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Everything posted by Captain_MacNamara

  1. I think that next time we have a hailstorm, I'll gather a few of the largest ones and try to sell them for a couple thousand on ebay...
  2. you know..it looks kinda like a different version of this sword: http://www.medieval-store.com/html/xcentury.htm or maybe this one, which on the website is called a cutlass classic sword: http://www.medieval-store.com/html/cutlass.htm Speaking of vats... or kegs... if I had the money... I'd have this keg installed in my house. This thing is a massive 220,000 liters... think of that in rum shares...
  3. someone fell in a rum vat...
  4. My interest is piqued as well...
  5. yarrrr.... keep us apprised o' the release date an' where ye kin attain this comic... I intend on gettin' this series...
  6. Mine be a tad short, but 'ere goes: I am scotts-Irish, born in the year 1573 in Bunratty, Ireland. I have three sisters and two brothers. Cast out of our Family's lands in 1589, My youngest brother Thomas and I fled by ship and became Sailors. In the year 1590, I "borrowed" my first ship, the Mary Anne. I re-named her the Iron Lotus, Gathered a crew, and took to the sea again... this time as Cap'n Mac. In 1595, I "rescued" an English Noblewoman named Gabrielle and ended up marrying her. We have since had two children... (Not near accurate yet... still in development.)
  7. One thing we 'aven't cleared up... roughly how much are these going to cost?
  8. Distressed fer me... most of my stuff looks better as "well used"
  9. I meant my persona was going to "lose a hand"... hehe meaning I really want a hook, LOL
  10. aye, and I've made up me mind to lose a hand... wonder if I could pass a hook off as a parrying weapon... ("What's your weapon style, M'Lord?" "Schlager an 'ook, sez I!")
  11. On my left upper arm... only place it felt right really. My wife's cousin is a proffessional artist, with a proffessional setup... he's just kind of in limbo since he lives here in oklahoma. It was cool... My last tattoo was an armband on the other arm, and it was done with a gun that I built... it was a good gun for homemade, but it hurt like hell. This one was just mildly annoying
  12. By the way... I posted that picture 10 minutes after the needle stopped... I told ye it was perfect when ye drew it fer me! I *did* downsize it to 75% of it's original size, but it turned out perfect, imo... Thanky, and yes, I am quite pleased with it
  13. Finally got my ink done, as a christmas present... Sorry for the blurry pic, but my camera right now is crap. Thanks to Pynch for the design!
  14. Thanks... we're also in the process of making an animated short...
  15. pray tell where can it be found?
  16. What killed me on this was the vid card... mine only had 4 mb...
  17. And here's most of me whole crew! Here's the real pic:
  18. I might as well jump on the bandwagon... Me... My master gunner, Ludo...
  19. I hear that you have to have a pretty much brand new computer just to be able to run it... what are the system requirements?
  20. It's kinda pissing me off too. The first verse is all funny as hell, the chorus is funny as hell, and the BOOM! Anti-american crap for the rest of it. It's not like I _like_ war, but people wonder why other countries hate america? Because of people spreading stuff like this, that only tells the negative side of any given story. And no, I'm not pissed off at anyone here in the pub. I'm pissed off at the guy(s) who made this, for making it cutesy enough to lull people in to an anti-american sentiment. Here's what his website says about it: Analyzing the video, it begins in the days of St. Augustine. Then it switches to modern america. What in the hell do the two have to do with eachother, for one thing? And for another, it mentions NO other countries. America is NOT the only country to do things like this. It says "great powers", but it ONLY bashes america. But to retort: There IS a funny little video clip when you remove the anti-american crap from it. If you really want to see it, contact me privately.
  21. Dead men tell no tales.com ^fixed link^ Click to visit
  22. Yeah... I downloaded and edited it to cut out the anti-american propaganda... the first section of it is funny as hell though!
  23. I think they're telephone poles, originally rigged to hold "fake" sails... in any case, it still looks better than that floating box he referrs to on that other website: The Other "Ship"
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