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Pirate Petee

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Everything posted by Pirate Petee

  1. Pirate Petee


    Aye, I belive your right.
  2. Pirate Petee


    Coors light, like sex in a canoe, pretty close to water, but still pretty good.
  3. *Standing above Van Buren he removes his tri corn and scratches his rag covered head* Didn see that coming. How could I ah missed it.
  4. Yes the corona one is a regular ren faire. And from what rumba has said Dana point is not at all like a faire.
  5. Pirate Petee


    Pink Elephants. Piraat is pretty good, its like Delirium but a bit more hoppy. They sell it at BevMo and have it on tap at Bj's. Its a pizza/brewery out here in the west. www.bevmo.com
  6. Pirate Petee


    Anderson valley's winter and summer solstice is some of the best I've had, only comes out once a year and for a limited time. I stock up.
  7. *Hearing the comotion above he quickly sits up from his hammock causing it to spin and dumping him on the floor.* I gota stop doin this. * He stands up and puts on his boots and and hat, and heads to the main deck.*
  8. All that gear was when I was in the service. But yeah I have a tendency to to that. I feel GRRRRRRRREAT.
  9. ARRRR. Paintball
  10. Pirate Petee


    Well, here is a good topic. I consider myself a bit of a Connoisseur on the subject. I used to work at a place, a wonderfull place called BevMo. It was like a liquor warehouse, you can check it out online. They had just about everykind of beer you could think of. Some of my favorites would be, Fullers ESB, Bodingtons, Wexford, Red Stripe and Carlsberg. And anything from Stone Brewery and Anderson Valley Brewery, those are two Californian Breweries, one from the north and the other from the south. That was a great job, although it took a toll on my wallet and my liver.
  11. Yeah, me and my friends play all the time. Oh and um.. I'm feeling pretty darn good.
  12. I'll have ta break out mylist to.
  13. *Seeing the captain standing at the bodies and then post a piece of paper to the masthead. He walks over to it and quickly reads it. Turns and shrugs and walks away.* Thas wot I's kina hopin fer. *and returns to his duties.*
  14. That would be appreciated sir, the guns be good sir we had um pluged up and tied down tight. They may av shifted a little and there might be a bit o water in um, but me crews be gettin that squarded away as we speaks sir.
  15. Aye, thank you tudor. *He makes his way to the captains location on ship.* Aye sir.
  16. *Gathering next to the group of sailors on deck looking at the bodies and realizing what the comotion is all about, he looks about and sees some of his gun crews.* Ok mates quit ya gawkin, those guns be needin mornin maintenance. Come on now they aint gonna be cleanin themselves. *He sticks his belaying pin in his boot. And walks the battery lines*
  17. *Rising quickly from the comotion above, it causes him to flip his hammock and fall out. Landing on his back with a loud thud, he lies there for a second in shock. The comotion from above brings him back to reality. He jumps up pulls on his boots and puts on his tri corn and runs to the main deck, belaying pin in hand. Stopping quickly he turns back and stows his hammock, then continues to the main deck.*
  18. Coolest thing about the x-box version is the multiplayer ship battles. You and three of your friends can sit around and sink each other, its a blast.
  19. Will do Diego. Its about 43 miles and on a sunday its about 40 min drive.
  20. Oh I'm not mad, mad. I was just quoteing Maria. Mad like crazy. Although I will be missin the likes o you ya dirty ol sea wolf.
  21. yep , I mean dead. I crack myself up sometimes.
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