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Everything posted by Captain_MacNamara

  1. My crew and I operate within the SCA. We do a little singing, partying, and rapier-style fighting, among other things... Kind of a Pyrattical melting-pot, if'n ya catch my drift. But for a word of advice... Don't let yer crew become mired in politics... There's enouh politics in the other organizations and groups we associate with.
  2. I could always send MY quartermaster to give ye a sound floggin'... he has a cat o' 29 tails...
  3. if'n only I were rich... I'm having a hard enough time finding a small boat in my price range... hehe That is one beauty of a boat... er, ship.
  4. it's been in the planning stages since the release of PotC.... I wonder what they are going to call it... and I heard somewhere that it will more than likely be a prequel rather than a sequel, although I doubt that is true. It will probably start with Norrington leaving port to chase Jack down
  5. I be an SCA Rapier fighter... There's no "slashing" allowed, per sey... if you make a slashing motion, it has to be for a parry, or it has to be "pulled" before it lands on target... I use alot of slashing in my style of fighting, usually with a combined parry/draw cut. (a draw cut is where you end up laying the sharp of your blade on your target, and drawing it across a major vein or artery, which is usually a kill shot.) I do this for several reasons... the primary "valid" shots are all thrusts with the tip... IE: fencing. Draw and push cuts are legal, but slashes aren't... I turn the slash into a draw cut and it adds flair and a bit more realism to the fight! And to top it all off, most people don't see it coming till it's too late.
  6. "I like Coconuts..." (picture it like the pirate in the blooper reel... that said "I like Mayonaise...")
  7. took me forever to figure out what caused it... Anyway... I now have the theme extracted from the spamware... so if anyone wants the clean file, email me, I'll send it to you. Cap'n Mac
  8. Phil... not to be insultin' ye or anything... but the 3rd-party software that the theme is wrapped up in totally screwed with my system... took me 5 1/2 hours to fix... other than that, the theme was great, once I got the theme file extracted from the crap that surrounded it...
  9. Answered the questions honest as I could... It said I be the scurvy dog pictured below...
  10. Retirin'? As in from mundane work, or from captaincy?
  11. I love the highwayman song... it sends chills down me spine when I hears it... It seems like more Pirate love songs end in tragedy, at least in my findings... 'ere's another one: It's about both woman and ship... The Dark Lady A fierce one-eyed man named Baron LaBonne A meaner pirate had never been known And he sailed on the Dark Lady A ship strong and sound with a perilous crew And high on the mast the skull and bones flew Fleet and swift was the Dark Lady And every night the Baron would drink a toast He'd say, "Here's to our lovely lady host! My one true love... "Hear, hear!" the crew replied And the Dark Lady sighed A rich Spanish galleon was spotted one night The Dark Lady's crew prepared for the fight Clash of swords.... No Spaniards survived it Except for the maiden with dark eyes so bold Found in the hull with the jewels and the gold LaBonne laughed and took her for ranson And every night the Baron would drink a toast He'd say, "Here's to our lovely lady host! My one true love... "Hear, hear!" the crew replied And the Dark Lady sighed The girl Carlotta was a beauty quite rare With each passing night LaBonne couldn't bear His empty bed... He brought her to it The Baron soon found he felt more than desire His love for her grew and his heart filled with fire He proclaimed that they would marry The night the Baron drank with jubilee He said, "Here's to my lovely bride-to-be! My one true love... "Hear, hear !" the crew replied And the Dark Lady cried The following night and storm brewed at sea The Dark Lady saw her chance to be free Of her rival, the beauty Carlotta The ship steered her south to the heart of the gale Where a wave swept the maiden out over the rail Sweet revenge on an unfaithful lover That night the Lady drank a toast She said, "Here's to your lovely lady host! Your one true love... No voices replied And the Dark Lady smiled And now every night when a storm fills the sky They say that a ghost ship sails in its eye Fleet and swift is the Dark Lady A ship strong and sound with a perilous crew And high on the mast the skull and bones flew While the Captain gazes out to sea And every night the Baron must drink a toast And say, "Here's to our lovely lady host My one true love... "Hear, hear!" the ghost crew replies And the Dark Lady smiles Kinda 'splains why tis bad luck to bring a woman aboard, now don't it?
  12. are you sayin' will's father's the monkey?? 'cause that's who came outta the water at the end of the credits... and stole another coin.
  13. firearms forum?
  14. there's far too much thought been put into that... I'll quote a friend of mine... "You need to find yourself a girl, mate..."
  15. Aye Cap'n... that they do...
  16. The Gothic Times Pirate Cove has several options fer plunder... fair prices, and though their coins be a bit plain, they certainly have a realistic look and feel to them. http://www.geocities.com/nitestarr99/Pirates-Cove.html you have to scroll down a bit to get to the Pirate Coins/Doubloons section... it's past their flag selection
  17. I love female pirates!
  18. I like their other kit... looks more right fer a launch... http://www.unclejohns.com/skiff/Default.htm I be seriously thinkin' o' acquirin' the kit on that one...
  19. all-woman crew, eh? can I audition if'n I wears a dress? j/k
  20. I play more in the SCA than I do at ren faires... but I do promise to come back to Castleton next year.
  21. hmmm I think I'll be carry'n me flintlock and bend the truth a bit... claim it's a snaphaunce... A grand for a pistol is a bit much fer me to be spendin' I joined yer mailing list as well hope ye don't mind
  22. ahhh The Steppes.... I remember Steppes... Warlord XXX... flood waters up to me chest in me finest court garb, fetchin' mead for the Baroness, and fishin' people and their tents out of the 3 foot (in places) deep water. The primary reason I be bringin' a boat with me from now on! So ye'll be at 25th year... I'll be workin' / entertainin' at the tavern with some of my crew. Look me up, my picture's in my profile... (yes, that ugly lookin' son of a bilge rat is really me! ) I hail from the Barony of Namron, and we're putting on the Tavern at 25th year. For my personna, so far, what I've got worked out: http://www.geocities.com/sca_macnamara/Duncan.html Still doing some research, haven't figured out all the angles just yet, but the ship be as accurate as I can document so far. Even the previous name of the ship is from a ship list I had found for that time period.
  23. going to have to steal your Idea there... for a land shark... well, kind of... need a parade float for the christmas parade...
  24. Thanky, Hawkyns... I'm still a little new to the whole "period" firearms thing... What's a snaphaunce?
  25. Nice.... Although, if'n you think about it... If they'd 'ave added the part into the movie about Hollum and the Gunner's wife, and their affair... It would have made sense that "god was punishing" the ship jonah-like for Hollum & the lady's sin. Just a thought...
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