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Kendra The Sea Maid

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Posts posted by Kendra The Sea Maid

  1. Once I get my office reorgainized, I will go back and work on my second novle to the mermaid's tale.

    Find a publisher for the first. And finally, but no means least continue my work on my webpage!

  2. My dreams are mostly an absolute blast. Roller coaster trips through the past, present, future, fantasy. Some are like full length movies, others take me to mysterioius places that I visit time and time again. I have very few nightmares. And I speak in tongues a lot of times - Russian, German and Chinese mostly. My girlfriend has finally gotten tired of the tongue talking. Keeps her up listening. Oh, and I can also do semi-conscious regressions at time to another place and time. Overall, a lot of fun.

    -- Hurricane

    Sounds like most of mine except the talkin in a foreign languge part. Do you write alot as well Captain? I have to say that mine has become more on the romantic side of late, has anyone ever had a dream that seemed so real, you could touch and feel everything going on around you?

  3. good job mate I knew Id heard it just went back too far.

    Ehem..... Kendra love??????

    Ok, ok don't rush me. . . I am feeling romantic so. . .

    "These women. . .their fingers are the same sensitivity as their legs. . .and their finger tips . . have the same feeling as their feet, and when you touch their knukles it is like, passing your hands over their knees, and this tender fleshy part. . ."(shows the woman the part between thumb and index) "It is same as brushing your hands over her thighs. . .and finally. . .(Open woman's palm and kisses it tenderly)

    I know this is better of in pyracy island! :lol::P:lol::lol::lol:

  4. ::Mr. Frankiling finishes stitching up taught the canvas now covering our departed Monsignor. With a deep exhale, I look over and see our ships sailmaker looking sadly over the body.

    I make my way around the table and move to the doorway.::

    "Me lady, 'tis the most opportune time for this, but I 'preciate the 'elp you've given us 'ere. Names Pew, dunnot b'leve we've properly introduced . . "

    "Pleased to make your aquaintance, even under such a dark cloud as this," *sighs* My name is Kendra Fitzwater, but most here just call me Kendra." *Turns back toward the body, and with out looking back at Mr. Pew she asks, "Is there anything else I can do?"

  5. It is and I would be wondering more why you picked that movie rather than say, African Queen. (What a great movie - Bogart and Hepburn.)

    Maltese Falcon - Art Deco. :)

    WOW I can't belive I got that!! Do I get a prize!! I too like the African Queen, but when I think of Bogart I think of Casablanca and Malteese Falcon, The "Fat man" and peter lori!

    Here's my quote:

    "If we get out of this alive, I am going to kill you!"

  6. After the man retrived the canves from her, she watched as the men went in an out of sick bay like ants from a mound. Shen then walk over to Mr. Pew she wanted to see if there was anything else she could do, but no sound was able to pass her lips. so she just stared at Mr. Pew till he'd look her way.

  7. Kendra's bio page is up!

    And two poems in poetry corner

    Sword of womanhood and Pirate cove

    All the ports links work now.

    I am still taking suggestions: Please look at poetry corner. It is a list. Tell me what kind of back grounds you would want to see pics or color. Yocan even send me pics and you will get credit on the page. no XXX please send them to my yahoo address: LadyDonegan20032003@yahoo.com


  8. Ok, here's a nice sentimental quote that'll probably be easy for Blackbead if he's still reading...

    "All we've got is that maybe you love me and maybe I love you."

    "You know whether you love me or not."

    "Maybe I do. I'll have some rotten nights after I've sent you over, but that'll pass."

    Malteese Falcon? If it isn't and your wondering why I guessed it, it's because it sounded like Bogart would say

  9. A woman was walking along the beach and she found a lamp. She picked it up and rubbed it, and a Genie popped out saying, "I will grant you 3 wishes!" She thought for a moment and said, "I want a million dollars!" *Poof* A million Dollars!

    "Next I want I big beautiful house!" *Poof* She got a big beautiful house

    " I would like you to turn my cat into a handsome man! *poof* and there before her eyes stood the most hansome man she had ever seen!

    She then turned to the man and said, " I have everything I could ever want, a millon dollars, and this big beautiful house. Now I want you to take me upstairs and make mad passionate love to me!"

    With that, the man said, "Well. . .you should have thought of that before you had me fixed!"

  10. Casanova, it a 3 0ut of 4 stars. Great cenimatograpy. (wonderfully shot) Must see at a theater first, then buy DVD for raining day, nothing on TV.

    Excellent costumes, got a lot of Ideas!

    Story plot line is slow going at first, but soon picks up. Has alot of funny tounge and cheeck moments, (which I love)

    Heath ledger is cute, but to me, he is not my idea of Casanova!

    It was still a great film and would recommend it.

    Thanks for reading

  11. *Kendra Eyes were on the lifeless form, she reached out her hand to touch him as they brought him aboard, just as her fingertips were about to make their destination upon his brow, Simon sqeezed her shoulder and she quickly pulled away.*

  12. * Kendra tried her best what seemed like hours to keep the gulls away as the man's body was being caressed by the sea. From where she was, she could not see his face part of her said "Go and see. . ."and the other half told her "stay away girl, you will not like what you will find. . ." *but she must know, he could be hurt and need medical attention. She swallowed hard and made her way down toward where he lay, fighting and cursing the "sea rats" the whole way.* * at first glance she noticed the ornamental robes of a priest. . . ."NO IT CAN NOT BE!! OH GOD NO!!" *she brushed the sand from the man's face . That was when her worst fears were realized. . .IT WAS. . .the Monsignor!

    "Monsignor?. . .*she shook his sholder* "Monsignor PLEASE WAKE UP!"

    *He coughed and sputterd for a turned his head to the voice* "Is that an Angel that calls me home?"

    "No Monsingor, it is I, Kendra." * her voice was rather shakey and filled with tears*

    "Aye, but you are to me my child. . .* he coughed again, and this time a small fount of blood came forth from his mouth* "YYYOU shouldn't try to speak. . .help will come soon."

    "No lass, my time here is through." *Her face was red hot with grief as she shook her head violently in denial not able to hold the tide of emotion back just as the ocean was reaching out her hand to claim her own. "It is up to you now, you must be the light unto this dark world. You must be the one to guide these wayward spirits. . ."

    "No, we need you. . ."

    *He smiled at her weakily.* You must, you are the only one. . ."


    "God uses the weak things of this world to confound the wisest and strongest of men." * with that,the Monsingnor was gone. . .and in an instant the gulls lay seige upon him, and was swept ou to sea.*

    *She awoke with a start, her body covered in a cold sweat, her giant friend standing over her with a look of concern. "He's Gone Simon the Monsignor's gone!" * His giant arms reached out to comfort his friend.

  13. A pirate cutless

    Sir Gawain Dagger and ring (came with the dagger)

    Remind me never to show up in Florida dressed as the Green Knight! I'd hate to lose my head over such a trivial thing... :) <_<

    Naw just come in your pirate grab on October 24, and there'll be no need for me to use any of my weapons love ;);)

  14. Lets see. . .

    A pirate cutless

    Sir Gawain Dagger and ring (came with the dagger)

    Mega Blocks Pyrate Battle (came with both ships full of crew and two islands) It is so cool the look like modles not toys!!

    A cermic castel my friend made (she even painted the stone for the floor and added my family crest)!

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