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Kendra The Sea Maid

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Posts posted by Kendra The Sea Maid

  1. "We are all animals my lady."

    "Legend" ... I think?! I haven't seen that movie in ages ...

    Excellent well done It has been a long time since I have seen it as well.

    Dose anyone if it is out on DVD?

    btw love the avitar

  2. I have shared this story before, but for those who are new thiw may seem interesting.

    My real name is Shana. I was part of thr 2002 Bay Area Renissance Fest. I am also in a wheelchair and for that reason ( along with my long hair) I got the part of a mermaid, (as part of the whole mid summer nights dream kinda feel.

    The name Kendra means water baby magical. though the experience with the tail is hard it was all worth it. I have finished a novle about her and am in the process of two more!Wheelchair diaries you can go to my web page and learn more clik on "The many faces of me" and you will also see pics of me in my fishtail!!

  3. * takes deep breath* here I go. . .

    Year 1987

    Man 1:"You seem like a deicent fellow, I hate to kill you."

    Man 2: "You seem like a deicent fellow, I hate to die!"

    I know this is way too easy, but this is my first time playin and someone was bound to use it any way!! :rolleyes:

  4. might see you kendra....not sure if im positive on coming out on saturday...im assuming brian will be there???

    as for everyone else ive yet to meet in person...so you can find me...i will be wearing...you guessed it...pink :ph34r:

    As far as I know he is coming. I still need to figure out a meeting place with someon from FPF so my parent don't get panicked, they won't leave me ther by myself!!

    I wont be goin after all, Brian has to help his girlfriend repave her driveway!!

    So perhaps I'll see ya all in Nov, For our pirate fest!

    Cya then

  5. Well...an artist like me is never truly finished designing anything, but here are both of my Jolly Rogers. At least until I change them again.

    I'm such a damn perfectionist.



    IMHO for what it is worth I like the one with the guns

  6. I.

    He cut a dashing figure on deck

    Resembling a dagger to the neck.

    Misty gray-blue, his glare

    Only the sea can compare.

    Hair, dark and soft as raven’s wing

    This, self proclaimed, “Pirate King!”

    “Jonathan Hawks belongs in the stocks

    Jonathan Hawks will lose more than his locks!”


    He sails not for fame or lady’s pleasure

    He is purely an adventure.

    Seeking that which was lost,

    No matter what the cost.

    Life or limb

    Is all the same to him.

    “Jonathan Hawks belongs in the stocks

    Jonathan Hawks will lose more than his locks!”

    ©2005 Shana L. Martin Largo FL All Rights Reserved


    In case you all are curious the "Jonathan Hawks" in this poem is NOT the one who vists this estabishment. The actual insperation came from someone's avitar. . .Captain Ciaran!

    Thank You!!

  7. Aye Kendra you are such an incredible poet.

    But I think it be wise that it's best not to dwell on what may have been, but instead go bravely into the future and feel the sun's warmth upon your cheek.

    Rumba Rue

    ** :lol: **

    I so agree, that is why I say it is my last poem, done in this vain for awhile. Just need to get that last bit out! My hope is that when I share stuff like this, it gives a voice to those feelings others have a hard time expressing. I am trying to write a story a fantasy tale. eventually I will have to get back to my sequal to the mermaid story, but my mind just is on this other for now. and then there is our pirate fest coming in November. So it is safe to say that my meloncolly state is over and the warm summer sun is over head!

    Thank for being so understanding all of you!

  8. I.

    The gray bitter cold of morn

    Finds him in a leaf barren wood alone.

    Feeling numb, heart frozen,

    Is this the path he should have chosen?

    He trecks on, face full of frost

    Searching for that, which he has lost.

    Morning turns to evening

    And no hope of the ache ever leaving.

    Long is this journey of despair

    Which seems to be going no where.

    He trecks on, face full of frost

    Searching for that, which he has lost.


    Dark is the night to winter’s soul

    An unyeilding chill that won’t let go.

    Sitting by fire’s blaze,

    His mind drifts into mist, and haze.

    To that once warm, guilding light

    To those soft arms that held him tight

    Those lips filled with passion’s love

    And a voice low like the cooing of a dove.

    He trecks on, face full of frost

    Searching for that, which he has lost.

    ©Shana L. Martin 2005 Largo, FL. All rights reserved

  9. Lady, I had the time this mornin to read yer work and filled with love missing it be. Ye can give all ye gots fer a long long time and ye can ne'r get back what you feel is deservin. Ye jes 'ave to keep on trying and it does come to ya. Not likes in a dream but it the flesh true love is waitin jes around the next corner turned. Be blessed in who ye are fer yer mind and beauty is fer certs (along wit yer writin talent) worth waitin fer. Thank ye so much fer sharin yer pain. It does cause one to reflect on all the misery of past failures, then too like this acknowledge the fact that true love does exist. I have met her she is we.

    From the bottom of my heart I do thank you, you have given me a renewed strength. to endure to the end. And wait upon God, and whom my heart is destiend for. May He Richely bless you and you lady's life with the deepest of passions for one another and along eduring frienship. *kisses cheeck!*

  10. She is a grand lass at the words. Need tta gets me a book o em ta take inta me Capt quarters fer the long times out at sea.

    One day there will be. . .one day! :ph34r:

  11. jroger_color.jpg

    Here is mine!!  Right now it is just a color sketch, (Thanks to Master Studley and Captain MacNamara) 

    Ps He also did the signature art!!

    Kendra I be right Jealous..I can see Ill have to get on the ball with me own flag and make it better. Perhaps get my Dad to help with the artwork for it as he is an artist as well. *rubs hands together*

    Acttually Sister dear, you are one up on me! I don't have a drawn flag for my mermaid self. This be the one for me pirate character Maevos O'Connlle perhaps I should think of one. . .then again I could always sail under The Dark Prince's colors ah! ;)

  12. Another beautiful piece, Lady Kendra.

    Now I'm just worried about yer state of mind - I know that when I write a "dark" piece, it takes a while to "come back". Truly hope all is well with you, and thank you for sharing your visions. I look forward to your future works.

    I so thank you for your concern, it is alsways so helpful when another writer pick up anothers feeling. Yes I am going through a rough patch at the moment, and I thank you for your concern. I trust in God that this too shall pass!! Thanks Again

  13. This one is as heartwrenching as your previous was sensual... Once again, masterful and moving, love. Brava!

    Thank you Jack! Would you believe I just finished it an hour ago! :lol:

    Yea Surprised me too!! It is funny all day today I knew I was going to write something.

    Just did not know what. BTW I too like your Banner very much!! ;)

  14. I.

    What you gave was nothing more than smoke and mirror

    While tears fill my eyes, the truth becomes clearer.

    Your words once tasted like honey wine

    Now have grown bitter and rancid over time.

    Trickery and lies, have you no shame?

    Trickery and lies, broken hearts are your game.


    Whispers, promises, and every single vow

    Means less than nothing to me now.

    A feeling warm, like a drink of rum

    Has left me cold and rather numb.

    Trickery and lies, have you no shame?

    Trickery and lies, broken hearts are your game.


    You flew me to heaven, only to fall straight to hell

    Now all that lies before you is an empty shell.

    I let you in so deep, to places of me so desecrate

    By using your sicking perfumes of deceit.

    Trickery and lies, have you no shame?

    Trickery and lies, broken hearts are your game.


    Unmeasurable is my hurt and pain

    Yet joyful is your laughter at all the pieces you have gain.

    What will you do with this shattered and broken mess,

    Leave me here alone like all rest?

    Trickery and lies, have you no shame?

    Trickery and lies, broken hearts are your game.

    © 2005 Shana L. Martin Largo FL. All Rights Reserved

  15. Solid work Master at Arms. 'Bout time these bilge rats get a proper calling to muster. Now stand to mates... there's work to do... step lively now and get your morning rations from teh cook - today you get two hardtack, an extra helping of moldy salt beef and some fine Jamaican rum to wash it all down with ya. Now no talking back - or I'll send you off to the Doc for some of her medicine. Will make the breakfast seem like a four course meal in the king's palace it will. And I don't want to have to get Flogger involved. You know how she loves her work.

    Get to work blackards... And I want to see some lively conversation about ship. Let's start with rumors about who is unable to pee this morning... I do see a trip to the Doc for that malady....

    -- The Captain

    Excuse me Captain, *trying best salute* If you were directing that rumor at me, my pluming works just fine thank you. As for you orders sir, what would you have me do?

    Maven Scribe of The Blackheart

  16. [

    Tis true... the majority of the boys in the crewe are that way... much like you would expect wenches to be... like to toy with the other gender...  Even as the Conscience, I can't keep them in line... takes about all I got to keep the Capt outta trouble....

    So true, so true... she tells me I'm more than a handful...

    Take it as you will... let the shots come as they may...

    And you can take that as you will as well...

    -- The Captain

    :blink: aye, aye Captain!

    Maeven, Scribe of The Blackheart

  17. Thanks to all who got their information in!! I appreciate it. There are still a few I'm waiting on, please get those in soon, Thanks!!

    I'd also like to welcome our new wench aboard. Glad to have you here. Watch out for the boys though, they are heartbreakers. :P

    You don't have to tell me :P I already know.

    Thanks for the greetin!


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