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Everything posted by Captain_MacNamara

  1. Outta respect, I'll drink whatever's put in front o' me... but I don't *buy* bacardi. My favorites are Captain Morgan's Private Stock: or Ron Centenario AƱejo Especial from Costa Rica: Unfortunately, I no longer have access to the Ron Centenario... the swab that was getting it for me from Costa Rica jumped ship.
  2. The Iron Lotus Homepage has been updated:www.theironlotus.net We're still active, with lots of potential... If you're stranded in the Oklahoma area, and want to do more than just civil war or old west activities, give us a gander...
  3. looks like it could be sparrows though... and even at the right angle to match jack's tattoo, eh? very peculiar... :)
  4. blown up and enhanced a bit.
  5. Sir Francis Drake... But aside from him, Edward Teach or Bartholomew Roberts... I would settle for just about any period pirate though, if done right. :)
  6. Half moon... isn't that the same ship that's in Squanto?
  7. Aye, I'm going to get me a more period-style bandana... just haven't gotten around to it yet. And I have a french double-bell wedge pavilion tent... no dome tents here...
  8. Thought about flying out to PiP this year if I could raise the money fer it... but we'd need our cannon, and I don't think the airlines would enjoy transporting it Or our tent...
  9. Compton has absolutely no relevance here. back on topic: I really need to get me a period-style bandana... the one I wear now is a modern do-rag.
  10. Greetings! We had an SCA demo this last weekend, and the Iron Lotus was invited to come out and put on a cannon-firing display... we ended up firing off the cannon all day, and the "Pirate Cove" was very popular with the crowd. Here be a link to some pictures: Demo Pictures Hopefully, successful demos such as this one will open the door for more acceptance of Black Powder-related activities within the local SCA groups here in Ansteorra. I also hope to fuel the acceptance of Pirate personnae here as well. Our crew's demo's to date have been very educational and we try to make sure that most of our activities and the stuff in our camp is heavily documented to prevent complaints from those few people who look down their nose at us pirates. So enjoy the pictures, aye...
  11. Ok, you want to drag this to the pub, bring it on then. I have emailed you several times stating that the items were shipped via USPS from San Marcos Texas. I have since lost all access to the wood shop I was using, and therefore haven't been selling any new items. You are the only complaint customer I have had, everyone else seems happy with their order... I find it awefully odd that you are the only customer I have had that "hasn't recieved his order". And in my last email, I even offered to either wait until I have access to another wood shop so I can RE-make and RE-ship your order, or refund your money, but no dice... you still post here, trying to ruin my reputation. On your first post, no less... Now either lets settle this thing off the board, or you can bugger off. Unless you'd rather taste the point of my cutlass.
  12. Lets see if I can get this right: A long time ago in what is now Claire County, Ireland...There was a King named Cormac Cas... One of his descendants was named Cu Mara... His descendants took the surname Mac Conmara, which was later changed to Mac Namara. Years and Years later, it was changed to McNamara, which is (mundanely) who I be... Josh McNamara, a direct descendant of the 5th Century King of Thomond, which is now in the general area of Claire County Ireland. Duncan is my SCA first name, also taken from my family's history. Patrick is my SCA middle name, also from my family's history... Patrick MacNamara from the song Kilkelly, the School teacher who helped an illitterate father write letters to one of his sons who left ireland and came to America during the potato blight. The Captain part of my username... I am the Captain of the Iron Lotus, a Ship within the SCA. I was awarded my Captaincy by the Matriarch of the SCA mercenary Household Black Company in 2003. I am also one of the Commodores of the Allied Outlanders Fleet. Captain_MacNamara
  13. *shakes head and sits back down on his rum keg* I'm going back to reading my book now... lol
  14. Avast, sez I! *Fires his pistol over the growing crowd* Back I say!
  15. Right click the link below and select "save target as" Sorry for the method, but I cannot make streaming video right now. Pistol Video Link
  16. I opted for the cheapest route... Plus I don't like waiting. I'm going to brown my barrel, but I wish I could have gotten a brass barrel. Dixie doesn't stock the brass ones.
  17. Aye... me too. I had a "clip-on" earring that I wore for about a week at Gulf Wars a couple years back. I took it off every night, made sure it was clean, etc. By the end of the week, the damn thing had wore through the skin on the front and back of my ear and got infected. I finally said to hell with it this year and went ahead and pierced my ear... twice. A little more temporary pain at first, but now they don't bother me at all.
  18. I'm interested in a pattern as well... mine ran off. for mine... just baggy sailor-is pants would work. what styles do you have?
  19. A couple more: My other set of garb. Referr all complaints to the complaint department. Your complaint will be handled swiftly and professionally. My Lady Wife in her garb. :)
  20. They didn't include anything with measurements on mine... in fact, all I got was the warranty card, a rough explode-view schematic of the gun, and the parts. I am going to have to brown my barrel as well. I'm having to polish rust off of it every day, even with keeping it oiled. I hate the humidity here.
  21. I made those breeches from the captured skirts of conquered schoolgirls... just kidding, lol! I got it at wal-mart on the $2.00 a yard sale rack... those breeches have since gone missing, and I have been unable to find that particular plaid again.
  22. The Pistol Kit was $225 from Dixie Gun Works. Not a bad price for a very nice DIY kit. The other good thing about ordering from Dixie is that even with their cheapest shipping method, the kit STILL got to my door in less than a week. I use about 30 grains. I don't know what the proper measure for a .50 cal pistol is, but the proper measure for my .50 cal cannons ran from 50-60 grains. Since I am only firing for effect, and not firing ammo, 30 grains is about right. When I fired it off the other day, it would go "Click - FOOF - (half a second pause) - BOOM" Very very nice. I loved the feeling of it.
  23. I recieved my Queen Anne Pistol kit from Dixie Gun Works a couple days ago. The kit was very easy, I only had to do minor work to the stock to get it to fit right. It was so easy in fact, I had the stock re-shaped, sanded, and the piece assembled in about 2 hours. Now I hate the "off the shelf" look of new items, so I usually add a personal touch to my garb/weapons. Since I am a captain, I decided to make my personal touches worthy of a successful captain's weapon. (If he were to actually have one custom made, I know in period that didn't happen alot) I also test fired it... it took a couple tries to get the flint set at the right angle to spark, but once it was right, the piece fired off beautifully, with no mis-fires 4 shots in a row. Here's the pictures: Lock-side view. Beautiful piece in my opinion. Brass sideplate. I plan on having "Cap'n Mac * Iron Lotus" engraved on it, and where the * would be I am going to mount a silver maltese cross (which is in my coat of arms) in the middle of the sideplate between the names. I also plan on mounting a small silver skull and crossbones on the side of the stock, forward of the sideplate. My personal touch... a REAL burma ruby set in the mouth of the buttplate, and REAL emeralds set in the eyes and forward of the trigger guard. Tell me what ye think
  24. All right... here's a few of mine: I'm experiencing some bandwidth issues on my webspace, so if the images show up as X's, try back in an hour and they should be there. Me in some of my nice garb... I have a better hat and I don't carry fake weapons anymore now though My young'n's, Connor and Jessica I'm on the left... The rest are some of my crew at a COLD event in february... Me, our Lookout, and our First Mate Me in my finery Flying our flag from atop the Fort at Gulf Wars Me aboard the ship stage, Pieces o' Eight, at the Muskogee Faire
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