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Kendra The Sea Maid

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Posts posted by Kendra The Sea Maid

  1. ::  Jack's fractured memory begins to tease him again, as it has so many times before.  The point of a cutlass in his side, the cold metallic sensation of a pistol's muzzle pressed to the base of his skull...  Voices, like demons taunting him - "Here ye be, Cap'n.  Back to yer quarters, dear sir.  We'll stand ready as ye get yer sea chest in order, Ol' Jack.  A long, lonely voyage awaits ye, ye daft bastard!  Oh, forgive me, Captain, sir!"

    He snaps back from this unwanted, demanding memory (the ibad, the Moors call it), and he finds himself leaning agains the gunwale.  He stares into the churning water below, and fights the urge to cast himself into it, and be done with all his pain and uncertainty once and for all.  Nothing but calm, cold sleep, beckoning to him....  ::

    That would be the easy way, now wouldn't it, ye daft bastard?  Fill yer lungs with cold water, and let it drag ye down to oblivion?  No.  Not now, and not for a long time to come.  I'll face what's chasing me.  Otherwise, it'll just climb over my back like it did again, today...

    :: He slams his fist down onto the gunwale, and turns his attention back to the Watch Dog, and to duty ::

    *Sees the troubled look on his face, and walks up from behind "I don't mean to disturb your watch sir, but are you feeling alright?

  2. :: Upon He quietly sings a tune as he works... ::

    I love goin' swimmin'

    with bowlegged women,

    and swim between their legs...

    *Still singing, his somewhat comical tune now upon deck, he turns to the sound of the all too familer stomping of Simon's feet cradled in his arms quite snuggley is Kendra protesting the wholw way*

    "Simon you but me down right this instant!"

    "Sorry Missie, the Monsingnor said to take you to the doctor, and that's where you going."

    "But I feel just fine," *the giant just rolled his eyes* "It's just a little re. . ." *suddenly sees Jack standinin in front of them arms folded. She quickley turns her head and barries her face in Simon's face so he would not see the abnormality*

  3. *A rather large shadow comes into the priests veiw, he jumps with a start*

    "Ahh, Mr. Powell it is you, for a moment there I thought. . .well never mind. What can I do for ye stout lad?"

    * he bows deeply to show his respect*"Miss Kendra has taken to her hammock early, Father. Her eye is bothering her something terrible, however she did with my help of course," *he smiled with pride* "finished the repairs as you requested." *He thrust his arms forward to show him the fine workmanship*

  4. *Makes her way on deck with Simon's help, her left eye is red a puffy -a splinter piece of wood was the cause of the irritant* "I told you Miss, to stay be low till the fighten was over."

    "Oh, I am all right. Stop treating my like a baby. I need to see if my expertise is required."

    "You need to have your eye looked at."

    "I can see just fine, it is my eyelid that is red, besides the doctor is working

  5. *Kendra so wanted to help the others during the skermish, but Simon made her stay below. Believe me Miss Kendra it is best you stay right wher you are, while I go help. *The sounds of the yellin of orders and cannon shot, brought her back to the day she was about 3, when she lost her father and 12 year old brother Matthew. Through all the noise she tried to sing herself to sleep but to no avail. I n the moring light she looked down from her hammock and found Simon snoring away she sliped her hand into his and gave it a squeeze* "Thank you for keeping him safe she Whipered*

  6. :: scans the shallows and shoreline with a glass near where the Monsignor has gone to wash, keeping a weather eye for the unexpected and uninvited ::

    Good afternoon Jack *a voice comes from behind, he turns with a start an sees that her long hair I was on my way to see the captain's stewart and give him his shirt, Simon walk up from beind*

    Better hurry miss the Captain be in a fowl mood and don't like to be kept watin* he eyes Jack and walk on


    He's right ya know, better hurry *waves bye as he for a moment watches her leave*

  7. Thanks fer rescuin' me from that little piece o' land them Dutchmen made me the guv'ner of... there be a hidden store o' rum and a few goats tied up just inside the tree line, mates... I, er, borrowed it from the Dutchies, but yer welcome to it, as a bit toward payment of me debt, ye all rescuin' me an' all...

    *Morgan looks about* 

    A fine lookin' vessel ye have here, and a goodly crew to boot...

    *Doffs his hat to Kendra*

    Mighty glad ta be makin' yer aquaintance once again, lass!

    *Looks up from her sewin.* So I see. . . *she scan him over* and this is how you treat my work? Well I'll say one thing for you, you certain get your use out of your clothes donch ya sir. Just a moment. . .I may have an extra shirt and Breeches for ya.

    Simon. . .Simon wake up! With out waring the giant sits straight up in bed. "Aye Miss Kendra?"

    Can you fecth the extra clothes we brought along and give it to Mr. Morgan?"*The shear size of the man made Morgan take a few steps back, as he watched the man without blinking retrive the from a trunk at the end of his bunk, clothing and hand them to the young man, "Anything else m'am?"

    No Simon that will be all for now, you may go to the galley. * with that he left, Morgan staring the whole way.*

  8. If you get the Imagienex Pirate ship it has a cannon that really fires about that size. . .(not that I have tried :huh: )

    Kendra..By that post Little Sister Im a thinking you have tried shooting malt ball cannons from that ship..You are not feeding that Dark Prince of Plunder are ye?????? :lol::huh::huh::huh:

    And yes Im South but not in Florida..*i wish* Im in the great state of Texas. And yes I know all about TarJay. I just hate shopping there. :huh: Long story. Glad I could help those of you that did not know about these miniscule pirate wonders of delight!

    :huh::huh::huh::huh::huh::huh: ROTFLMAO Thank you dear sister for leaving me that image, that is now burned in my memory. If I ever found my Dark Prince of Plunder I probably give it a go. . .but isn't the more romantic thing to do is to use grapes? May be thats a topic for the Tiger and Dragon's Den? :huh::huh::huh:

  9. *Kendra is in her hammock sewning the button on the Captain's favorite shirt, when what sounds like thunder cuts through the quite looks down at Simon* How that man can sleep through all that rackett I'll never know. . .

  10. * hears Mad Jack's all to familer whistled tune* To be honest Monsingnor I think Morgan is the least or my worries *giggles* Besides I have Simon to protect me. Well you take it easy now father and be sure to keep that robe around you for awhile. *She waves good by and lives sick bay*

  11. I shall do my best Mosingnor, I will not promise however I am going to asking those in the crew that need their clothing mendin. I have a feelin that I will be up half the night again. especiall with tat Mr. Morgan's set

  12. waking absolutely blinded by hungar I roll me feet off to the side and sits up when Armand here grabs me and mutters something French to me and then I hears something I does indeed recognize "No, No monsignorie, must lie and rest" he says, I says "not today today I get up!" and so I stand he is holding me right shoulder and mylower back helping me to straighten up and I decide maybe I should sit back down. He smiles at me in that he I'm sure was appreciating me decision. So I turns and looks him in the eye and says "Armand you speak good enough English to make our pretty much everything you hear right?" And he nodded yes. I says "I am with the need to eat," (then much louder) "ANYTHING" and he straightened up and stared at me. Adding "Anything even hard tack just something ok?" he nodded turned and left!

    * walks past sick bay and hear shouting, and sees the surgon assitant rush out spounting french.

    goes down to investigate, "Well what's all the shouting for father, ar you tryin to bring down the wrath of God on us, or just a summer storm like Moses? *giggles*

  13. (lying there in a soundless state of ebb and roll thinking on all of the little steps taken in me life to get to this place. This one address as it were, where I am found to have been so lucky to hang my scarf and Robes. Reasons beyond my immaginations are all working together in the finely honed diligence of many peoples efforts in that as I lie here so much is being done to prepare , no more like sculpt a work of art out of wood, iron and canvas. The Watch Dog! how lu8cky am I to be alive. I sit up and lower my chead in prayer, God bless this day, this crew and all the workings and goings on that bring us all together in one effort of dream and reality safely and where they both come together on the Watch Dog in your name, Amen. Eyes open I look up to see Tempest staring at the likes o me! Where are my robes?)

    *Slide-step slide step* Here are your robes Monsingnor, * she make her way in side* I tried to give ithem to you last night but you needed your rest. . .here you are* she hands them over* They wer frayed in some of the areas. . . *blushes*

  14. oh, i know about tarjay, my mom used to work there. the reason they call it that is because they say that target isnt on the same level as walmart, but more like sears and macys. and captain, i wholeheartedly agree; MALTBALLS RULE! i wonder if you can get little cannons to shoot them from...

    If you get the Imagienex Pirate ship it has a cannon that really fires about that size. . .(not that I have tried :D ) and yes I do have the pirate ship. My Mom got it for me for Christmas last year!

  15. *Kendra tried earlier in the day to see the Monsingnor, but he was resting, so she thought now would be a good time to go an see him before turing in for the night. As soon as Ciaran left, she taped upom the door. "Excuse me Monsingnor, I do not wish to be a bother sir, but may I have a moment of your time?"* There was no answer she woul try him again in the Moring and went back to her usual place on deck and watched the sun slowly sink to the sea.

  16. *She sat at the larbard side finishing up the last stiches to the Mosingnor's coat , she had Ciaran to bring her to fix some loose stiching, so that the father would look his best when he was finally able to make his first appearence on deck. And eventhough it was the begining of August, he would need it for a while. Because the venom slowed his circulatory system his body would be at a low temperature for awhile. She walks up to Mr. Lasseter, while he speaks with Jack, "Is Monsingnor able to recieve visitors?" *He nods his head and continues his converstion. As she makes her way to sick bay the coat over her arm.

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