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Kendra The Sea Maid

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Posts posted by Kendra The Sea Maid

  1. *it was a still night, she thought about the ladies in the elaborate ball gowns twirling about to the dolsed tones of the violin* "This is getting me no where," And once again to stop her mind from wandering as she has so many times before she begins to sing.*

    From across the room you see him standin there

    Full of charm, grace and with out care.

    With a SNAP, a flutter,a smile, and then

    Your hand veil is before your eye again.

    "Who is she? This elagent mystery."

    He makes a move toward you,

    And you know at once what you must do.

    You must play with him liken to a toy

    For all men were once a little boy.

    "Who is she? This elagent mystery."

    Soon he is to give chase

    And your heart and fan move a quicker pace.

    You taught and tease

    Hoping to bring his spirit to its knees.

    "Who is she? This elagent mystery."

    Finally he brings an end to your little game.

    All he wants is a kiss and a name.

    "One, or the other, you have to choose."

    "Either way I'd say I loose."

    "Who is she? This elagent mystery."

  2. *Kendra finished her work to the spare sail earlier in the day, so that she could see the Captain and the rest in all their finery disembark.* "They look so lovely," *She whispered to Simon and then sighed* "I wish. . ."

    "I know Miss, but believe you me, this is more business then pleasure." *The giant remarked*

    "How do you know?"

    "The Captain's eyes told me. . .for it is as your father used to say, "The eyes are the window to the soul!"

  3. All right hand me my cutless (I got one for Christmas) Yahoo must die!! They keep messing around with things and now they have messed with my webpage and now I am mad :unsure::huh::huh::huh::huh: I know what do I exspect for free, but there still will be spirting blood ARRRRRRRRRRRRRR! I am goin to cancel my web account and move it any body have any idea where. It must be free!! or if any on has space for me on they're webpage I would be so happy. Either way I have worked too hard to turn back now. My words must be seen, my thoughts must be heard I am a pirate@#$%^ and I have a cutless and I am learning how to use it!

    All right This is my first pyrate type rant give me a break! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! :huh:

  4. *The air still smelled a bit stale and it wasn't because of the canvous, she tried to push back the images of yesterday by focusing on the work at hand but it was very hard. despite the fact she had been on many ship since she was a toddler, she had never witnessed anything like that before and she hoped would never again. But that is a foolish thing to wish for this was life, a life at sea. From behind she could hear the Captian's pace back and forth across the deck. She so wanted to turn around, but she dare not. SHE MUST STAY AT THE TASK AT HAND! She told herself

  5. *When the Captain revealed what he had remembered Kendra had heard. Experience had taught her however, in a situation like this she keep her eyes straight her mouth closed and ears open. then. . .BANG!! She jumped, like a child afraid of its own shadow. The glanced out of the corner of her eye to see the man fall, and then the doctor rushed to his side. She then caught a glimpe of the captain's eye which seem to say "Keep your eyes forward little one." *The same look her father gave when she was in mischief. and did so*

  6. *Noting too the Captain return on deck although it was not for the same reasoning as Jack's. For her heart swelled with some pride as she saw him wearing the coat she had made him.

    Turning back to the rail, she commented"Yes Mr. Anthony you are right one must make the most of a given situation." *Simon returned with the water, and she took it with a nod of thanks. He had taken off his hat to wipe his brow and she saw that he had his new hat. sly smile crept across her face* "Well, Mr. Anthony I thank you for your help and conversation but I really must get back to work now." Placing the sweet smelling cloth across her face she went back to inspect the canvous

  7. "Miss Kendra, perhaps this will assist your delicate constiution?" Jack produced a laced handkerchief, heavily scented with jasmine and lavender. "Hold it to your face, covering your mouth and nose. It may make you a bit sleepy, but I believe you would prefer that over the alternative, eh?"

    Jack turned to face Mr. Badger and Simon, pinched his smile tighter, and breathed deep the pungent air. "Such an evening, gentlemen! Have you seen the like?"

    *She snatched Mr. Anthony's gift with much graditude* It is good to see you about sir. Although I wish it was under a more pleasent aroma." She smiled

  8. *Considering the last time she had gone below she was glad Mr. Badger, and Simon was with her. They took the sails above, the smell that reaked from the canvous was without explaination. "Whew! What a stench!" Exclaimed Simon "It smells like. . ." *Kendra shot him a glance not to finish his thought in front of a lady. As she felt her lunch coming back on her. She ran over to the rail and exspelled what was left into the sea. "Well obviously we will wait a day or two for it to all air out before we can work on it." "What do you mean we?" Badger chuckled.

    "Ahh yes Mr. Badger that is most amusing." * then as she stood back she got a whif again and turnded back over the rail.

  9. I have the sniffles and sneezes, my energy levle and sleep pattern have been really out of sorts, BUT today I feel a little better and tomarrow I am praying. I am well enough to finish wraping presents for my Mom and Dad.

  10. What woman is looking at the clothes? :o:o

    I have to agree with Rumba :o Did any one happen to catch E entertainments top 20 Fashion dos and don'ts. It said that the puffy sleeve shirt was a a fashion don't, and dosen't look good on anyone. I wanted to raise my hand and say excuse me little miss fashion expert but I pictures that say other wise. BTW the leather pants in the last link don't look have bad either!! ;):rolleyes::o

  11. *Another beautiful day, a day for to sing and she would have. If she di not feel so run down*

    "That's what you get for sitting in the damp air finishing the Captain's Coat." *Simon wagged his finger to stress the point just as she sneezed. Wiping her nose with a lace handkerchief. Stuggling with the stiching to Mad Jack's new tricorn.* "You really should rest Miss Kendra."

    I will, I just need to finish the last few stiches. It tis his gift you know."

    "yes mam I know" She continued to sneeze and wipe, trying so hard to finish.

  12. *A bemused smile crossed her face while she worked with the day's last light drawing to an end. She hadn't exspected the Captain to react the way he did. For most part she got simple nods of approval from the town folk when she helped at he father's shop. No the Captain's complament was something she would treasure for a long time to come.

  13. *hobbling through the crew, she made her way to the Captian. *Bowing* "Sir, many here would show there appreciation with pretty speeches and fine rum, but seeing as how I ne're touch the stuff myself I decided to show it with a more lasting gift" With that she handed over a large smartly folded raven black Captain's coat with gold buttons.*

  14. Kendra... if your using Netscape..... it has a webpage "Composer"....

    hummm and so does Microsoft Word.....

    Yes, I am using Netscape (Mozilla) It has been so much fun to play with. And yes the poetry is on its way its just going to take me longer to put that part "Poetry Corner" together. And yes hit man you aright A definate theme for each page. Right now I am just trying to put all the pages and links on the main page first. Thank God for the line seperator thingy *giggle* And before any one asks there will be a photo gallery, that is going to take some time as well. Well I am off to rest I am not feeling so great today may be I will work on the rest of it later tonight.

  15. Kendra, the free getting started tutorial at this website is pretty good. Got me going, and you don't even need any special programs. I haven't subscribed, just used the free stuff.


    As for content, I always enjoy a "questions people ask me" section with pithy answers, and even soliciting the asking of questions. Or the "fifty useless things to know about me" Something that gives more insight into who you are.

    Thanks!! Here is what I have so far http://www.geocities.com/ladydonegan20032003/My Webpage Not all my pages are up yet(The Quill, the Pirate flag, and poetry Corner) my favorite hang outs work. I just wanted to see what you all thought so far!!

  16. Oh no none of what you say sound harsh from either one of you. No worries there, I am a writer after all. The way my webpage is now is what Yahoo page builder offered. You know pre fab stuff none of that will be there if I can figure out how to put images in the background and writing on top oh boy! It will be so great!! Thanks guys and keep the ideas coming

  17. I am in the process of re doing my webpage, and would like to know if there is something you think I should add or a link should be put up. Remember though that this is a family friendly site. Any cool graphics would be welcome as well! Thanks

  18. OH I have a few. Doctors can even ask you some dumb ones, even when the answers ar there in front of them.

    "So you have Cerebral Palsy?"

    "Yes" *Thinking to my self* "No my legs just decided to go on strike!"

    "You have been in this chair all your life?"

    "Yes" Thinking "No I decided this moring that I would roll in here like this just to mess with your head!"

    Questions asked in public (in a mall) by adults

    "How do you use the bath room?"

    " How do you get dressed ?"

    And my personal favorite "Do you. . . .I mean can you. . .How do you. . ..*long dramatic pause, while the person searches for the right words until finally he leans down and whispers* "Dou you have. . .you know, *winks* FEELING in your LEGS!"

    "Yes, and obviously you don't!" *Winks back*

    Heres a little tidbit, just because a person sits in chair with wheels dosen't make them alien. there for think before you speak, and if it is a question that you would not ask your family or closest of friends Then that by all means do not ask me, because it is none of your business how I live my life.

  19. *The feeling of readiness for the unknown fillterd down, giving Kendra a surge that she had not felt since she was small. Perhaps the blow to her head, had in some way changed her, or he could have been, how she saw Miss Smith carry herself. Yes, she handled the situation on deck in an un shipman manner, but what impressed Kendra the most was he lack of fear, and the fire she held with in her eyes. "I should be more like that," she thought. Her curiousity had gotten the better of her, after she finished the last stich to the Monsingor's new robes she left the safety of her quaters to see if she could be of use.

  20. :lol: This seems the week for aches and pains, I was suppose to take a cruise around clearwater om a pirate ship, but my hips an legs hurt so bad that there is no way I can get in and out my friends car to take me. So I will rest tomarrow and pray that this all goes away soon. I hope the rest of ya feel better soon as well!
  21. Here is my Desktop photo all cleaned up for ya! Yes its Rowan Atkinson, BUT That IS NOT Mr. Bean Doin Mr. Shakesphere!! This is none other than Lord Edmond Blackadder "The Favored" of Queenie! And IMHO This series is a must see!


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