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Pirate Petee

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Everything posted by Pirate Petee

  1. That one would have a cool ending. Sea battle in a storm and all. Or so the story goes.
  2. Wouldn't it be great if Hollywood made a real period pirate movie, the same quality as POTC. Don't get me wrong I loved POTC, but I think it would be cool to see a movie about the life of a pirate that actually existed. Which pirate would you like them to make a movie about?
  3. *makes his rounds inspecting the guns and their crew.* Ok men, les try an look as if we be proper sailors. Wes gonna have company.
  4. Drum roll please. ONE MORE DAY!!!!!! YAAAAAARRRRGGHHHHH
  5. Yes Mr. Pew, what seems to be da trouble?
  6. I'm not gonna even say it.
  7. Where did ya find those beauts?
  8. *With one foot raised on the rail he leans and rests his arms on his knee and his hands concealed on the handles of his pistols, watching the Samson make way to the dutch ship. He looks to the left and to the right to make sure his gunners are still at the swivel guns.*
  9. Aye, ya be right mate, don't want ta ru n out o steam.
  10. And you can soak um an they keep ya cool as well.
  11. I don't now when I be gettin there. Do I get there early an stay the whole day and pace myself, or get there a little later and go buck wild till I can't go no more.
  12. Aye sir, thank you sir. *trurns and walks back to the crews. Scrape and sponge down those guns.* Nice shootin boys, you there gunner, goes down to the magazine an make sure ya refill these buckes wit charges, ya can leave um there, I's jus wan um ready.
  13. *walks up to the base of the quarterdeck.* Captain, their main mast be down, do ya want me take down her fore mast as well?
  15. Aye, will run out the next two Mr. Pew, one more hit should bring her down. RUn em out an fire at will Mr. Pew.
  16. On the up roll, FIRE!
  17. She's still standing, Mr. Pew, run out your two.
  18. Aye sir, RUN OUT THE TWO! Take your time men let me know when ya got a good sight of her mast on the up roll. *walks over to one of the guns and looks down the chace. Stepping aside.* ON THE UP ROLL FIRE! BABOOM!! *the two guns jump back, as the smoke clears in the wind. One shot off its target while the other rips through the side of the mast.*
  19. Where did ya see um at Charity?
  20. This faire is actually covered in wood chips. Kind of nice, not real messy or dusty. Yes its still at 4pm at the PRP encampment.
  21. Thank You Mr. Pew *looks towards Captain.* We be ready ta run em out an fire sir.
  22. Hold fast Mr. Pew, make like ya be loadin da gun, we don't want ta give them the impression that we was ready fer a fight. An on da captains word will run em out. Let me know when ya done loadin da gun. *winks*
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