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Everything posted by Captain_MacNamara

  1. Fer the most part the issue doesn't come up... we rule our household (and our pirate crew for that matter) with equality. But on certain matters, I puts me foot down... then again, on certain matters, she puts her foot down as well... I be Irish... she's German... so we butt heads once in a while, but it's pretty much 50/50
  2. I'm scared to death of needles... But that's part of the intrigue for me. Facing my fear... And overcoming it to receive the mark of who I've become Course... some people call me crazy. I live for my hobby all too true
  3. actually ninjas try to sneak up to the ship... lookout spots ninjas, blows the whistle... and the ninjas are promptly dispatched with a full broadside...
  4. I asked, and I recieved! I am thoughoughly impressed with her work... I asked for something with a Maltese cross, which is in my SCA coat of arms, and the old style Skull N' Bones... I think it's perfect! I should be able to get 'er done by halloween...
  5. DAMN I wish I could afford a set of these
  6. I wear leather military combat boots... I really need to get a better boot, but the combat boots help support weak ankles
  7. I specifically mentioned the "golden age" of piracy in my argument. In any case, it doesn;t really matter... everything I love eventually gets corrupted by something I hate.
  8. for one thing... ninja's timeframe and the golden age of piracy are two completely different things... trying to cross ninjas and pirates together is like mixing a chocolate brownie with a steamy pile of horse shite and trying to call it a dutch chocolate cake. (the ninjas being the horse shite in this example...) Here's a similar question.... do you think there were any cowboy ballet dancers? or how about a viking astronaut? see my point?
  9. back when coins were made of real silver and gold, people would shave a bit off the edges here and there. perhaps this is what it's referring to?
  10. um... what the (insert profanity of choice here) do ninjas have to do with pirates? I say strap the lubbers to me cannons and I'll fire a broadside! If'n ye can read this, ye don't need glasses...
  11. Nae, s'not the art wot's illegal 'ere... tis gettin' paid fer it wot's illegal. I guess the state 'asen't figgered out a way to 'ffectively tax tattoo art jes yet... PM sent
  12. I'm glad that I live in oklahoma... most people here besides the police are still hickish enough to care about keeping their guns. I may only have my cannons, but dammit, this country was founded with the use of guns. People need to be taught a little common sense... all the GCA does is take away the honest man's defence. Criminals have always had, and will always have guns, and by enforcing gun control to this degree of absurdity just takes away the honest man's means of defence. And aye... they can have my cannons... right after I give'm a full broadside!
  13. I always heard his name was Edward Teach...
  14. The Dark Lady... I very nearly won a competition with it once, and it's a perrty piece
  15. I need someone to design me a piece fit for a pirate... I can't draw worth a damn. What do ye charge fer a small design?
  16. not neccesarily... the security guard probably saw the weapon when the student opened the trunk. Being nosy, yes, but within his position legally, so long as he had just cause. Now, I DO think they can sue for unlawful siezure of said "weapon" simply because it is NOT by definition a weapon (even if it WAS capable of firing): From "Federal Firearms Regulation, ATF P 5300.4" Title 27, Part 179, section 11, Subpart A Destructive Device. subsection c. The term shall not include ... or is an antique or is a rifle which the owner intends to use solely for sporting purposes. From the section entitled: Definitions. Antique Firearm. Any firearm not designed or redesigned for using rim fire or conventional center fire ignition with fixed ammunition and manufactured in or before 1898 (including any matchlock, flintlock, percussion cap, or similar type of ignition system or replica thereof, whether actually manufactured before or after the year 1898) and also any firearm using fixed ammunition manufactured in or before 1898, for which ammunition is no longer manufactured in the United States and is not readily available in the ordinary channels of commercial trade. From the section of Rulings and General Information Section L, part 27. Muzzle loading firearms not capable of firing fixed ammunition and manufactured in or before 1898, and replicas and models thereof, are antiques and not subject to the provisions of either Title I or Title II of the GCA. [179.11]
  17. It's a sad day when us history-lovin' types be lumped in with the common terrorists... Common sense (in this case, with the police) in this country has decayed to the point of nothingness... Hell, I'm only 24 and I remember when kids were given .22 rifles are birthday and christmas presents, and not too many kids were involved in shootings back then. The police there must just be bored, and want some publicity for their "anti-gun" campaigns... although, if he got a good lawyer, he'd probably get the charges dropped, as muzzle-loading antique and replica antique guns are exempt from the Gun Control Act... and also since he had the rest of his kit in the trunk with the rifle.
  18. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade...
  19. My main question is: are they considered primitive firearms, like most muzzle-loaders, or are they considered fireworks? Some lubber told me that it was considered a firework and therefore highly illegal I grew up on a 360 acre plot of woods, where we didn;t have to worry about legalities and classifications.
  20. I still can't find any cards... it's like the guy orders them 3 packs at a time or something so that he'll be constantly sold out...
  21. posted the answer in the SCA Pirate thread... No, you shouldn't hear about it "officially"... But the guy who blundered through our camp un-announced is also a hearld... One of the people who came to ask me if it had really happened asked why I missed
  22. This is what I wrote on the SCA Gunners list ----------------- well, that went over like a brick... I attained permission from the Autocrat and the Land owner, AND the Baron... and then the seneschal told me that cannons of any kind are fireworks and highly illegal. I'm having trouble finding any laws specifically regarding signal cannon. I have never, and will never shoot anything but a blank load in my cannons... that's all they're for, is fire, smoke, and noise. So where do I go to find the laws specific to my cannons? Thanks in advance, Duncan ----------------- I fired one of my 3 inch (15-20 grain load) signal cannons to signal the beginning of a meeting. I had a firing lane set up, the cannon was loaded with powder, I cleared the lane and surrounding areas, yelled fire in the hole, and touched off the powder... and then someone blundered through camp, crossed the far side of the firing lane a good 20 feet away, and it scared the living sh*t out of him, which nearly got me thrown off site... we had been firing the same cannon, a little one so as not to be too loud, all day for people coming to see my "pirate camp". In fact, the guy blundering through camp un-announced is the only one who had a problem with it... And that's his own fault for ignoring ettiquite! Anyway, yes, I should have been a bit more careful, but it's not like I was firing my big guns... this is the extent of it's firepower: In fact, that's even the cannon I had been firing... shoots a nice flame about 10 inches, with no wadding. Makes a nicer boom when there's wadding, and the wadding travels 3-6 feet... but for the incident, there was no wadding. Yes, I agree... we can play a tad on the OOP side, but so do alot of other people. I mean, Pirates take the bad rap for the OOP stuff, but the person that asked me if my cannon was period at the event (a newbie) was wearing a modern shirt under a tabbard, with a modern belt and tennis shoes... at least all my garb LOOKS mostly period... lol
  23. My "smith" came to the event this weekend bearing gifts! The barrel is 12 inches long by .50 caliber bore, and it'll fire like a thing of beauty! I built the carriage. I know it's not the best, but I think it fits. And the best part... I have 11 more on the way over the next few weeks What I need to know now is... what are the laws concerning cannons that only fire blank loads? I am only going to fire blank charges in thesse. Are they legal to fire? Is there a permit you have to get? Etc? The thought of that thar gallows (or jail cell) gives me the shakes...
  24. I like shooting at heralds with my signal cannons... if you've ever been to an SCA event, you know what I'm talking about... though this time, it was an accident Bet he thinks twice before cutting through my camp again though! :)
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