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Everything posted by Captain_MacNamara

  1. I am currently trying the egg yolk method... I'll let you know how it turns out
  2. sweet, thanks! I tried the vinegar, and it didn't work... I completely forgot that eggs had sulpher...
  3. I have a certain silver coin that I would like to look old... how does one tarnish silver? Just wearing it won't work for me... for some reason, silver doesn't tarnish on me.
  4. I got the powder measure, but not the ball mold... my order was right at $1000 as it was total with shipping. Shipping time on this was 3 buisness days too. like lightning! I figure if I *do* shoot "live" ammo out of it, it will just be golf balls. I may try to get ahold of some over-sized cannonballs for display though. Oversized so some dumb@$$ doesn't try loading it up while it's on display I would definately recommend it if it's in your budget... the only other comparable price I've seen is from dixie for this piece: Click here to see the product info page for this 1/2 scale carronade It has a slightly longer barrel, but has a slightly smaller bore, and no carriage. But it's under $500, so if you're feeling ambitious, this would be a nice piece too. If we try to buy another large piece, it will probably be that one. I recently also bought an Elgin Pistol kit from them for my "eating dagger" and it's pretty nice.
  5. I absolutely love it! and no, I don't have a range at the moment that I can fire "live" ammunition at, but I am told it will shoot a golf ball about 1000 yards
  6. Here ye go... one of proper size for a balcony! 1/4 scale swivel gun $149.00
  7. No, it's a wooden carriage... teak perhaps? I dunno... it's from Wild Imports
  8. Well, I've been threatening to do this for a bit, and finally got the cash together. This Cannon isn't huge, but it is full scale, with a 44mm bore: And here's a video of it being fired: Cannon Firing I am thouroughly impressed with this piece so far. :)
  9. I tend to agree with dasNdanger's last post to an extent... I *do* my research, and then go from there. I try to remain *plausibly* period, but I stick to my personal preferences too. I carry my persona well, and everyone in my circle can tell instantly that I'm a pirate... I throw elements of fantasy in, so the earring thing is an interesting conundrum for me. I suspect that it was a common thing, partly because all myths have at least some basis in fact. I also know that I would be more or less the same person 300 years ago as I am now... a little less educated to be sure, but I feel that my persona would have worn them, so I wear them. But then again, the SCA is a game played for one's own enjoyment than for the entertainment of the general populace.
  10. Hmm... in the SCA, there's the Sisterhood of the Foxes Tail... Women who wear foxes tails on their belts? Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "Chasin' Tail"
  11. I got my coins and all I can say is HOLY SH*T! The amount of detail is amazing, as well as the weight. WELL worth it. BTW, pm sent.
  12. Correct me if I'm wrong... but alot of times, isn't the production/working title usually different than the release title anyway?
  13. Blackbeard braided his into his beard, to make him appear more menacing... but it could be used to ignite explosives too. There was also a character in Pirates of the Carribbean that lit grenadoes from slowmatch burning in his beard. Jacoby? I think was his name.
  14. Here's your other picture, colored in as promised: Hope you like it.
  15. SWEET! Wonder if they'll use the song... I can't wait!
  16. well, I didn't draw the actual mermaid... touched up, yes... mainly image composite work... I like making graphics. If anyone else needs signature art, I'd be more than happy to oblige, if you provide at least one picture for the background.
  17. easy, they just fired a "blank" powder charge from a blunderbuss at whatever they wanted to catch fire! Seriously though, I dunno... probably flint and steel. Anyone else care to take a crack at this one?
  18. Sorry if you can't see the pictures... my server is experiencing technical difficulties at the moment. it will be resolved by tommorrow.
  19. I took a yard and a half of nice fabric, cut it in half lengthways, sewed the two lengths together, then hemmed the edges, folded it in half lengthways, sewed it together, then top-stitched the folded edge. it is just a touch short for a sash, but it will last forever!
  20. ahhh, tis a shame... Gulf War is *the* event for me. as fer the irons... both are up for grabs on ebay... that's where I get 90% of my small stuff and I used to be a reserve patrol officer... now I'm going for my PI license
  21. ahhh... SCA eh? From Trimaris, I take it? Do you attend Gulf Wars? And are you looking for this kind?: Shackles This is the best price on shackles I have found. I have a pair of these myself. Leg Irons Leg irons are a bit harder to find.
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