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Pirate Petee

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Everything posted by Pirate Petee

  1. Ya be welcome. Aye, thats what I be there for. Next time I'll pull her in with me. Cheers
  2. Iron Bess thank for the New Providence encore on Saturday, I was bummed that I missed the show. Let everyone know that I said they rocked as always. The only good thing about catching it at the end was that I didn't get any of those songs stuck in my head. Damn they are catchy.
  3. That be a great name, not only because ya be a marine, but cause all the bloody leather ya be wearin.
  4. Aye they should have "Pirate appreciation week."
  5. Aye, but just imagine your up in the rigging and your use your heel as a hook, so to speak, on the rope and the heel breaks off and down ya go.
  6. Well I must say me first time ta Ojai was a blast. I had so much fun and everyone I met were just top notch pirates. Patrick Hand, Red October, Dread Pirate Gregory, Red Handed Jill and Iron Jack are pirates of the up most pirateness, ya couldn't meet a better a better lot o sailors. If I'm forgetting anyone, I am sorry, I am horribly bad with names. Aside from my sinuses on Sunday, the weekend went perfect. Ace, I am glad to hear your lady be on the up an up, I was able ta purchase some books during the auction, which was histarical, ya got a bunch o caring shipmates matey. Diego's BBQ was blast, rum drinkin and a table dancing.
  7. Aye but they do look close to these. Retrieved from a ship wreck. Petee "Defender Of The Bucket Boot."
  8. I'm sorry to hear that and you'll be missed. My heart goes out to you and your wife. You will be in my prayers.
  9. The reason I ask is, I was called in once while at a fair and then I was watching treasure island the other day, and I heard it used.
  10. Crotchless Slops. I was thinking the same thing Foxe. About the scruffy guy anyway. Quick Question? "Bully Boys" Where and what does it me?
  11. I would have to call him the most unlucky pirate ever. Quick question, what and where did the term "bully boys" come from.
  12. Eyepatch - anyone who had there eye put out, pirates have eyes too. Ear ring - Sailors are a very superstitious lot, why not, earings existed then. Peg leg- Any one who lost a leg, yes pirates had legs as well. Hooks - I don't know. BBucket Boots - Well they were around then, and they were free people and could where what ever they want.
  13. Jacks boots look pretty close. Petee Defender Of The Bucket Boot.
  14. That is an awesome version, I forget his name, but the actor who plays Billy Bones, best pirate ever in my opinion.
  15. One of us has got to invent a time machine.
  16. I have totally thought of doing this. My sister is a pro photographer. We are going to plan on going down to laguna and do a shoot. Black and white film would look awesome.
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