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Kendra The Sea Maid

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Posts posted by Kendra The Sea Maid

  1. Kendra, love -

    I guess I shouldn't bring up our local Portal O' Pleasure Pancake House, huh? ;):rolleyes:

    Ya know Phil, I am a firm believer in some things are just better left unsaid, left alone and my personal favorite *best impression of my Mother,* "Don't touch it Shana you don't know where it has been :lol: " Thank you and good night!

  2. I don't know about the burger part - I just like the In and Out... :wub:

    :wub: no comment!!

    Ahem *tries to regain composure*

    Any way I too hav great appreciated what all the men have said here (except for the last)

    Kidding Phil! It is just nice to hear that men want more than a pretty face. Now I just wish some of ya lived closer to me *giggle*

  3. No, no no, this has got "wrong" written all over it, it does. Master Diego! I hearby offer me resignation from your more than able crew. My efforts here are a bit superflous when likened to the contributions Kendra can make. I'll be gathering my effects post haste, in order that Kedra may stay on.

    :: hurries below deck, gathering this and that, whistling a familiar tune ::

    :lol: * hearin him make this grand and loud annoucement, She runs back*

    What in God's name ar you doin. You have obviously have had too much rum even for you. . .for no pirate would leave a ship because of a woman, (they get on one) but never never leave get back to that ship thats an order sailor ! This voyage means too much to the Master to loose the like of you! I will not have you play a damed chilverous gent on my account!!

    (Yuse I cursed)

  4. I hate to do this. . .but I will not be joinin you all your journey.  I feel that I am mor of a spirtual hinderrence then a help, and am having a hard time keeping up,  I am sorry for the inconvience to Master Diego and to all here.  May God bless you all on this journey  you make may you learn to trust, learn and above all love eachother through this experience. . .*Walks over to Deigo gives kiss on cheek and over to Jack*  Take special care Jack!

    Takes  her things and walks of  the Watch Dog*

    * slowly lowers tankard and watchs kendra* Wait don't go. Spiritual hinderrence? What does that meen? Us sorry sailors need every scrap o scripture we can get. Your not hindering me spiritual none, and I don't thinks ya should go. Besides who else is gonna tease me. If theres nothin I can do ta stop ya, .......well I guess, if ya must ya must .

    *looks depressed, takes another drink from his tankard*

    I'll join ye Petee, (pulls up his fat white arse) Argh ye know one night maybe two in a hammock under the decks of a tall ship even ifin it be jes tied off to a dock and she was lucky to find out shippin weren't fer her Be glad we weren't ta sea lad! (looks over at the master gunner) wheres yer flask?

    I see you are playin the Devil's side of the coin, and tryin to sway the scales your way?

  5. Master Gunner, Would ye fire off a shot give it a half load and no ball. see if we can get the crew back fer the party before Kendra here drinks all the grog!

    (looks over to our ships spiritual advisor and winks) jes kiddin ya know! Thanks be to ya Petee!

    I hate to do this. . .but I will not be joinin you all your journey. I feel that I am mor of a spirtual hinderrence then a help, and am having a hard time keeping up, I am sorry for the inconvience to Master Diego and to all here. May God bless you all on this journey you make may you learn to trust, learn and above all love eachother through this experience. . .*Walks over to Deigo gives kiss on cheek and over to Jack* Take special care Jack!

    Takes her things and walks of the Watch Dog*

  6. ...And what I pray, was that idea dear brother? -_-

    :: almost spits last sip of coffee, swallows, and laughs ::

    Either you have the most remarkable hearing known between here and New Holland, or you're the one Master Diego was talking about! As to my musings, dear sister... I think I need some rum to go with this coffee.


    *walks back over to Jack* My dear sir of that you have no idea. . . . *starts to walk way then a thought stops her *in whisper tone "Oh by the by, unlike most of the mates here I happen to think that Alcohol really dulls the sences and clouds the mind. . . -_- Now if you will excuse me.

    I am off to see in the Sergon is in need of my assitance

  7. Tis alot calmer than yesterday, with the flamin daggez incident .

    *He sighs and hands over the spy glass. A blank calm comes over her, "This voyage will be the ultament test of us all, Aye the ualtament test indeed. . ."

  8. *Meanwhile, Jack moves his things to the other side. Smilling, he wonders, "If someone like her, as pretty as she seemed woud actually steal. . ." *hearing his thoughts she replyed, "No Jack, I did not, they are mine." *A look of shock washed over his face. "Yes Jack, I used to be a woman of the Cloth."

  9. :: breaks out 4 ample bottles for the present crew ::

    Master Diego! I know our grand tour of this vessel was interrupted, but if my quarters are in the slightest more accomodating that Lady Kendra's, then I offer up my bunk to her. I'm not above sleeping between the guns or in the rigging, if need be. And, if I may, she should be better armed than a mere dagger, sir.

    * For a moment she looked him in the eye* That's very kind of you Jack. *sudenly she became nervous and dropped the chest and spilled a nun's habbit, Bible, and Commuion wine and goblet!

    She quickley scooped up the contents, but it was too late every one had seen!

  10. Aye lass and don't you just know ye be sleepin on the third deck same as the gunners the lookouts Our galley cook and me marine who will most certainly give cause to yer salvation. Figurin the bulk of the crew be stowed in the fourth jes aboves the galley and infirmory. with storage underneath. Guns just under the deck (the main deck) and the captain in the quarters in the aft. Haven't we stowed yer bags girl? I am off to that place that only comes once every workday the end o me shift and I be needen me grog as soon as I can muster a coin I'm buying this crew a round Hip hip Huzazah!

    Aye aye sir, ahhhhh why did I not see this coming, that still dose not explain what Mad Jack is suppose to give me a note perhaps?

  11. Mad Jack ifin ye would see that Kendra would get this.
    From Master Diego (What?) After showing the master at arms her meeger weaponery (a small dagger) she pick up her bag and small sea chest, and asked to be shown to where she'll be stayin for the remander of the voyage, The master at arms eyes her suspiciously as she holds nervously-tight to her belongings
  12. A howl like that of a wild beast more than of a man rings out from the warf. The sound of a man running on its creaking sagging boards gets louder as a flaming sailer runs toward the Ship! Sir William is almost knocked over by the blazing mariner as it jumps into the water with a "SSSSSSSSSSSSSS"! Sir William watches as the body rises slowly up...back first. Diego looks over the rail to see Daggaz Eber floating in the sea near the ship. His coat is a still smoking slightly and his hat sinks away into the depths.

    What in the Name OF Thats Holy is that?? B) *Makes sign of cross*

  13. :: appears at the top of the gangplank, carrying a rather large seabag ::

    I hear tell this ship's in need of a gunner and lookout, and I happen to be in need of employment. Permission to come aboard?

    :: carefully sets the seabag on the deck, hoping no one hears the "clink-clink" of bottles ::

    Just a shift or two of clothes, and some odds-n-ends, really. Where can I stow me gear?

    * He hears a voice from behind* Welcome a board Jack.


  14. "Iron Man" - Black Sabbath

    You are pretty well rounded Jack.

    Umm since the host of this thread did not specify where we heard the song. . .

    The song playing in my head is. . .James Bond Living Daylights!

    And yes dear host that will be the last time I make a post like that. . .*giggle*

    Don't want to start a problem.

  15. It is indeed out on DVD -- apparently in "ultimate edition," so you get both cuts of the movie for one price:

    Legend at Amazon.com

    Thanks fer the compliment to my avatar -- that remains my favorite picture of ol' Jack. :) And, a BTW myself -- I read yer synopsis of Kendra on yer website, and may I say I hope ye find a likely publisher, as it sounds to be an intriguing novel!

    Well thank you. I sent it to TOR Publishing in May and I should hear something between July or October (on my Birthday would nice) I'll let ya know when I hear something.

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