alley. After explaining the situation, they drew their pistols and made their way to the shore.*
  11. Nice Joshua Red, more we wants more. :)
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