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Pirate Petee

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Everything posted by Pirate Petee

  1. *With a third of his crews manning their respectful guns. He walks up to the fore castle with artillery bucket in hand and stands by at a swivel gun.*
  2. Puts his belaying pin back in his boot. Man now don't I feel like bilge. Ojai is just north of LA, around ventura.
  3. *Making his way up to the main deck from below, he hears his name being called. He starts to run. Once on deck, the cool morning breeze fells good on his face as he squints his eyes from the blinding light. He heads up to the quarterdeck.* Aye Sir.
  4. So your not going Christine? Thats it I'm getting my belaying pin.
  5. *He finishes his pipe and coffee, he walks down from the fore castle and towards a group of gunners. They were gathered in a circle passing a bottle of rum back and forth. Grabbing the bottle from one of the sailors, he tilts his head back and takes a long drink. Wiping his mouth with his sleeve he passes the bottle.* That French ship ad some beauties fer guns, to bad dey donna what a do wit um. * A roar of laughter breaks out. He continues to make jokes about the French’s inadequacy as gunners and their sailing incompetence. Attempting to lighten the mood of the situation, as some of the gunners were nervous as to having a man of war following us.*
  6. Left coast the best coast.
  7. It would be me pleasure. What kind of buccaneers would we be if we didn't BBQ. Oh this is gonna be fun.
  8. Yes, I just have to say thank you for being a pro. Illustrator and Photoshop are the only way to go. Wish I could do more actual fine art drawing though.
  9. I just ordered the colonial buckle shoes from them. Shoot for thirty bucks why not. I'll let you all know how they are.
  10. Working, and wanting to kill people who use corel draw.
  11. Pretty darn good. I get to see flogging molly thursday.
  12. *After making a quick walk by the guns he heads up to the fore castle and packs a new bowl into his pipe. He leans on the rail and takes long drags and sips his "spiced" coffee.*
  13. All right mates who's goin, I wanna see numbers here people. Don't make me get out my belayin pin.
  14. Aye, I do love the boots too. I like to call mine "Historically accurate with a touch of artistic license."
  15. Noooooo, Boot Leg your Booty in your Boots.
  16. Cheers to that, the more pirates the merrier, we are already out numbered as it is. Jack and Barbosa look like real pirates to me.
  17. I like the historical aspect with a bit of artistic license. I know what period is and what period isn’t. If I likes that way it looks I’m gonna where it and if I don’t I aint.
  18. It was a blast, next time I'll have ta do it in garb. Me parrot had to work and by parrot I meen fiancee. So are time was limited. It was a pleasure meeting you Captain Gary even if it was only breifly.
  19. *A small grin appeared at the corner of his mouth, this all seems so surreal. “Never before have I been a part of such a ceremony.” He thought to himself. “Smells good though, nice guns too.*
  20. In the caribbean, when is it usually?
  21. Aye sir. *He removes the plug from the gun and rams a charge of powder.* You sailor, help me run em out. An you, go light dis slow match. * He pricks the charge and primes the gun. The sailor comes back with a smoking linstock and hands it to him. He lowers the linstock to the touch hole* BOOM!!
  22. Aye, I belive she could. Or at least a swivel or two.
  23. *after receiving instruction from Ms. Tudor, he makes his way to the gathering of other officers and the captain.* Aye sir.
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