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Pirate Petee

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Everything posted by Pirate Petee

  1. Spun out on coffee and goin cross eyed stairing at a monitor.
  2. HAH HAAA!!! 3 MORE DAYS!! Ladies and Gents, I repeat, 3 more days.
  3. *After cleaning the touch/vent hole and worming and ramming the gun, he puts the tompion into the barrel and putting his hand on the cascabel he stands up. Hearing the call of a sail he pulls out his glass just to see a small ship escort the Danzig into port.*
  4. Four, Four more days! HAHAHAHA. *Instaed of lightning and thunder, insert Cannon fire here.*
  5. Don't know mate. Whoever it be they sure be doin grand job though. Smells somthin good don'it?
  6. Excellent, another shipmate ta share a ale er rum wit.
  7. Aye, then I be lookin forward ta be seein ya too. Although I don't know what ya be lookin like.
  8. I don’t know its awfully hard to compete with a pirate faire.
  9. Sorry Rumba, I just get excited.
  10. 1985 sorry.
  11. Patrick, I'll be totally looking forward to meeting you and Ace, and the rest o your crew. We will have to lift a tankard or two together. No worries Christine, I'm sur sure we will run into each other sooner or later at one of the fairs. Besides I dont think it would be safe for two people who share the same thought process to be at the same place at the same time. "It's good to be the king." 4 MORE DAYS!
  12. *after the salute was fired.* All right men, les get those guns clean. *He walks down to the galley, he fills his tankard with grog and grabs two hard tack bicuts and wraps them in cloth. He heads top side and up to the quarter deck to his 12 pounder. He sits down crossing his legs and sets his tankard and the hard tack on the deck. Pulling out his vent punch and vent brush from a pouch on his belt, he begins cleaning the vent/touch hole. Pausing to take a bite from the hard tack and a swig from his grog.*
  14. Rummy's got TEETH!? Just kidding.
  15. Christopher Condent for numerous reasons.
  16. Try this place. http://www.najecki.com/repro/Hats.html Cheers
  17. Aye, I'll have to agree with you.
  18. Nice, sounds like my kind of night.
  19. *He walked the larboard and starboard batteries, and then returned to his position on the fore castle and with his glass he spied the horizon.*
  20. Will do. Yeah, I did my Sig at work when I got board too.
  21. *lowering the trained swivel gun. He grabs his spy glass and looks at the cast aways.*
  22. Thanks Rumba, you must be ships navigator.
  23. Ohhh... Nice Sig Ace. And Patrick I'll be looking fer those bottles.
  24. 8 Days.
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