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Everything posted by Captain_MacNamara

  1. Crocodile (from the nile )
  2. The 19th also be me wee daught'er's birthday! Perfect day fer it too, sez I ha harrrr!
  3. Military duffle bag + couple shovelfulls of gravel + article of clothing in question. Place gravel and article of clothing inside duffle bag, throw in the drier on no heat for a couple hours. Then wash... Repeat as needed or until threadbare
  4. I haven't dealt with Loyalist personally, but have heard good things about the quality of their work. Find out what size the lock is, and if Loyalist sells flints, try some from them. But I highly recommend English flints from Track of the Wolf. If I were to hazard a guess, I would think 5/8 to 1/2 inch flints, but I'd email Loyalist and make sure.
  5. I got some from dixie... didn't work worth a damn. Especially the saw-cut flints. (I have a theory about that) The ones I have now came from Track of the Wolf... English flints. so far I haven't changed the first one I got from Track of the Wolf, and I've sparked it a good 200 times. Now... my theory: Flint has a natural way of fracturing when you knap it. When you saw cut flint, you're not using the natural fracture lines in the flint, and the edge chips away faster. When a flint has a knapped edge, it seems to last longer. My theory is that even though the edge will not be perfect, or at a perfect angle, it will be much stronger, since it uses the flint's naturally formed fracture lines. When a saw cut flint strikes the frizzen, it "shocks" the flint, causing it to fracture along it's natural fracture lines, usually ending up with a chipped edge that throws little if any spark. Knapped flints are inherintly stonger because they've already been through the "shock" of impact from the knapping process. Just my theory, based on observation from the two kinds of flint I've used so far. Like any opinion, maybe it's not really the truth, but like I said... it's me theory.
  6. Here's a pattern for a 1750's coat. I know it's a little late for what you're wanting, but I would think it's at least closer than the halloween costume patterns available. 1750's Coat
  7. Here's a picture of said blade: Most of the time, on EBAY, you can find the exact same blade for $60 - $80 instead of the $145 that Museum Replicas charges. I've found that if I like something from MR, I can usually find the exact same thing somewhere else for 1/2 to 3/4 the price. This sword is not currently on ebay, but keep a weather eye... it pops up every once in a while.
  8. No place around here will carry it.
  9. you know... with all the remakes they're making these days, I wonder why they haven't? And make it a little more true to the book as well. And my sister has a parrot named Captain Flint
  10. Me and my whole crew plan on attending opening night in full garb... minus blades, of course.
  11. yeah... judging by the picture, the watch is no better quality than a wal-mart $12.99 special... gotta hike up the price because it's piratey and from disney... that's like... 1000% profit.
  12. I wish I had cable... I always miss the good shows.
  13. If you want flash in the pan, you may as well fire blank loads and have flash in the pan, and flash out of the barrel too... otherwise, you can always just prime the pan and not load the barrel... a real flintlock is a joy to own, and shooting one, even with just blank loads, is addictive. :) Plus, a real flintlock will last several lifetimes, if properly taken care of.
  14. CABoots... Aye... it's why I still be wearin' leather combat boots... I won't buy garb boots until I can afford me a pair of CABoots... I'd rather spend the extra $$$ and buy a pair of real boots that are designed to be worn on a daily basis than a pair of cheaper "costume" boots that are only designed to be worn a couple hours at a time before killing your feet and back. And that wear out in less than a year with frequent use...
  15. Powder INC. ships it in 5, 10, or 25 lb quantities. They also let you mix and match on the type of powders you get, so long as your order is 5lb, 10lb, or 25lb total. For example, you can order 3lb of FG (cannon) 1 pound of FFG (rifle) and 1lb of FFFFG (primer) or 5lb of whatever granulation you want for a 5lb order. For a 5lb order, it costs $52.50 for the 5lb of powder, and then around $30.00 for the shipping and hazmat fees, bringing the total for a 5lb order to $82.50, at least to my zip code. Yours may be different. You also must be at least 21 years of age to sign for the delivery of the powder, and must fill out their "Statement of Release and Certification" and send it in to them before an order can be placed.
  16. I too hope that he and his are ok. Pray to whatever gods you believe in is what I would suggest... it's what I am doing for the people I know of personally in those areas.
  17. For the woman names... "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" comes to mind. I'mnot entirely sure *why* they name them, but I believe they name them in alphebetical order, if memory serves me right.
  18. One time... several months ago... there was a woman who felt her honor was slighted by the desire for me to put my family back together... she had helped me stay stable mundanely, and she took it as an insult that I wanted to patch my family back together, as she mistakenly thought that by helping me she'd win my heart... (Yes, I'm getting to an on-topic point). She ended up challenging me to a "duel". She was dead serious, and picked up one of my rapiers. I reluctantly accepted the challenge, after taking a couple full-force blows to my arms which I had thrown up to protect my head and neck, so I picked up my other rapier and took a defensive stance. No masks... no armor of any kind, just the two schlagers, which thankfully were re-enactment schlager blades. VERY tough steel blades. Hurt like hell when she tried to take my head off before the duel and hit my arms. I fought defensively, as she continued to try and take off my head. No time to think about whether the edge of my blade or the flat was to be used to parry, but remembering, I use mainly a deflective parry that uses the flat of the blade to drive the opponent's blade either to their outside, or across their body where I can foul up their weapon. This was done on pure instinct in this fight, with no forethought or planning, obviously... she saw it as a real duel, which I suppose it was. She fought angrily, and flailed alot, but her attacks were VERY quick and powerful. I kept a cool head, and ended up disarming her in a way that her rapier was twisted out of her hand, and flipped in the air before landing near my feet, which I put my foot on to keep her from picking it up again, and put the tip of my rapier to her throat and asked if her anger and honor was satisfied. I did not hurt her, as I didn't attack her in the duel, and after I had my rapier in hand, she didn't hurt me. She is still around, still plays in the SCA, has taken up a renewed interest in rapier fighting, but has not challenged me since... Looking back, it was the most beautiful fight I ever had a role in. If I were to fight again, re-enactment or otherwise, with a cutlass... I would want to make sure it was at least as sturdy as the rapier I used in that fight. I would also want my opponent's blade to be combat-quality as well. They say that the chain is only as strong as the weakest link... and I say the fight is only as safe as the weakest sword used.
  19. Negro Pirate, check these guys out: The Bilge Pumps You can hear their music for free! All you have to do is make it to a ren faire they're performing at
  20. Thanky thanky! Next demo we do at that site, we're going to rig up a shore-to-shore battle... should be lots of fun, if done right and safely.
  21. I tried the florists foam with 30 grains of black powder in my flintlock... I shot it into a bucket to see how much debris would be left, and naught but burnt powdery residue could be found... it works beautifully, at least with my pistol. Haven't tried it in the cannon yet. I imagine it wouldn't work that well with pyrodex, however... Pyrodex has to have a tightly packed wad to contain the pressure enough to make any noise other than "foof". Another reason I vote for using real black powder over pyrodex now... pyrodex has it's uses for effects/pyrotechnics, but I won't be usin' it in my 'locks anymore...
  22. pretty, but a bit out of my price range there... I gotta learn how to do some of that knotwork, lol :)
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