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Kendra The Sea Maid

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Posts posted by Kendra The Sea Maid

  1. hmm, are you from down south, like florida maybe? they dont call it wally world up here, but i know some people call it that in florida.

    :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::wub: (Sorry Private joke between me and Siren)

    Iam from FL, and some do Call it Wally World and some Call it Walmart. . .I guess it depends what city you live in, but if your my Mom you call it "home."

    There are even those who call Target (tries to write it in French. . .Where's Tempest?? HELP!) Tar-Jay

  2. *Mad Jack rolles a barrale right passed her* "Aren't ya forgettin something sir?" *she winks*

    *he looks up a wide- eyed and enthused, Just as Simon trudges past carrying two barrles one on each shoulder and growls at him. He staggers for a moment and gives her a questioning glanc*

    "Samson's new long-flowing quaf. *She Holds the two neatly folded sails in her left hand and laughs*

  3. * hearin the voices of Mister Lasster and the Sergon, Kendra Squeezes Monsingor's hand* I am going to take my leave of you sir. . unless ther be anything else you need? The doctor should be here shortly. she slips out as silent as a mouse and makes her way on deck. picking up the newly fished sail for the Samson and watching from the rail the soon return of the Captain.

  4. (dreaming as if I were the apostle Peters mother-in-law within my own nightmare of fever and sacrifice in time, this place I am is where no one should be ever!Then touched in hand, as if by Jesus himself I am healed) My eyes opened... I see Kendra, mouth dry and parched of lip. "Hungry!" is all that came out....

    * tears of joy fill her eyes, and with a silent "thank you." she sqeezes his hand tighter and wioes his brow. She greets him with the warmest of smiles and says, it is very nice to finally make your aquaintance Monsingnor."

  5. *While the other went out for a moment to see what was going on. . .Kendra gently takes hold of the Monsingnor's hand, and prayed:Heavenly Father, please hear your humble child's plea. The physcian has done all he can do for this man your servant. It is written in the Bible that you are the "great Physcian," and by the stripes you took on that beautiful and yet scandelous night at Calvery any man who asks shall be healed. So I ask that You heal this man whom You have called into Your Service not just for myself but for the souls of the entire crew.

    It is In Your Name I pray A-men

  6. Cheryl watched the Captain pass by as she took another cloth from the pail of cool water and wrung the excess water from it. She then took the present warm cloth from Diego's forehead and replaced it with the one she had just prepared. The warm cloth goes back into the pail

    As she sits back, Diego starts muttering the strange words in his sleep again. Straightening back up, she leans over to stroke his hair. She then starts humming softly a long forgotten tune from her childhood. After a few rounds of the tune, Diego quiets down. She smiles and sits back again, listening to the gentle snoring of Ciaren.

    *With all the comotion going, She decides "That perhaps I would be of use in sick may after all. Sees Cheryl sitting keep vigil, knocks quitely upon the door* Excuse me M'am but I was wandering if I could. . . I mean if it is possible. . .to sit with the Monsingnor for a while!

  7. Oh it was no trouble really, it kept my mind off other things. . .*looks towards sick bay* "I keep wanting to go down there, but I don't know the Monsingnor and I would not be much help to him in there. . .so I spent the evening under the stars, praying and doing the one thing I do best!!"

  8. Last night's quest seems to have put you in firey spirit sir."

    :: Jack laughs, and comes forward to Kendra's place of lounging ::

    Aye! Such is the life of a sailor. Long periods of boredom, interspersed with moments of abject terror. And what say you, this fine day? I know that my men have been somewhat lacking in their duties as to the Samson, but they seem to have found the necessary inspriation to complete the assigned tasks...

    Well for one thing your sitting on, the new sail it took the rest of the night to finish. *smiles*

  9. I was just teasing really, I mean sure I would like to hug Jonny Depp

    But I also I know that it is a working enviroment and you have to be professtional.

    Besides I know one day something I write, will lead to a chance for me to work with him. :huh: Here's to dreams, that are still in bloom!!

  10. *Slowly the cart makes it's way into the fort. *Seeing the way Jack road off like that she knew there was trouble. Simon stopped the cart half way near the ship.*

    "Simon, Carry me on board. I want to see if I can help."

    "What if it is the Royal Navy?"

    "If it was they would be surronding the fort by now"

    *He Did not like it, but he did as he was told, then took the clloth to the Barge*

    "Is any one here?" *she called out*

  11. Thanks for the kind words, Kendra!

    Alas, I am but a poor scribe. Our artist just graduated from the Kubert School and is really making waves!!

    The average time to draw a complete issue for a penciler is anywhere from 21 to 45 days. :)

    Well tell him he gets a thumbs up from me! I am sure the stories and equally as wonderful! :huh: Tell me, can I buy the comic at my local store or would I have to order it on line?

  12. Aye, Monsignor. A cutlass, two pistols, shot, and powder. And your blessings, I take it?

    :: smiles warily at Kendra ::

    And please convince her that she may need my protection?

    *Stiffles the laughter* I sir, am not the one who needs convincing. . .HE IS *points to Siomn who's eyes narrow to a dagger's point* "But if indeed Mad Jack you need come, than by all means do so and I shall ask Monsingnor that you pray for protection over Mad Jack. * The two man eye eachother as Jack gets in the cart. "Now you may head to town finally, *she sighs* watchman."

    Yes, Ma'am." With a snap of the raines this montly band was off. . .

  13. *They make they way down of the ship and Simon retrives the money bag. Because Simon has yet to registar his weapons, he still had his knife, cutlass and gun! But what they needed was a cart and one more man. So that the giant could do what he did best. . .protect Kendra what ever the cost!

    One of the Watchman coming of his watch offers to take the two two.

    This was excellent for it soon would be the weeksend and there would be hardly anyone in the shops so they could get what they need and get out without a fuss!

  14. :: claps his hands together, smiles, and bows slightly, an expression of gratitude he learned in Singapore ::

    Given your obvious expertise in these matters, I defer to your judgment. If it figures in to our timeline for departure, then a new sail it is!

    :: casts and uneasy glance at the glaring Simon, then back to Kendra ::

    He's not... never mind. Aye! A new sail. I'll just be... going...

    :: motions in the direction away from Simon ::

    ...this way...

    *Simon continues to growl like a rabid dog as he goes past*

    "All right Simon, I think he got your message."

    "He is rather adorable don't you think?"

    *groans* "All I see is Trouble."

    "That's all you ever see. Lets Find the Quater Master."

    *She sees, that he is down on the beach checking on the rest of the crew.*

    *She calls down to him* "Would going into town and getting material for a new sailĀ  fit with the building time?"

    "Aye, if it be a short trip...

    Take a "lad" or two with ye, armed...

    Here be 12 pieces-of-eight... that should get ye enough sail cloth fer two sails fer the barge..."

    *They make they way down of the ship and Simon retrives the money bag. Because Simon has yet to registar his weapons, he still had his knife, cutlass and gun! But what they needed was a cart and one more man. So that the giant could do what he did best. . .protect Kendra what ever the cost!

  15. :: Jack smiles and nods to Mr. Lasseter, and turns his attention to the sail maker. He begins to speak, and stops mid breath, regarding the lovely, frail figure of the woman before him. He's struck by her piercingly bright eyes and dark hair. Trying to regain something resembling composure, he swallows hard and smiles uneasily, realizing that part of her piercing gaze is impatience ::

    Ah! You must be Kendra, then? Yes, well... um... the barge! Yes, the Samson... As the original Samson was only as strong as the length of his hair, this Samson is only as strong as the men pulling the sweeps and... :: motioning upward :: ... the state of the sail. As you can see...

    :: he pulls the lanyard to unfurl the sail, revealing it's tattered condition ::

    ... whatever barber the previous master encountered was most unkind. So! What is your diagnosis, Mistress Kendra? Can ye save the patient, or is a replacement in order?

    *Simon quite agitated sets the kits down with a loud thud, and glares at Jack*

    "Simon becareful I just straighten all that last night."

    "Sorry," he replied gruffley*

    She steps closer to look at the sail, "Well Mad Jack, considering its age and the fact that it looks more like a piece of swiss cheese. . .*feels a pair of eyes just staring threw her* She turn to face him. "It will obviously need replacing, but what say you Simon?" * she keeps her eyes on Jack showing more of her impiacent side. *he growled* Aye, we must order a new, Buy we should save what is left of this to use for patches incase of an emergency."

    "I aggree. And what say you sir?*she raises an eybrow*

  16. Aye, sir. That staysail spills more wind than most men break in a year's time. I'll have Kendra turn her talents to it. Until she's had a chance to finish, the men here have strong backs and stronger hearts. We'll make do with the sweeps.

    *The Captain's messenger as told her she is is needed a board and to report to the one named Mad Jack. Suffiently warmed by the coffee she struggles to her feet, just as Simon runs up by her side and helps her the rest of the way "Thank you, now be quick and gather our things we have work to do." *Soon the pair made their way on deck and to their left they saw twom men one was the Quater Master and the other was a man she assumed to be Mad Jack.

    "Excuse me gentleman."*her tone was rather soft almost musical* I was told you were in need of my services?"

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