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Everything posted by Captain_MacNamara

  1. Our group just came back from a very successful event for "reviving" the maritime traditions... a couple of our local baronies have hosted pirate events in the past, and it IS popular around here with most people. Just not the stiff-necked anal-retentive types. But even most of those liked our cannons. Some people just don't like to have fun, but I decreed there would be no politics in our group when we started, and so far it's worked.
  2. that's frickin' hilarious! I HATE country music and I still laughed my ass off! And that's the best non-depp cap'n jack impression I've seen yet.
  3. I poured some rum on the Samhain fire for all of our brothers and sisters that have been lost this past year.
  4. very nice... my wife love dolphins...
  5. I am in terrible shape... Ok... I'll show you a picture if you promise not to laugh... promise? Ok... here's a picture I found of me and my son cleaning out his boat.
  6. ... I have small arms... I'll get a picture tommorrow when I dig out my camera...
  7. I have gotten all of my "nautical" stuff at Thrift and Antique stores... I got an old (owner claimed over 100 years) white oak 3 gallon keg, in GREAT shape, for $20 just the other day, and an antique yacht/ship's bell (HEAVY) for $10... I *do* need to track down a good captain's coat though.
  8. (keep in mind, I play mainly in the SCA) I have been seen carrying 4 tankards from my belt before... with 12 bottles of beer in my hands (figure THAT one out...) on a beer run once. Then there was the one time I was carrying 36 beers on my person... course... I was cheating, wearing normal pants and using the pockets, but still. The Beerdalier only had 6 bottle spaces... I usually carry: Home-made short Cutlass/Cutlass dagger (I made it from a paul chen scramasax and some old iron and brass...) Home-made simple kidney dagger/utility knife (to CUT things with, not for prying) Hand Forged (not by me) "stubby" dagger (friggin' blade's over 1/4 inch thick, and 2 inches wide, but the blade's also only 2.5 inches long! ) Pistol (flintlock repro... hoping to get a real one soon) Home-Made "hidden" matchlock boot pistol. (something I came up with that *could* have been) Belt favor for my household Belt pouch with emergency sewing kit, compass, money, ID's, various coins, Zippo Lighter, Jasmine Rose oil, sometimes a camera, etc. Tankard Strap with Tankard Sash
  9. speaking of tattoos... I am undecided on where would be a good place to put the one you designed for me... mayhaps a suggestion? :)
  10. I took apart and re-sealed a 3 gallon keg... course, I only used what hammers I had on-hand. But it *does* like like all three are pounding the last band on? Wierd...
  11. Yeah! Nice um... Cannon.. Yeah...
  12. Now you've given me another idea, dangit... Fireworks-style artillery shells fired from a coehorn mortar...
  13. Well... my crew kinda sails on the fringes of the SCA... kind of a middle ground. We don;t really ahve any pirate re-enactors around here that I've noticed... if you ever find yerself in our waters, yer welcome aboard the 'Iron Lotus' any time
  14. hmmm.... that's odd... isn't how we do things down here in Ansteorra... (Oklahoma and Texas). You get a few of the anal-retentive types, but mostly... you're allowed to play at the level you want to. I frequent SCA events and Ren Faires, and I find it a toss up between the two as to where I have more fun... except the SCA events are geared more toward having fun and the Ren Faires are geared more toward selling stuff.
  15. hmmm.... *imagines adding "period" style Grenades to my Cannon-firing demo...*
  16. hehe I have bigger guns being made... just not for a while
  17. should be realistic... 60-70 grains of powder in a .50 caliber barrel... with a _very_ tight wadding... the founder said that it would easily take 100 grains, but I don't want to push it. 60-70 makes plenty a nice boom, flame and smoke in person Thanky fer the compliment though And to think... I have 11 more of these beauties coming!
  18. ARRR! I love the smell of Gunpowder in the Mornin'! We got to fire the guns today! Below is a picture and a link to the video of the firing of this particular cannon: Cannon Firing Video. Click to watch or Right click and hit "Save target as..." Also, a link to the page with the rest of my little cannons being fired... Be warned, the microphone on my sister's camcorder don't pick up the boom of the cannons too well... they're MUCH louder and more impressive in person. Cannonfire Video Page PS: most of my cannons are ghetto... especially the swivel gun, which is made from an old .45 barrel... but they suffice!
  19. true, to an extent... I would say that the SCA has alot more free-range... as in, you can play at the level you want to play, and alot of people only want to party... but the party aspect of it makes for lots of free alcohol!
  20. aye, the beauty of a simplistic design! My first tattoo was done by an idiot with a home-made gun (myself). My second one was sort of an extention of the first, making an arm-band, and though the guy used a professional rig, he went way too deep in spots... This time, I'm going with the pro who did my Lady's tattoos...
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