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Everything posted by Captain_MacNamara

  1. Via IM: Cap'n Mad Eye Kalum Kendra the Sea Maid Charity Via PM: Harbormaster William Red Wake Pynch maybe a few others... In Person: Captain Emerald Shaunassey and crew
  2. Probably not until Steppes Warlord... The next two events I plan on attending are Namron's Protectorate and Eldern's Samhain. At least till I get a better vehicle, texas events are few and far between for me.
  3. Greetings... I am Lord Duncan MacNamara, Captain of the 'Iron Lotus'. We are a pirate crew who currently plays in the SCA and at some ren faires in Oklahoma. If you're stranded w'out a crew in the oklahoma area, look no further! We dabble in alot of things, including Rapier combat, Cannon-Firing demos, Entertainment, and just plain having fun! Our online home can be found at: Iron Lotus Homepage If'n yer interested in joinin' the crew, or inviting the crew to an event or function, me contact info can be found below. Captain Duncan MacNamara (405) 598-0684 duncan_macnamara@hotmail.com captain_macnamara@yahoo.com Yahoo Messenger: lordduncan_mc AIM: VirtualScribeBC
  4. Glad yer satisfied with the pins... Yes, they are hand turned. Unfortunately, I no longer have access to the shop I was using to make them and don't know when I can get my next batch done.
  5. Aye, I'm still alive, contrary to stories ye may 'ave heard... Been here and there and everywhere in the past couple months... been a bit busy, had to shut down the shop, as I no longer have access to the tools, lost a few crew members due to the divorce, b ut everything is finally getting back on track. During the tussle, several of my small cannons, daggers, and both my pistols were stolen But we still have our Victory cannon... Working on re-building the crew with more suckers... I mean volunteers I've missed you guys these past weeks... Be'in adrift in the vast ocean of real life has really sucked. Hopefully the Rum Fairy will visit me soon... me birthday bein on the 30th and all
  6. Send me a copy of the plans... I'll build me a little ship, sez I!
  7. send me a PM, I make them
  8. Kendra.... sweet Kendra... I feel your pain. Looking back, everything is not so plain. The truth, or lies? Blurred like a spring tempest. The emotions and pain... confused like a sea mist. I'm sorry I hurt you, oh Lady of the Sea. And I ask with my whole heart, that you'll forgive me. I feel lost and alone, and wish for a guiding light. And ask that you please don't throw me out of your life. You are my mermaid, My Lady of the Sea. And now, my dear... I have to set you free. Your heart is your own, and follow it you must. For someone as foolish as me could never regain your trust. So I stand at the helm of my ship and dream of better days. And steer my ship into the mists to get lost inside that haze. I find the storm and it's hurricane wind tears my world apart... Remembering the way that you danced into my heart. --- Cap'n Mac
  9. I want to see the "original" that's twice as dirty and fourteen times as long... LOL
  10. *blink* holy crap... I dinna know I had a brother...
  11. The aforementioned frickin huge one I was referring to...
  12. The Moonlight Original song by Cap'n Mac He sails into the night, and she prays he'll be all right. He's sailing for calcutta, a fortune there to find. As Storm clouds fill the sky, and lightning splits the night. The sea grows rough and stormy, as she stares into the night. Chorus Her heart starts beating fast, and she prays the storm will pass. She waits there in the moonlight, and braids her flowing hair. Lightning split the mast, and a fire grew strong and fast, The ship was doomed and sinking, The Captain stayed till last. He helped his crew to flee, and he made sure they were free, Before the ship could trap them, underneath the sea. Chorus Her heart starts beating fast, and she prays the storm will pass. She waits there in the moonlight, and braids her flowing hair. The sea claims many men, this night a life did end, The Captain is lost forever, and the moonlight shines again... She knows her lover's plight, and she'll take her life tonight. She'll end her pain and join him, beneath the pale moonlight. Sometimes in the cool night air, you still may see her there, As she waits there in the moonlight, and braids her flowing hair...
  13. Finally got around to actually making my own flag... better late than never, sez I this one's a tad smaller than your standard 3x5, but I plan on making a frickin huge one soon.
  14. Star Wars, Episode IV, A New Hope... Obi-Wan Kenobi comenting on the Death Star... where Alderaan used to be...
  15. Standards... aren't them those newfangled land sharks wot ye drives with a stick? *ducks behind the bar* Ok, seriously... I have standards for me and me crew... For the most part, we're well behaved... but we do drink alot of rum. None of us have caused problems with it, however. I expect my crew to have a good time... if you're not having fun, find out why... if you can't fix it, go home a'fore you ruin everyone else's. I'm always in garb... hell, I'm in garb at this moment, typing on this forum. Call me a freak... I like my garb. When I'm in garb at an event, I require my crew to make an attempt to be in garb as well. When we're asked to perform a song, those wot can sing are asked to sing with their Cap'n... Our goal is to have fun and make sure other people have fun in our presence. When ye crosses us, expect to be delt with. We don't tolorate theivery, or attempts at violence. I have a cat o' nine and a set of manacles, and I knows how to use them and wot authorities to turn people over to. "All in fun" is ok, but only to a point. Everything else is kinda... go with the feel of things.
  16. *if* me and some of me crew makes it there this year... We perform... we sing songs and such... mainly a wandering-type bardic, but I sing from a stage occasionally. Would that count as entertainment?
  17. Oh hell, when is PiP? I may be able to convince a couple members of my crew to band together and save for a road trip. They need a big non-SCA event under their belt anyways. On another note, I'd like to save that flash on my computer... how do I go about that?
  18. very very nice
  19. I got my other 5 a while back... my crew (those of the crew that got one) are more than impressed with them!
  20. Anyone goin'? Myself and 4-5 members of my crew are plannin to attend.
  21. freaky... I want a griffon or a dragon... LOL
  22. thanky, that's me first attempt at a poem... I usually write filks :)
  23. The Mermaid of the Mists The sea was dark and cold on a mitsy moonlit night. The spray of the sea and a steady breeze were the only comforts of life. Often it's a lonely time when we sailors put out to sea, Thats when I smile and remember the time the Mermaid enchanted me... The evening was dark and melancholy, much as it is this night... The cold sea air and the mists were there, bathed in the soft moonlight. We were anchored off Caracas I think, waitin' to re-supply... When a swell of the ocean crested, and a Goddess caught my eye. She was small of stature, with flowing golden hair... Eyes of green that called to me with their enchanting stare. She started singing then, and I heard a most heavenly voice... They say that mermaids drown sailors, but I felt I had little choice. Her wonderous voice called to me, and it put me in a trance. And when she looked up and reached for me, I had to take that chance. I stood by the rail and gazed upon her hair's beautiful twists. She looked up at me and called out "I'm the Mermaid of the Mists". Then she took me by the hand, and I floated to her arms. For I was weak and helpless against all her wonderous charms. She had soft and creamy skin that glowed in the pale moonlight. Against such a creature of beauty, I'd have never put up a fight. I went most willingly with her as she guided me to her world. We swam down deep unto the reef, and the sea-grass doors unfurled. She brought me down into her home beneath the rolling sea. Then she said with a certain smile "Here are treasures for you to see". We spent a most wondeful time that night in her underwater abode. And I was amazed at the kindness this sea creature had bestowed. The day was coming on fast and I knew that I must depart... But I'd always hold a special place for her deep within me heart. Now I stand at the helm of my ship and dream of better days. Of the lady of the sea who had put me in such a daze. I stared wistfully at the fog and listened as the sea hissed. I'll never forget till the day I die... The Mermaid of the Mists.
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