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Kendra The Sea Maid

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Posts posted by Kendra The Sea Maid

  1. (the bell tolls it's ship time. I bow my head facing the ever increasing morning wind) God in all your glory you have given life to this ship offered a place in history you have. We are most humbled by the magnificance of discovery and safety please bless this ship in that all endeavors be in your name, Amen

    *with head bowed she repeats*


  2. *She had spent half the night reorgainizing both sewing kits, (one for sail repair)

    The other for tailor's work, and now it was time for some coffee. "My poor Simon, no since in both of us not to get rest." *She grabs her walking cane, and make her way over to where a tall long haird blode serves the moring wake up call.

    "Thank you m'am" *Christine waits paticently with cup in hand, While Kendra set her sel down on a large rock* "Thank you very much!

  3. *While she finishes checking her supplies, she notices Simon's stance as a stance of concern*

    "What is it my friend?"

    "They need help with the barge." * unsure :unsure: what to do he looks back at her*

    "Well, what ya standin around for you big lug. . .go help um! *he wanted to but hated leaving Kendra alone, because she could not get around so well* "I'll be fine, if I need help I' ask besides they may have damage to a sail, and you can bring it to me all right?"

    *Like a happy child sent off to play, he ran off toward the beach to see what he could do.

  4. :: now finished with the quick orders, he returns to the new faces at the gate...::

    *Steps around her large friend and over to the Quater Master. Captain Wake Sent me said you needed a sail maker and tailor aboard my name is Kendra *puts out her hand*

    Aye, Lass.... tha' we do...

    :: shaked proferd hand ::

    Kendra ya say? Well met....

    Welcome to th' Watch Dog! stack yer gear in th' ramparts 'ere, we' soon ta start haulin' e'erythin' back aboard soon...


    Thanky sir. *Turns to her large friend* Come Simon you heard the man

    Aye * she follows close behind watching all around her being ever vigeleant* You know Simon if I didn't know better, I 'd say we really steped into a hornets nest."

  5. :: after seeing to the reperations of security and repairs, the QM turns to the sound of his title hollered from the fortification, where two figures stend by the gate guard, who waves him over...::

    Must be some new lads comin' aboard...

    :: he walks up to the gate and adresses the new faces..::

    Aye, I be th' Quartermaster, Dorian Lasseter...

    'ow might I be o' service?

    *Steps around her large friend and over to the Quater Master. Captain Wake Sent me said you needed a sail maker and tailor aboard my name is Kendra *puts out her hand*

  6. "Come along Simon, and don't be draging that material through the sand like that." *Barks the short young woman in the rear, limping along wearin dark man breeches, and white long sleeve shirt, boots and a red bandana hold her hair back save one lonely stran that she pushes behind her ear.* " Kendra me love, are ye sure you be needin all this?"

    "Aye that I will, For who knows, how long I be gone." *Finally reaches the fort, and see's one of the watchman. * "Excuse me sir, but I am here to see a Mister Lasseter. Would you tell him The Watch Dog's Sailmaker and tailor has arrived

  7. My sister, who has cerbral palsy, wears her purse over her should like a baldric. I made her a black one but didn't embelish it because we where it to a renfaire where she is a member of the sponsoring elizabethan guild.

    So dose Siren's sister :huh: I mean me and when you have to push your self it is the only way you can carry a purse otherwise you loose it. Siren if you are serious love I would love to have one, but I will wait and see what else ya have as well!

  8. Thought I'd share page 1 with you. It's not even available on the site yet. :P


    Hope 'ya dig it!!

    The artwork is amazing. . . :P and I am not reall one who is into comic books!

    How long dose it take to draw a comic book?

    When my book gets published, (some day soon hopefully) I may write you and ask to do the cover art!

  9. Kendra, get some rest and save your strength, love. Hopefully you'll be feeling better soon! :)

    Constance, I know what you mean about those wretched sinus infections. They seem to hang on forever! I hope you feel better. :ph34r:

    I am feeling a little better my self

    Thank you as well Jack

  10. Not to good, I mean I feel sick and my head hurts. I was suppose to have to meet with friends to marrow and cancelled because I have no energy to clean my house. I even don't have the energy to write! This is bad very bad :lol:

  11. (William dishes up a sample of each on a large platter for Tempest and sets aside a generous slice of cake for Kendra)

    Now, what would like to drink?

    Thank you William, *brings the left over of the drink she had* *takes her plate and digs in* This is really excellent!!

    MMMMMMMMMMMM *Enjoys every mouthful* This was just what I needed

  12. Oh it all looks soo good, to bad all I am having is a Checker burger and frises! which is good but not as good as what you have save me a piece of that dessert would you? thanks

  13. AWWWWWWW, he's certainly got my heart and that sayin alot for man that can charm a sea nymph's heart. You certainly are very blessed William, would you minnd teriibly if I sent the link to this to my Mom she would love it!! I just want to hold him! *giggles*

  14. 'ere is a pic o' me an' me mate Crispy.  Our bilgerat is the little blonde guy.  These were taken at the Virginia RenFest.

    MWC and Crispy

    I also have a great one of Gute!

    great pic, mwc. you coming up for pyrate weekend at parf? got a good one for you - i didn't even noticed your mate's chair til kendra mentioned it. :rolleyes: my late husband was a paraplegic and the last thing i notice is wheelchairs. my own powdermonkeys are rennies. :o

    I didn't mean anything bad by it of course, its just that when you have been in one for as long as I have, they start to take on the image of a car. . .I mean, You see if they have better wheels then you, or you look at the rad paint job. . .well maybe its just me. :huh:

  15. kendra you look like you're having fun and a lass can't ever have too much garb ;) ...and if i was 30 years younger ;)

    *blushing* Thank you! I get that alot, now if only I can find someone a few years shy of 30 and single. . .Well I'd be one happy little sea nymph! ;):lol:

  16. 'ere is a pic o' me an' me mate Crispy. Our bilgerat is the little blonde guy. These were taken at the Virginia RenFest.

    MWC and Crispy

    I also have a great one of Gute!

    Your Mate's chair almost looks like the one I use around the house :lol: Love his boots by the way!

  17. Lets See. . .Paisly We are FPF cast together and PYrates Of The Coast (Which I hope I'll get to do stuff with soon!!

    Diego on the phone

    Captain Morgan IM who is suposed to come down here in August and yes, I still have Deritoes and Sunkist drink for you when you come, you just have to let me know when.

    I hope to meet more people too well thats it

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