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Pirate Petee

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Everything posted by Pirate Petee

  1. Its still gonna be bloody awsome.
  2. Thanks black hearted pearl and killian. But he just wanted a blank felt hat so he could shape it how he likes .
  3. 11 DAYS!, till piratey goodness.
  4. *wakes up , yawns and trys to stretch. Then notices that he is chained. * Oh yeah, thought I was dreamin.
  5. I'm curious Petee, did you try using the pirated pattern I sent? If so, did it work? I started the waistcoat first since I thought it to be the hardest to do and get it out of the way, I'm almost done. I just have to do the pockets, button holes and buttons. I'm going to get the fabric for the slops wednesday and start then. Thank you again Black John, your a life saver. I'll post pics when I'm done.
  6. *sitting * Well I guess I'll be calling it a night then. *Takes off sash and uses it as a pillow, lays on the ground and ZZZZZZZ.*
  7. Oi, I could go fer an ale o rum right bout now.
  8. *With a shocked experssion, that slowly turns into smile. He dosn't make a fuss and lets himself be detained and lead away.* Oh now what I do, this isn't about that misunderstanding in da rigging is it, I swears I didn know da Capn wan us ta loose da sails. Ah, now I gots ta surrender me pipe as well. *Laughs at badgers joke.* Thas not funny.
  9. I love the slops.
  10. *mumbling under his breath and shaking his head.* Only my beloved twelve pounder, Mr. Youngblood this, Mr. Youngblood that. *smiles. Goes back to gun maintenance.*
  11. *wiping sweat from his brow, he pulls out his flask and takes a belt, then stuffs it back into his belt pouch.* I wonder what all the long faces be bout.
  12. *Stops inspecting the guns and looks up at the gathering on deck.*
  13. I think they served steaks there, I don't think they were that expensive. I do remember the ales being aroud four bucks.Your average fair price, but that dont mean you cant do a bit o tail gatin.
  14. Under the black flag and pirate hunter were great.
  15. Ok mates I need your help again, my friend needs a hat for the upcoming pirate fair. I was wondering if any of you southern californian pirates might know localy of a place where we could pick up a blank felt hat.
  16. Well, quartermaster sir, This how I remember it. Diego calls, Sail Ho, when he spots that merchantmen. So I call my gunners to their quarters, we didn't load um or run em out. Jus wanted um there in case the need arose. Then swan spots another ship on the horizon, and this other ship goes after the merchantman. Some time I know I hears jack call his barge crew ta quarters as well. Well the Cap'n comes out an says, who gave the orders ta beat ta quarters. I explains ta him that I called me gunners ta their guns ta make ready ifin the need should come about, but that was it. Well the other ship comes up on the merchantman an some cannon fire was exchanged, though ya could hear no damge bein done. At this time a small little storm starts ta kick up and the other ship, I forget her name, it was Dark somthing, anyway she starts ta head our way. You could start ta smell something awfull at that time, my guess it be a plagued ship. She was coming fast being pushed by that storm. Well at this time the Cap'n calls fer all hands in the rigging, I must admit there was a bit of a misunderstanding on my part about that order. *laughs* Any way the crew goes in the rigging and lets loose the sail. Well by this time shes comeing down on us and starts ta fire. I swing down from the rigging and start yelling at my crew da type o charge and elevation and ta run em out and then ta fire. Well on me way ta me gun I exchange some small arms fire. After the first broadside, i give orders ta keep up da shootin an ta switch ta grape shot. Well I exchange some more small arms fire. Thats when I notice somethin comes flying by me leg, I looks an see its a cutlass, then I looks ta see where it comes from an thas when I sees the Capn fall. So I runs to him an hoists him up ta get him out o harms way. With all the splinters an lead flying round it woulda been worse ta leave him.
  17. *awakes by being shaken by a young sailor. * Quartermaster calls fer me? Aye, jus let me get my boots on. *Rises from the deck next to the cannon where he was sleeping and makes his way up to the quarterdeck and awaits for the quartermaster.*
  18. Yeah I'll make a giant picket sign.
  19. 15 DAYS LEFT!
  20. Go to that site that I posted, it shows how to make them exactly like that, I made mine for less than 50 bucks. Plywood, insulation foam, sand wood glue and paint. Thats all you really need.
  21. *goes about inspecting the guns.
  22. Have faith, positive thoughts.
  23. So far from the pub, I'll be havin an ale with Killian, Diego, Rummy, Lady Alyx , Red Maria, Iron Bess, Cascable and Rumba Rue.
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