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Everything posted by Captain_MacNamara

  1. 882, I believe
  2. Can't wait to see the pics mate If'n you need belaying pins, gimmie a holler... my little nautical shoppe is open fer buisness now
  3. THAT was freakin hilarious!
  4. sorry for the poor image quality... my camera sucks
  5. That's what I like about Harrison Ford... he's really mostly a down to earth guy. I haven't had the pleasure of meeting with or writing any of the actors on PotC, however...
  6. thanky for the compliments, mates! We'll be here for a while... now that I have acess to the woodworking shop. We'll be adding more items in the near future as well :angry:
  7. Iron Lotus Nautical Shoppe Our crew is now selling our artsy-stuff... check it out
  8. I know it's not *period-*, but I printed me own LoM on ivory parchement that I had wadded up, crinkled, soaked in tea-water, and then let dry... after I printed it on the new "aged" paper (in an old-english font), I burned the edges to further the "aged" look... it looks fan-freakin-tastic! I'll post pics when my camera decides to work right...
  9. I preferr my solid silver one, yarr
  10. Rusty Scupper's Pirate Daze in June, but they don't have much info on their website yet. Rusty Scupper's Pirate Daze We were going to go to help a fellow group, but it's over 2,000 miles from us
  11. don't forget the eye-patches and peg legs!
  12. I say my earrings make me look more the part, arr!
  13. Damn to the depths whatever muttonhead thought up political-correctness for a movie! If they portray cannibals in the movie, it will make for an interesting storyline, and I won't think twice about it... it's a blasted STORY already, not a portrayal of HISTORY. If they were asking for extras to portray "white" cannibals, I'd be hopping on a plane, flying to the set, and I'd start dancing around the cauldron myself... Next you're going to tell me that the film can't show a white pirate killing an "african-american" pirate because it would be portrayed as racism and would be boycotted by the "african-american" community... Get a life, you scabberous dogs!
  14. If anyone's interested in these, send me a PM
  15. The one on the left is stained in red mahogany, and the one on the right is fresh from the lathe (and sanded) I'm thinking $10 for unfinished (natural/stain it yourself) and $15 for finished (stained in red mahogany and finished with clear varnish) And then shipping, I need to find out how much that will run. As these are hand made by myself, there will be slight variations from pin to pin, but I am sticking closer now to the design on the right. The one on the left was the first one I made.
  16. Slight error on my parrrt.... the pin is 3/4 inch in diameter, not 1/2. Silly me... I'll have a picture or two posted in a little while.
  17. mayhaps e's colorblind?
  18. I too am coming into this conversation a tab on the late side, but here goes... *deep breath* I've said 'afore that I mix a bit of history with a splash of fantasy for my experiences in the SCA... My personna is based lossely on my family's history, with a little imagination thrown in... But my garb, as it is, is more accurate than most people's in my area. At least for *my* personna. True, there's the lady from the "barony next door" who has that perfect elizabethan gown, hand sewn, and very correct right down to the last real pearl... and of course, that lady tends to look down her upturned nose at alot of us poor-er commoners... My crew recieves much disdain from those "stiff necked aristocrats", just as our brethern of old recieved as well. My crew is comprised of both men and women, who each portray their personna to varying degrees of authenticity... alot of whom are still taking their baby steps in the learning process. But being the Captain of my fine little crew, I *do* try to lead by example. I have a very period-style (although probably incorrect for my specific timeframe) canvas double bell wedge tent. I shelled out about a year's savings for a real 1:1 scale deck cannon so that we'd have something other than the miniature "toy" cannons we started out with. I personally do not carry a weapon if is couldn't be used at a moment's notice... (except my gun... I don't carry it loaded, that's just stupid) you won't find cheap pakistani crap on *my* belt (which I had made myself) I shy away from discussing mundane issues when I'm "in character". My garb is made from the fabric I can afford, but one can tell it's not cheap halloween junk, though I do on occassion wear a bandana with skulls and crossbones on it. And my encampment is a fine sight to behold as well, though my crew doesn't share in my good fortune and as such have to camp in modern nylon tents. My point is that I try within my limited funds to be as accurate as possible while still being able to have fun, which is the example I set for my crew. And when the "period police" or "authenticity nazi's" come my way, it's not because my encampment isn't an attempt at a period one... it's the fact that pirates are frowned upon in the SCA... because n'ere a word is spoken to the "bellydancer" in naught but a chainmail bikini and satin loincloth... Or that one guy who shows up to events for the free beer and wears his blue jeans and T-tunic with a modern belt and modern zinc-cast chrome plated pakistani fantasy sword. They only seem to pick on those of us who are genuinely trying within our budget to portray our personna properly and authentically. Equality is all I ever ask for fer me and my crew. And when the person is standing in front of me telling me that I can't fly my black flag because it isn't period, I grit my teeth, wait fer them to finish and then point at thier modern watch or nikes and say simply "he who is without sin cast the first stone..." An' if they argue with that, I tell'em "This is my encampment, and I'll do as I damn well please until his Majesty or an official representative thereof tells me otherwise". :)
  19. Would there be a market here for small wooden belaying pins? By small, I mean 11 inches long overall, with a 3/4 inch diameter pin and between 1 and 1 1/4 inches in diameter. I dunno if this size could actually be used on a sailing vessel, but it would make a nice addition to a sailor's kit, aye? I do not have pictures just yet... I'll get some tommorrow.
  20. Alas, we have the same problem in the SCA... Too many people equate the medieval and ren eras with modern goth crap But *I* try to be at least somewhat accurate with my garb
  21. As I said in another post a'fore... I am generally instantly recognizable as "Pirate"... though I tend to blend a bit of accuracy with faire, SCA, and fantasy. My personna seems to work so far, and it's based a bit on my family's history ta boot My "kit" as it were... My garb is acceptable by SCA standards, but I'm ever striving for better garb... it doesn't fit the "golden age" of piracy, but then again, in the SCA one must stick to the earlier periods. Shoes are the ever-present problem. In the SCA, rich people have period shoes, and poor people just wear what they already own, usually tennis shoes. I wear all-leather military combat boots. Close enough to a period-ish look and within me budget. (though it was rather humourous... one of the people that came to me nitpicking my black flag as not period was wearing none other than a pair of nikes... the audacity!) But I try to blend a bit of all of it together... give off the pirate flair while trying to remain plausibly period. But when it's all said and done, if it looks good, and I like the style, I use it and period be damned! I'm in this to have fun and make sure others around me have fun as well.
  22. not so far, there isn't LOL
  23. I finally found something that looks right... to me at least: sorry for the poor quality, my camera's a piece of crap I took a brass cup, put the coin in, covered it in black powder, and lit it. I repeated on the other side of the coin. Then I put water in the cup to mix with the powder residue, left it for a while, and it made a nice blackish tarnish look all over the coin where the residue caked on. Then I polished the embossed areas with neverdull... now the coin looks truly old to me. Looks really cool on my bone skull-bead and hematite necklace, but that picture didn't turn out.
  24. well, the egg yolk method didn't even hint at darkening... I left it in the gloop for nearly 24 hours... This silver just don't want to tarnish... guess I'ma have to go to town and try to find a chemical solution.
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